Sekarang ini banyak software CAD atau computer aided design software yang khusus bikin desain rumah atau perumahan, silahkan klik ini.
Menggunakan auto CAD tentu pilihan bagi para professional, tetapi banyak juga professional yg beralih menggunakan home architect CAD untuk keperluan lebih spesifik; rekayasa bangunan. Bertebaranproduk saoftware mulai dari yang simple, sederhana seperti keluaran brotherbund atau punchsoftware hingga yang kompleks yang dapat berintegrasi dengan auto CAD dan lain sebagainya seperti archiCAD.
Saya meski tidak ahli pada bidangnya; pernah menggunakan auto CAD yg produk autodesk, lalu yg mudah dan langsung pda point rekayasa bangunan yaitu 3D home architect deluxe, lalu punch, archiCAD dan beberapa software lainnya.
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, bagi anda yg ingin nostalgia dgn software brotherbund tempo doeloe yaitu 3dhome architext deluxe versi 3.0 atau 4.0 keluaran tahun 1996; anda bisa download di beberapa server sharing gratisan (saya gak usah cantumin link-nya, nanti dikira nyebarin software bajakan/ software terinfeksi), atau anda bisa membelinya di amazon.
Bagi anda yang ingin memulai belajar home desain, gak ada salahnya mencobanya.
Salah seorang kakak saya yang kontraktor tradisional sangat berterima kasih pada saya ketika pertama kali saya perkenalkan software ini. dijalankan pada komputer tua pentium 2 dengan windows 98 yg saya install, ia berhasil mendesain beberapa proyek bangunan dan perumahan, daipada dideain manual katanya, dan menggunakan autoCAD kan makan waktu, biaya dan sebagainya, lanjutnya.
Dulu saya pernah menggunakan versi ini untuk pertama kali belajar dan mempergunakannya mendesain beberapa bangunan. Di bawah ini contoh hasil gambar saya menggunakan 3d home architech versi 3.0:

Sederhana kan? tapi cepat selesai.Jadi anda yg hendak membangun, merehab rumah secara sederhana, atau sekadar iseng rancang-rancang rumah? Atau kandang ayam? Gak salah anda coba software ini. Jika anda sudah mahir, anda boleh beralih pada versi-versi terbarunya yang sudah sama sekali berbeda namun tetap lebih mudah dan familiar.
Dulu, sambil belajar, yah namaya juga belajar otodidak, hingga perlu 1 tahun bagi saya untuk mahir menggunakannya sebelum akhirnya saya beralih menggunakan archiCAD, saya pernah menterjemahkan file help software ini:
Berikut terjemahannya:
Tekhnik Dasar
Tentang 3D Home Architect Deluxe
Selamat datang di 3D Home Architect Deluxe! Dengan 3D Home Architect Deluxe, anda bisa membuat rancangbangun sebuah rumah secara utuh, lengkap dengan sebuah peta area lahan. Sekali anda selesaikan rancang bangun, anda dapat membuat tampilan dan penelusuran 3 dimensi yang spectakuler.
3D Home Architect Deluxe menyediakan kelihaian mengolah object, meliputi rancang tembok/dinding, modul cabinet, pintu, jendela dan objek lainnya dalam rancangan anda dalam orientasi yang umum yang berhubungan dengan object yang ada. Program ini juga akan men-check untuk meyakinkan bahwa sebuah objek akan sesuai dengan area yang tersedia sebelum meletakan rencangan objek anda. Program ini juga memungkinkan peletakan berbagai item tambahan seperti pohon, taman, dan berbagai patung hiasan yang di sertakan dengan bentuk gambar bitmap, yang juga dapat terlihat dalam tampilan 3 dimensi. Hal ini akan menambah realistis desain rumah anda.
Begitu anda selesai membuat rancang bangun anda, anda bisa meletakan camera di mana saja untuk membuat tampilan 3 Dimensi. Anda juga dapat menampilkan sebuah kilasan rancangan 3 dimensi yang akan menayangkan keseluruhan rancang bangun dan area lahan dari sebuah sudut pandang keseluruhan. 3D Home Architect Deluxe memungkinkan anda bekerja secara berkesinambungan dalam tampilan plan 2 dimensi dan 3 dimensi dalam satu rancang bangun yang sama dan membuat tampilan keduanya terlihat pada saat yang sama. Anda juga dapat memilih dari berbagai macam material yang digunakan untuk melapisi dinding tembok, lantai, atap dan tanah urug. Material-material ini dapat terlihat dalam tampilan Applied Materaials.
Dalam tampilan camera 3 Dimensi, anda dapat merekam dan menayangkan penelusuran 3 dimensi rancang-bangun anda.
Untuk membantu anda mengingat prosedur-prosedur kode bangunan yang penting, 3D Home Architect Deluxe menyediakan sebuah Plan Check. Fasilitas Plan Check seakan-akan seperi seorang arsitek yang duduk disamping anda, karena ia mampu mereview pekerjaan anda terhadap prosedur-prosedur kode bangunan standar untuk memberi anda feedback yang membantu tentang ebrbagai hal yang mungkin tidak terpikirkan oleh anda.
Untuk memperoleh perkiraan biaya dari bangunan anda, fasilitas Material List memungkinkan anda untuk menyeimbangkan biaya material secara pribadi dan menghitung total keseluruhan proyek. Jika anda hanya ingin memiliki material yang diperkirakan untuk satu ruang kamar tertentu saja atau salah satu bagian tertentu rumah anda, maka anda dapat memperkirakannya.
Dengan seluruh fasilitas-fasilitas yang mumpuni ini, 3D Home Architect Deluxe memiliki segalanya yang anda butuhkan dalam membuat masterplan anda!
Dasar-dasar 3D Home Architect Deluxe
Penggunaan Toolbar
Toolbar adalah barisan icon-icon pada bagian atas layar, persis di bawah barisan menu. Barisan icon-icon yang dimulai dari kiri disebut mode buttons /tombol-tobol mode. Ketika anda memilih salah satu tombol, berarti anda berada dalam mode tertentu dan sekelompok tools akan muncul pada sisi kanan toolbar. Tool-tool tidak akan muncul pada tombol mode Fixtures, Furniture, Stairs, dan Text karena mode-mode tersebut tidak memerlukannya.
Ketika anda memilih sebuah tombol mode atau tool mode, nama mode atau nma tool tersebut di tampilkan dalam status box (kotak statue) pada sisi kanan tombol-tombol mode. Untuk memunculkan help dalam mode tertentu, letakan kursor pada tombol tool atau tombol mode dan tekan tombol F1 pada keyboard.
Meletakan kursor pada tombol mode atau tombol tool tanpa meng-kliknya akan memunculkan sebuah deskripsi dari tombol mode atau tombol tool tersebut pada status bar di bagian bawah layar.
Tombol Selection Mode
Jika anda ingin memilih beberapa item dalam plan (rancangan/rencana) anda, klik tombol Selection Mode, kemudian klik item-item tersebut. Ketika anda meng-klik tombol Selection Mode, tool-tool selection mode tambahan akan muncul pada sebelah kanan toolbar. Gunakan pointer untuk memilih salah satu object. Meng-klik pada salah satu objeck dengan pointer akan memunculkan tool-tool yang memungkinkan menghapus, mengcopy, menggeser, membuka dan memilih object selanjutnya.
Tombol Wall Mode
Tombol Wall Mode berfungsi untuk mengaktifkan model dinding yang memungkinkan anda menggambar dinding. Ketika tombol Wall Mode terpilih, Wall Tool /tool-tool pendukung pembuatan dinding akan muncul di sebelah kanan toolbar.
Tombol Door Mode
Tombol Door Mode berfungsi untuk mengaktifkan model pintu yang memungkinkan anda untuk meletakan pintu /gambar arah pintu pada dinding yang ada. Ketika tombol Door Mode terpilih, Door Tool/ tool-tool pendukung pembuatanpintu akan muncul pada sisi kanan toolbar. Klik pada dinding manan saja untuk menempatkan sebuah pintu.
Tombol Window Mode
Tombol Window Mode berfungsi untuk mengaktifkan model jendela yang memungkinkan anda untuk menempatkan jendela pada dinding yang ada. Ketika tombol Window Mode terpilih, Window Tools/ tool-tool pendukung pembuatan jendela akan muncul pada sisi kanan toolbar. Klik pada dinding mana saja untuk menempatkan sebuah jendela. Catatan: jendela model Bay, Box, dan Bow hanya dapat di tempatkan pada dinding exterior (dinding bagian luar) saja.
Tombol Cabinet Mode
Tombol Cabinet Mmode berfungsi untuk mengaktifkan model cabinet yang memungkinkan anda menempatkan kabinet dalam sebuah plan. Ketika tombol ini terpilih, Cabinet Tools/ tool-tool pendukung pembuatan cabinet akan muncul pada sisi kanan toolbar.
Tombol Fixture
Tombol Fixture digunakan untuk menambahkan perabotan rumah tangga dalam sebuah plan. Gunakan tombol ini untuk menempatkan sebuah perabotan. Kotak dialog Fixture Library akan muncul.
Tombol Furniture
Tombol Furniture digunakan untuk meletakan furniture dalam sebuah plan. Gunakan tombol ini untuk meletakan furniture dalam sebuah objek. Kotak dialog Furniture Library akan muncul.
Tombol Outdoor Objects
Klik tombol ini untuk membuka kotak dialog Outdoor Lybrary dari tempat di mana anda bisa memilih sebuah object outdoor (luar rumah). Tombol ini memungkinkan anda untuk menempatkan pagar, gazebo, playset (seperangkat alat bermain) dan lain-lain.
Tombol Outdoor Images
Klik tombol ini untuk membuka kotak dialog di mana anda dapat memilih gambar-gambar outdoor. Tombol ini memungkinkan anda meletakan gambar-gambar bunga, bebatuan, pepohonan dan lain sebagainya. Perhatikan bahwa gambar-gambar tersebut tidak dapat dimanipulasikan dengan cara yang sama ketika meletakan object outdoor.
Tombol Fireplace
Klik tombol ini untuk menempatkan sebuah perapian.
Tombol Stairs Mode
Tombol Stair Mode berfungsi untuk mengaktifkan model-model tangga yang memungkinkan anda untuk menempatkan anak tangga atau menempatkan sebuah landing (bagian terbawah tangga, tempat pertama kali orang naik tangga/ terakhir diinjak ketika menuruni tangga). Tempatkan sebuah tangga atau landing dalam plan. Catatan: landing hanya dapat dibuat ketika dua dua anak tangga selesai di buat.
Tombol Roof Mode
Tombol Roof Mode berfungsi untuk mengaktifkan tool Roof at Wall. Tool ini memungkinkan anda meng-klik tiga jenis objeck yang berbeda untuk mengakses kotak dialog Roof Section at. Tergantung pada objek yang mana yang anda pilih, kotak dialog Roof Section at akan memiliki beberapa pilihan yang berbeda. Jika anda meng-klik tool tersebut pada sebuah dinding, anda akan mendapatkan kotak dialog Roof at Wall. Jika anda klik tool tersebut pada salah satu pintu atau jendela, anda akan mendapatkan kotak dialog Roof over Door atau kotak dialog Roof over Window. Tombol Roof Mode tersebut juga memberi anda akses pada kotak dialog Build Roof. Ketika anda mengklik tool Roof Mode, ia akan secara otomatis menghadirkan kotak dialog Buil Roof. Tombol Roof Mode juga memberi anda akses pada tool Delete Roof.
Tombol Electrical Mode
Tombol Electrical Mode berfungsi untuk mengaktifkan model kelistrikan yang memungkinkan anda untuk meletakan simbol-simbol kelistrikan dan membuat hubungan di antaranya. Ketika tombol tersebut terpilih, Electrcal Tools/ tool-tool kelistrikan akan muncul pada sisi kanan toolbar. Catatan: objeck-object kelistrikan hanya dapat di tempatkan dan ditampilkan pada window Plan saja.
Tombol Text Mode
Tombol Text mode Berfungsi untuk mengaktifkan model text yang memungkinkan anda menambahkan text. Gunakan tool ini untuk meletakan text di mana saja pada sebuah plan.
Tombol Dimension Mode
Tombol Dimension Mode berfungsi untuk mengaktifkan model dimensi yang memungkinkan anda meletakan sebuah dimensi manual atau garis dimensi exterior otomatis bagi sebauh plan. Ketika tombol ini terpilih, Dimension Tools/ tool-tool pendukung pembuatan dimensi akan muncul pada sisi kanan toolbar. Catatan: garis-garis dimensi hanya dapat ditempatkan dan ditampilkan dalam window plan saja.
Tombol View Mode
Tombol View Mode berfungsi mengaktifkan model-model tampilan yang memungkinkan anda meletakan kamera tampilan 3D, meninggikan dinding, atau membuat overview plan 3D. Ketika tombo ini terpilih, View Tools atau tool-tool pendukung pemodifikasi tampilan akan muncul pada sisi kanan toolbar.
Tombol Zoom Mode
Tombol Zoom Mode berfungsi mengaktifkan model zoom yang memungkinkan anda mengubah perbesaran window yang terbuka pada saat itu. Ketika tombol ini terpilih Zoom Tools atau tool-tool pendukung perbesaran window akan muncul pada sisi kanan toolbar. Catatan: tombol Fixture Mode, Furniture Mode, Stair Mode, dan Text Mode tidak memiliki tool-tool yang suka muncul pada sisi kanan toolbar.
Menggambar dan Membuat Dinding
Menggambar dinding adalah langkah pertama dalam pembuatan sebuah floorplan. Berbagai jenis dinding dan ketebalannya tersedia di software ini.
Sekali dinding tergambar, ia tidak dapat di geser, diperpanjang, dipendekkan, atau dirubah ke pada jenis dinding yang berbeda atau ke pada tebal dinding yang berbeda.
Pengertian Object
Furnitur, fixtur, pintu, tangga, perapian, jendela, dan cabinet adalah object yang bisa disertakan /ditempatkan ke dalam sebuah plan. Ketika anda meletakan sebuah objek, 3D Home Architect Deluxe akan mencheck untuk meyakinkan bahwa objek tersebut cocok dan pantas di tempatkan di area tersebut. Sekali objek di letakan ke dalam plan, ia tidak dapat di rubah ukurannya, digeser, di copy, dihapus ataupun dirotasi.
Penempatan Object
Menempatkan sebuah objeck adalah hal pertama yang akan anda lakukan, begitu anda selesai membuat dinding.
Membuat Teks
See page no.
Merubah Ukuran Object
See page no.
Memindahkan Object
See page no.
Meng-copy Object
See page no.
Menghapus Object / Gambar
See page no.
Merotasi Object
See page no.
Pengertian Tampilan Window Plan dan Window 3D
Windows Plan adalah tempat anda menggambar dinding dan meletakan object. Begitu anda selesai mendesain sebuah plan, maka telah siap membuat tampilan 3D (tiga dimensi). Tampilan window plan dan tampilan 3 dimensi, keduanya dapat dilihat pada saat yang sama. Untuk melihat keduanya dalam waktu yang bersamaan, pilih perintah Tile dari menu Window. Jika anda ingin menumpuk window, pilih perintah Cascade. Catatan: perubahan yang dibuat dalam tampilan Plan, tidak akan muncul begitu saja pada tampilan camera. Pilih Remove 3D dan ambil kamera lain untuk melilhat perubahannya.
Perbesaran Tampilan
Jendela tampilan Plan dan 3D memiliki fasilitas zooming yang memungkinkan anda menyesuaikan perbesarannya.
Memilih tombol Zoom Mode dari toolbar akan menampilkan sekelompok tool pada sisi kakan toolbar. Pilih tool Zoom untuk memperbesar tampilan plan anda. Begitu anda memilih Zoom Tool, kursor akan berubah menjadi kursor zoom. Klik dan tahan tombol mouse sambil menyeretnya ke area yang anda ingin mengisi windownya
Jika anda meng-zoom terlalu dekat, klik dua kali Move Out dan tampilan window saat itu memperkecil menjadi setengahnya.
Jika anda ingin menampilkan seluruh plan pada sebuah tingkat perbesaran yang memenuhi window, pilih Fill Window Tool. (Atau yang dikenal dengan istilah full screen, penerj.)
Mengatur Window Plan dan Window View
Window dapat diperkecil dan diperbesar dengan mengklik tombol Minimize dan Maximize pada atas kanan pojo setiap window. Mengklik tombol Maximize berrti akan memperbesar window sehingga memenuhi window layar. Mengklik tombol minimize akan membuatnya menjadi icon dan meletakkannya di bawah window program ini.
Begitu window diperkecil, ia bisa dibuka dengan mengklik dua kali icon tersebut. Jika anda melihat window yang telah diperkecil itu saling menumpuk satu sama lain atau ditempatkan secara acak, dan anda ingin window-window tersebut berbaris wajar, pilih perintah Arrange Icon dari menu Window.
Jika anda ungin memutar melalui window yang ada, tahan tombol CTRL dan TAB pada kerboard secara bersamaan. Jika window yang anda inginkan untuk berputar terperkecilkan, icon window tersebut akan terpilih.
Langkah-langkah Membuat sebuah Floorplan
a. Dimulai dengan menggambar dinding, jika anda menggambar keseluruhan floorplan, buatlah dinding exteriornya terlebih dahulu. Buatlah framework dinding exterior dasarnya terlebih dahulu untuk membuat lahannya secara keseluruhan. Begitu anda telah membuat framework dinding exterior, anda dapat menyesuaikan tinggi dinding dengan mengubah ukuran atau menggesernya. Jika anda menggambar sebuah remodel plan (plan yang bisa dibentuk ulang), anda mungkin akan ingin menggambar beberapa ruang saja. Dimulai dengan menggambar dinding yang menutupi ruangan pertama kali dan kemudian gambarlah dinding yang memisahkannya.
b. Begitu anda telah memposisikan dinding hasil desain anda, anda pasti ingin menempatkan pintu dan jendela dalam plan anda.
c. Buatlah kabinet di dapur dan kamar mandi sehingga bak mandi dapat ditempatkan di sana.
d. Tempatkan object object fixture dalam plan anda untuk mewakili perabotan, bak mandi dan berbagai perkakas anda.
e. Letakan object-object furnitur anda untuk mendemonstrasikan bagaimana plan anda berfungsi bagi anda.
f. Jika dibutuhkan, tempatkan simbol-simbol kelistrikan seperti outlet, saklar, dan lampu. Anda juga dapat menambahkan ilustrasi pengkabelan dengan cara menghubungkan simbol-simbol kelistrikan.
Kategori “Bagaimana Cara……?”
Cabinet digunakan untuk membuat lantai dasar, dinding, soffit, rak, dan full height cabinet. Kabinet standar, kabinet berujung radius, kabinet berujung peninsula dan kabinet berujung didukung oleh program ini. Kustomisasi cabinet menyediakan banyak jenis dan konfigurasi virtual kabinet. Full height cabinet digunakan untuk membuat rak buku, atau rak khusus dan kombinasi Cabinet.
Jenis-jenis Cabinet:
Base Cabinet
Base cabinet berdiri pada lantai dan pada umumnya digunakan untuk membuat dapur standar dan kabinet kamar mandi.
Wall Cabinets
Cabinet dinding pada umumnya digunakan untuk membuat kabinet di atas kabinet base standar pada sebuah dapur.
Full Height Cabinets
Full height cabinets berdiri di atas lantai dan pada umumnya digunakan untuk meletakan perabotan permanen, membuat lemari makanan, rak buku dan lain-lain.
Soffit digunakan untuk menutup celah di antara kabinet wall cabnet dan plafon (langit-langit). Soffit juga dapat digunakan sebagai fitur yang berdiri sendiri, membuat langkah langit-langit di sekitar ruangan.
Membuat Cabinet
Cara membuat kabinet:
a. Klik tombol Cabinet Mode pada tolbar.
b. Klik tool Cabinet secara sepesifik pada toolbar setelah kiri.
c. Klik lokasi anda akan meletakaanya. Catatan: cabinet hanya dapat dibuat pada tampilan plan saja.
Merubah Ukuran Cabinet
Cara meubah ukuran kabinet dalam tampilan Plan:
a. Klik tombol Selection Mode pada toolbar.
b. Klik kabinet untuk memilihnya. Tiga point sebelah luar, satu point pusat dan satu point rotasi segitiga akan muncul.
c. Klik dan seret salah satu dari tiga point untuk me-resizenya.
Cara meubah ukuran kabinet dalam tampilan 3D:
a. Klik tombol Selection Mode pada toolbar.
b. Klik kabinet untuk memilihnya. Empat point luar dan satu point center akan muncul.
c. Klik dan seret salah satu dari empat point luasr untuk meresize.
a. Catatan: jika anda tidak bisa merisize kabinet, mungkin disebabkankarena terlalu dekat denganobjek yangada, dinding atau lantai. Tarik centerpointnya menjauh dari objeck, dinding atau lantai kemudian re-sizelah.kabinet jiga dapat di resize sesuai kemauan anda dalam kotak dialog Cabinet Spesification.
Memindahkan Cabinet
Memindahkan cabinet dalam tampilan Plan:
a. Klik tombol Selection Mode pada toolbar.
b. Klik sebuah kabinet untuk memilihnya. Tiga point luar, satu centerpoint dan sebuah point rotasi segitiga akan muncul.
c. Klik dan tarik centerpoint.
a. Catatan: untuk menggeser kabinet sesuai kebutuhan, tahan tombol CTRL sementara menngeser.
Memindahkan cabinet dalam tampilan 3D:
a. Klik to,bol SelectionMode pada toolbar.
b. Klik pada sisi kabinet untuk memilik permukaan, empat point luar dan satu centerpoint akan muncul. Jika anda tidak bisa memilih sisi yang akan digeser, anda harus merubah possisi kamera untuk memampilkannya dan pilih sisi tersebut.
c. Klik dan seret centerpointnya.
a. Catatan: jika anda tidak bisa menggeser salah satu kabinet, hal ini mungkin dikarenakan teralu dekatnya objek yang ada.
Menghapus Cabinet
Menghapus cabinet dalam tampilan manapun:
a. Klik tombol Selection Mode pada toolbar.
b. Klik pada kabnet untuk memilihnya.
c. Klik Delete Tool, pilih Cut dari menu Edit atau tekan tombol DELETE pada keyboard.
Merotasi Cabinet
Cara merotasi Kabinet:
a. Klik tombol Selection Mode pada toolbar.
b. Klik objek untuk memilihnya. Sebuah segitiga akan muncul pada salah satu ujungya.
c. Letakan kursos pada segitiga tersebut dan ia akan berubah menjadi kursosr rotasi (panah bulat)
d. Klik dan tahan tombol kiri mouse sementara menggesernya dalam gerak berputar.
e. Lepaskan tombol mouse.
a. Catatan: perotasian salah satu objek hanya dapat dilakukan dalam tampilan Plan.
Membuat Custom Cabinet
Cara membuat Custom Cabinet:
a. Klik tombol Cabinet Mode pada toolbar. Sekumpulan tool-tool cabinet akan muncul pada sebelah kiri toolbar.
b. Pilih salah satu jenis kabinet dari tool-toll yang tersedia.
c. Klik mouse dalam plan untuk meletakan cabinet.
d. Pilih tombol Selection Mode pada toolbar.
e. Klik dua kali pada cabinet. Dialog Cabinet Specisikation akan muncul.
f. Dalam kotak dialog kabinet, preview kabinet akan muncul di sebelah kanan. Klik pintu atau penggambar pada preview kabinet untuk memilih item yang ingi anda kustomisasi.
g. Klik panah bawah ke arah kanan entry field jenis item. Pilih jenis kabinet dari menu. Sesuaikan setting kabinet yang lain jika dibutuhkan.
h. Klik tombol OK
a. Catatan: jika sebuah item tidak dapat dirubah karena ukuran kabinet yang diinginkan untuk menempatkan item tersebut, anda harus menghapus item-item yang lain dengan meimilihnya pada tampilan preview dan mengklik tombol Delete. Jika anda ingin menambahkan atu menyisipkn preview dan pilih point yang akan disisipkan. Untuk menambahkan item, klik tombol Add New.
Membuat End Cabinet
Cara membuat end cabinet:
a. Klik tombol Cabinet Mode pada toolbar.
b. Pilih tool Base Cabinet, tool Wall Cabinet, tool Full Height Cabinet pada kanan toolbar untuk meletakan jenis kabinet yang sesuai.
c. Geser kursor ke lokasi di didi cabinet yang ada dan klik untuk meletakan kabinet. Pembuatan sebuah end kabinet atau radius end kabinet membutuhkan satu sisi belakang untuk di sambungkan ke dinding attau kabinet lain. Pembuatan kabinet radius peninsula, anda perlu merotasi kabinet tersebut sehingga bagian belakang terhubungkan ke kabinet yang lain.
d. Klik tombol Selection Mode dari toolbar.
e. Klik 2 kali pada kabinet. Dialog Cabinet Spesifiaction akan muncul.
f. Klik tanda panah ke bawah ke arah kanan area yang ditandai “Special”.
g. Pilih salah satu jenis end kabinet dari menu yang muncul.
h. Klik tombol OK.
a. Catatan: kedalaman cabinet mesti sama ukurannya atau lebih besar dari lebarnya untuk merubah ke dalam kabinet jenis end atau radius.
Merubah Warna Object Color
Cara merubah warna sebuah object dalam tampilan plan view:
a. Pilih perintah Plan View Color dari menu Options. Kotak dialog Plan View Colors akan muncul.
b. Klik pada tanda panah ke bawah ke arah kanan salah satu nama object. Menu warna akan muncul.
c. Untuk menampilkan warna yang tambahan yang lainnya, klik dan tahan tombol kiri mouse dan tarik kursor ke atas tau ke bawah menu warna. Warna akan tergulung dan menampilkan warna-warna yang lain. Pilihlah salah satu warn yang anda kehendaki.
d. Klik tombol OK
Cara merubah warna sebuah object dalam tampilam 3D view:
a. Klik tool Adjust Color pada toolbar.
b. Klik objek yang anda ingin rubah. Dialog Adjust Color akan muncul.
c. Sesuaikan salah satu atau lebih beberapa slider hingga anda ketemu warna yang cocok.
d. Anda dapat merevert ulang pada warna semula dengan meng-klik Revert.
e. Jika anda sudah selesai, klik OK.
Memodifikasi Warna
a. Klik tool Adjust Color pada toolbar
b. Klik objek yang ingin anda rubah, dialog Adjust Color akan muncul
c. Klik tanda panah scroll bar warna R (Red), G (Green), atau B (Blue ke atas/ke bawah
d. Klik pada panah kanan kiri pada scroll bar Brightness and Contrast. Mengklik panah kanan akan meningkatkan tingkat kekontrasan dari warna yang terpilih
e. Anda dapat merevert ulang ke warna semula dengan mengklik Revert
f. Klik OK
Menghapus Warna
Cara menampilkan warna hitam/putih:
a. Pilih perintah Color Off/Color On dari menu Window.
a. Catatan: Begitu perintah Color Off dipilih, perintah menu terubah menjadi Color On. Pilih perintah Color On dari menu Window untuk menampilkan warna.
Pengertian Warna 3D
Ketika menggunakan warna dalan 3D, elemen-elemen objek terhubungkan bersama untuk menyediakan modifikasi keseragaman warna. Ketika anda merubah warna sebuah meja, anda memilih warna keseluruhan objek, yakni warna furniture kayu. Untuk mengetahui element objek apa saja yang sedanganda gubah, nama objek akan terlihat di sebelah atas preview warna pada bawah kanan dialog Adjust Color.
Dinding, lantai, papan hias, dan casing memiliki warna-warna kedua, yang mana memungkinkan anda menspesifikasikan warna alternatif. Untuk mengunakan warna kedua, anda musti memilih salah satu dinding, lantai, moulding, casing dalam sebuah tampilan 3D menggunakan tool Select Color. Dialog Adjust Color akan muncul. Pilihlah opsi Use Second Color untuk memilih atau memodifikasi warna sebagai warna kedua (sekunder). Penggunaan opsi warna kedua menspesifikasikan aplikasi warna kedua kepada objek dalam ruang yang respektive.
Garis dimensi dapat digambar untuk menentukan jarak di antara dua dinding yang paralel. Dimensi exterior dapat dibut secara instan untuk keseluruhan floorplan.
Menampilkan Dimensi Exterior
Cara menampilkan garis dimensi:
a. Klik tombol Mode Dimensi pada toolbar
b. Klik pada tool Exterior Dimensi pada sisi kanan toolbar.
i. Catatan: mestinya tidak ada celah antara dinding exterior yang melingkupi rumah untuk dimensi exterior agar berjalan benar.
Membuat Garis Dimensi (Dimension Line)
Cara menggambar garis dimensi:
a. Klik tombol Dimension Mode pada toobar.
b. Klik tool Interior Dimension.
c. Klik dan tahan pada dinding. Sementara nda menahan tombol mouse ke bawah, tariklah dinding paralel yang lain.
d. Jika anda menemukan dinding paralel, naikan tombol mouse.
a. Catatan: garis dimensi hanya dibuat di antara dua dinding yang paralel.
Mengukur Jarak
Cara mengukur jarak:
a. Klik tombol Dimension Mode pada toolbar.
b. Klik pada lokasi yanganda ingin mulai mengukur ruangan. Sambil tombol mouse ditahan, tariklah ke lokasi yang dikehendaki untuk menentukan jaraknya.
c. Sementara an damenahan tombol mousem kotak status pada toolbar akan menampilkan jaraknya. Teruskan menahan tombol mouse, untuk menahan tampilnya pengukuran.
a. Catatan: tampilan nomor akanmuncul pada kotak status di toolbar ketika anda melepaskan tombol mouse. Jika pengukurannya dibuat antara dua dinding yang paralel, salah satu garis dimensi manual akan tetap terlihat.
Menggeser sebuah Garis Dimensi
Cara Menggeser garis dimensi:
a. Klik tombol SelectionMode pada toolbr.
b. Klik pada sebuah garis dimensi untuk memilihnya. Sebuah centerpoint pada garisi dimensi akan muncul.
c. Klik dan tarik center point tadi untukmengeser garis dimensi.
a. Catatan: garis dimensi horisontal hanya dapat di geser secara vertikal dan garis dimensi vertikal hanya dapat di geser secara horisontal.
Menghapus Garis Dimension
Cara menghapus garis dimensi:
a. Klik tombol Selection Mode pada toolbar
b. Klik garis dimensinya untuk memilihnya
c. Klik tool Delete, pilih Cut dari menu Edit dan tekan tombol DELETE
Pintu/ arah tanda arah pintu diletakan di dinding yang ada. Pintu standar, pintu sliding, pintu pocket, pintu bifold, pintu garasi dan “library” berbagai jenis pintu serta berbagai model doorway tersedia dan terdukung dalam program ini. Ukuran dan arah bukaan pintu dapat di sesuaikan. Ketika dibuat, pintu standar disesuaikan dengan doorway (bukan pintu) jika tidak arah bukaan akan dispesifikasikan.
Membuat Pintu/ Doorway
Cara menempatkan pintu atau doorway:
a. Klik tombol Door Mode dari toolbar.
b. Klik pada tool Pintu yang anda inginkan pada sisi kiri toolbar.
c. Letakan kursor apda tembok. Klik untuk meletekan pintu atau doorway.
i. Catatan: pintu hanya dapat dibuat dalam tampilan Plan. Pembuatan pintu standar pada salah satu dinding secara otomatis akan membuat doorway.
Merubah Ukuran Pintu
Cara merubah ukuran pintu dalan tampilan Plan:
a. Klik tombol Selection Mode pada Toolbar.
b. Klik salah satu pintu untuk memilihnya. Dua endpoint dan satu centerpoint akan muncul.
c. Letakan kursor pada endpoint. Klik tombol kiri mouse dan tariklah untuk merubah ukurannya.
Cara merubah ukuran pintu pada tampilan 3D:
a. Klil tombol Selection Mode pada toolbar.
b. Klik salah satu pintu untuk memilihnya. Empat outerpoint dan satu centerpoint akan muncul.
c. Klik tombol kiri mouse dan tarik mana saja dari salah satu point outer untuk merubah ukurannya.
a. Catatan: pintu berubah ukuran lebaranya secara simetris. Jika anda tidak dapat merubah ukuran salah satu pintu, mungkin disebabkan karena terlalu dekatnya objek yang ada, misalnya dinding atau tembok. Tariklah centerpoint pintu jauh-jauh dari objek, kemudian ubahlah ukurannya. Pintu juga bisa di rubah ukurannya secara bebas dalam kotak dialog Door Specification.
Menggeser Pintu
Cara menggeser pintu dalam tampilan plan atau 3D:
a. Klik tombol Selection Mode pada toolbar.
b. Klik salah satu pintu untuk memilihnya. Sebuah centerpoint akan muncul.
c. Klik dan tarik center point untuk menggeser pintu. Pintu yang ada hanya dapat digeser sepanjang dinding saja.
a. Catatan: jika anda tidak dapat menggeser salah satu pintu, mungkindisebabakan terlalu dekatnya objek atau dinding.
Membuka Pintu
Cara membuka pintu standar ialah:
a. Klik tombol Selection Mode pada toolbar.
b. Klik salah satu pintu untuk memilihnya. Dua endspoint dan sebuah centerpoint akan muncul.
c. Dari endspoint, klik tombol mouse kiri dan tarik jauh-jauh dari dinding ke arah mana anda ingin membuka pintu.
Cara menyesuaikan derajat pembukaan pintuk standar
a. Klik tombol Selection Mode pada toolbar.
b. Klik salah pintu untuk memilihnya. Lihat instruksi di atas pada pembukaan pintu.
c. Untuk menyesuaikan derajat bukaan pintu, geser kursor ke arah tnada segitiga pada ujung pintu yang terbuka. Kursosr akan berubah menjadi panah berputar.
d. Klik tombol kiri mouse dan tarik posisi bukaan yang diinginkan.
Menghapus Pintu
Cara menghapus pintu dalam tampilan plan:
a. Klik tombol Selection Mode pada toolbar.
b. Klik pada dalah satu pintu untuk memilihnya.
c. Klik tool Delete, pilih Cut dari menu Edit atau tekan tombol DELETE pada keyboard.
Jenis-jenis Pintu
a. Doorway Standar
b. Pintu Sliding
c. Pintu Pocket
d. Pintu Bifold
e. Pintu Garasi
Merubah Jenis/Tipe Pintu
To change the door type of an existing door:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Double-click on a door. The Door Specification dialog will appear.
c. Click the down arrow to the right of the Door Type entry field. Select a door type from the menu.
d. Click the OK button.
Lampu, outlets, saklar dan beberapa simbol kelistrikan bisa ditempatkan dalam sbuah plan. Hubungan antar lampu, outlets dan saklar dapat digambar untuk mendesain pengkabelan.
Menempatkan Outlets
Cara menempatkan outlets:
a. Klik tombol Electrical Mode Button pada toolbar.
b. Klik pada dinding.
Cara menempatkan outlet pada seluruh ruangan:
a. Kli tombol Electrical Mode dan klik tool Place Outlets pada toolbar.
b. Klik bebas dalam salah satu ruangan.
a. Catatan: Outlet hanya dapat diletakn dalam tampilan plan. Outlet tidak dapat ditampilkan dalam elevasi atau tampilan 3D.
Menempatkan Lampu
Cara meletakan perangkat lampu:
a. Klik tombol Electrical Mode pada toolbar. Sekelompok tool –tool kelistrikan akan muncul pada sisi kanan toolbar.
b. Klik Light Tool pada sisi kanan toolbar.
c. Klik di mana saja untuk menempatkan perangkat lampu.
a. Catatan: lampu hanya dapat di tempatkan dala tampilan plan saja. Lampu tidak dapat ditampilkan dalam elevasi ataupunm tampilan 3D.
Menempatkan Saklar
Cara menempatkan saklar:
a. Klil tombol Electrical Mode pada toolbar.
b. Klik Switch Tool pda sisi kanan toolbar.
c. Klik sebuah dinding pada lokasi yang diinginkan
a. catatan: saklar hanya dapat ditempatkan dalam tampilan paan saja. Saklar tidak bisa ditampilkan dalam tampilan elevasi ataupu tampilan 3D.
Menghubungkan Perangkat Kelistrikan
Cara menhubungkan perangkat-perangkat kelistrikan:
a. Klik tombol Electrical Mode Button pada toolbar.
b. Klik tool Connect pad asisi kanan toolbar.
c. Klik objek kelistrikan yang akan pertama dihubungkan.
d. Sementara menahan tombol kiri mouse, tarik ke arah objek kelistrikanyangkedua.
e. Manakala kursor melewati objek kelistrikan yang kedua, lepaskan tombol mouse.
a. Catatan: koneksi/hubungan objek kelistrikan hanya dapat dilakukan pada tampilan plan saja.
Menempatkan Simbol Kelistrikan
Cara menempatkan simbol kelistrikan:
a. Klik tombol Electrical Mode pada toolbar.
b. Pilih tool Symbol Library pada sisi kanan toolbar. Dialog Symbol Library akan muncul.
c. Pilih kategori simbol kelistrikan yang diperlukan.
d. pilih simbol kelistrikanyangdiinginkan.
e. Klik tombol OK.
f. Klik untuk menempatkan simbolo kelistrikan dalan plan anda.
a. catatan: simbol-simbol kelistrikan hanya dapat di tempatkan dalam tampilan plan saja. Tidak dapat di tampilkan dalam tampilan elevasi ataupun 3D.
Menghapus Simbol Kelistrikan
Cara menghapus simbol kelistrikan:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on an electrical symbol to select it.
c. Click on the Delete Tool , select the Cut command from the Edit menu or press the DELETE key.
Jenis-jenis Kelistrikan
a. 110V Outlet
b. Light
c. Switch
d. Connect
e. Place Outlets
f. Symbol Library
g. Additional Electrical Types:
i. 220V Outlet
Bangunan tembok perapian dapat dibuat pada dingin atau jauh dari dinding. Ukuran ruang api dan tungku juga dapat disesuaikan.
Membuat Perapian
Fireplaces bertembok dan fire places besi buatan pabrik didukung dalamprogram ini. Fireplaces dapat dibikin dekat dengan dinding atau jauh dengan dinding.
Cara membuat perapian bertembok dalam tampilan plan:
a. Pilih perintah Fireplacer dari menu Build, kursor akan berubah menjadi tanda silangempat.
b. Klik mouse untukmembuat fireplace.
c. Select the Fireplace command from the Build menu . The cursor will change to a cross-hair.
d. Click the mouse to create a fireplace. To create a fireplace in a wall, click the cross-hair cursor on a wall. If you want to move the fireplace further back into the wall, see Moving a Fireplace .
Cara meletakan fireplaces besi buatan pabrik dalam tampilan plan:
a. Using walls, create a small enclosure outside the wall. This will create the housing for the metal fireplace.
b. Click on the Fixture Button from the toolbar. The Fixture Library dialog will appear.
c. Click on the Utility fixture group. A display of additional categories will appear.
d. Click on the Metal Fireplaces category. A display of metal fireplace categories will appear. Select a category. If you want to move back to the previous screen, click on the Back button.
e. Select a specific fireplace. A selection box will appear around the object. To obtain a preview of the object, select the View button. To return to selection mode click on the Back button.
f. Once you have selected a fireplace, click the OK button.
g. Click the back wall to place the fireplace into the created enclosure.
h. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
i. Click on the back wall to select it.
j. Click on the centerpoint and drag the back wall towards the front of the fireplace to push the fireplace through the wall.
Menggeser/memindahkan Perapian
To move a fireplace in plan view:
a. Select the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on a fireplace. Outer points, a triangular rotation point, and a centerpoint will appear.
c. Position the cursor over the centerpoint and the cursor will change to a cross.
d. Click and drag the centerpoint.
To move a fireplace in 3D view:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on a fireplace side to select a surface. Four outer points and one centerpoint will appear. A metal fireplace created using the Fixture Button, will only have a centerpoint. Four outer points will appear on a metal fireplace if the Fixture/Furniture resize option is enabled. If you are unable to select the side you wish to resize, you may need to change your camera position to view and select the side.
c. Click and drag the centerpoint. NOTE: Masonry fireplaces can only be moved further back into a wall in plan view.
Fixtures /Perabotan Rumah Tangga
Fixtures di isini digunakan untuk mewakili keeradaan perkakas kamar mandi, bka mandi, perabotan, berbagai perkakas, kolam renang dan lain sebagianya.
Menempatkan Fixture
To place a fixture:
a. Click on the Fixture Button from the toolbar. The Fixture Library dialog will appear.
b. Select Fixture Library from the Active Library list.
c. Select a specific fixture group. Clicking on a fixture group displays fixture items within that group. To move back to the previous screen, click on the Back button.
d. Select a specific fixture item. A selection box will appear around the object. To obtain a preview of the object, select the View button. To return to selection mode click on the Back button.
e. Once you have selected a fixture item, click the OK button.
f. Click to place the fixture into a plan.
g. NOTE: Fixtures can only be placed in plan view.
Merubah Ukuran Fixture
Resizing a fixture in a plan or 3D view requires the Enable Fixture/Furniture resize checkbox to be selected in the Plan Setup dialog .
To resize a fixture in plan view:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on a fixture to select it. Three outer points, a triangle, and one centerpoint will appear.
c. Click and drag any of the three outer points.
To resize a fixture in 3D view:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on a fixture side to select a surface. Four outer points and one centerpoint will appear. If you are unable to select the side you wish to resize, you may need to change your camera position to view and select the side.
c. Click and drag any of the four outer points to resize.
d. NOTE: Fixtures can also be resized numerically and reset to their original size in the Fixture Specification dialog box.
Menggeser/memindahkan Fixture
To move a fixture in plan view:
e. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
f. Click on a fixture to select it. A triangle and a centerpoint will appear.
g. Position the cursor over the centerpoint and the cursor will change into a cross.
h. Click and drag the centerpoint.
i. NOTE: To move a fixture without constraint, hold down the CONTROL key while moving.
To move a fixture in 3D view:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on a fixture side to select a surface. A centerpoint will appear. If you are unable to select the side you wish to move, you may need to change your camera position to view and select the side.
c. Position the cursor over the centerpoint and the cursor will change into a cross.
d. Click and hold down the left mouse button while dragging the centerpoint.
e. NOTE: If you cannot move an object, it may be too close to an existing object or wall.
Menghapus Fixture
To delete a fixture in any view:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on a fixture to select it.
c. Click on the Delete Tool , select Cut command from the Edit menu or press the DELETE key.
Merotasi Fixture
To rotate an object:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on an object to select it. A triangle will appear on one of the edges.
c. Place the cursor over the triangle and it will change into a rotation cursor (circular arrow).
d. Click and hold the left mouse button down while moving in a circular motion.
e. Release the mouse button.
f. NOTE: Rotation of an object can only occur in a plan view.
Lantai-lantai tambahan, termasuk pondasi. Dapat dibuat berdasarkan lantai yang telah ada atau berdasar pada goresan.
Membuat Sebuah Lantai Baru
Catatan: Plan anda harus di save terlebih dahulu seelum anda membuat lantai baru.
Cara membuat lanti/pondasi yang baru:
a. Pilih perintah Show Floors dari menu Window.
b. Klik pada tombol Build yang tersedia untuk membuat lantai. Dialog New Working Plan akan muncul.
c. Dari dialog New Working Plan, pilih jenis lantai yang ingin anda buat.
d. Dalam dialog New Working Plan klik OK.
e. Klik OK pada kotak dialog Show Floors.
f. Jika sebuah pondasi dibuat, pilih setting yang dikehendaki dalam kotak dialog Foundation Setup dan klik Done.
i. Catatan: plan lantai yang baru dibuat menjadi plan lantai yangaktiv.
Switching /Menyambungkan Lantai
Cara menampilkan salah satu lantai yang berbeda:
a. Pilih perintah Show Floor dari menu Window. Kotak dialog Show Floor akan muncul.
b. Klik pada tanda coret working Plan di bawah lantai yang dikehendaki.
c. Klik tombol OK.
Menampilkan Reference Plan
Sebuah reference plan adalah sebuah lantai yang dapat ditimpakan kepada lantai yang ada untuk meluruskan dinding atau bisa digunakan sebagai penunjuk untuk membuat lantai yang lain.
Cara mendesain lantai menjadi sebuah Reference Plan:
a. Pilih perintah Show Floors dari menu Window. Otak dialog Show Floors akan muncul.
b. Klik pada kotak check box Reference Plan di bawah lantai yang diinginkan. Reference Plan harus merupakan lantai berbeda dari Working Plan.
c. Klik tombol OK.
Cara Menampilkan sebuah Reference Plan:
a. Pilih tombol Zoom Mode pada toolbar.
b. Pilih Reference Tool pada sisi kanan toolbar. Reference Plan yang telah dirancang akan muncul. Klik Reference Floor Tool lagi untuk menyembunyikan Reference Plan.
a. Pilih perintah Reference Toggle dari menu Window. Reference Plan akan muncul. Untuk menyembunyikan Reference Plan, pilih menu perintah Reference Toggle lagi.
Menukar sebuah Reference Plan dan Working Plan
Sebuah reference plan merupakan sebuah lantai yang dapat di ditimpakan kepada lantai yang ada untuk menggaris lurus dinding atau sebagai panduan membuat lantai ynag lainnya.
Cara merancang lantai menjadi sebuah Reference Plan:
a. Pilih perintah Show Floors dari menu Window. Dialog Show Floors akan muncuk.
b. Klik pada sheckbox Reference Plan di bawah lantaiyang dikehendaki. Reference Plan harus merupakan lantai berbeda dari Working Plan.
c. Klik tombol OK.
Cara menukar Reference Plan dan Working Plan:
a. Pilih tombol Zoom Mode dari toolbar.
b. Pilih Swap Work-Ref Tool pada sisi kanan toolbar. Reference Plan yang telah dirancang akan menjadi Working Plan saat itu juga.
a. Pilih perintah Swap Work-Ref dari menu Window. Reference Plan akan menjadi Working Plan saat itu juga.
Membuat Pondasi
catatan: untuk membuat sebuah pondasi, lantai pertama musti menjadi Working Plan yang aktif saat itu.
Cara membuat pondasi:
a. Pilih perintah Show Floors dari menu Window.
b. Klik pada tombol Build di bawah kolom Foundation (Pondasi). Kotak dialog New Working Plan akan muncul.
c. Tuliskan karakteristik pebuatan pondasi itu.
d. Klil tombol OK pada dialog New Working Plan.
e. Klik tombol OK pada ialog Show Floors. Dialog setup pondasi (Foundation Setup ) akan muncul.
f. Tuliskan lketebalan dinding, tinggi dnding, penguunaan pier atau footing.
g. Klik tombol Done.
Furniture is used to represent tables, desks, sofas, chairs, pianos, cars, bedroom furniture, outdoor furniture and more.
Menempatkan Furniture
Cara menempatkan objek furniture:
a. Click on the Furniture Button from the toolbar. The Furniture Library dialog will appear.
b. Select a Furniture Library from the Active Library list.
c. Select a specific furniture group. Clicking on a furniture group displays furniture items within that group. To move back to the previous screen, click on the Back button.
d. Select a specific furniture item. A selection box will appear around the object. To obtain a preview of the object, select the View button. To return to selection mode click on the Back button.
e. Once you have selected a furniture item, click the OK button.
f. Click the left mouse button to place the furniture into a plan.
g. NOTE: Furniture can only be placed in plan view.
Merubah ukuran Furniture
Resizing furniture in a plan or 3D view requires the Enable Fixture/Furniture resize checkbox to be selected in the Plan Setup dialog .
Cara merubah ukuran furniure dalam tampilan plan:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on a furniture object to select it. Three outer points, a triangle, and one centerpoint will appear.
c. Click and drag any of the three outer points.
Cara merubah ukuran furniure dalam tampilan plan 3D:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on a furniture side to select a surface. Four outer points and one centerpoint will appear. If you are unable to select the side you wish to resize, you may need to change your camera position to view and select the side.
c. Click and drag any of the four outer points to resize.
Menggeser/memindahkan Furniture
Cara menggeser furniture dalam tampilan plan:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on a furniture object to select it. A triangle and a centerpoint will appear.
c. Position the cursor over the centerpoint and the cursor will change into a cross.
d. Click and drag the centerpoint.
f. NOTE: To move a cabinet without constraint, hold down the CONTROL key while moving.
Cara menggeser furniture 3D:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on a furniture side to select a surface. A centerpoint will appear. If you are unable to select the side you wish to move, you will need to change your camera position to view and select the side.
c. Position the cursor over the centerpoint and the cursor will change into a cross.
d. Click and drag the centerpoint.
e. NOTE: If you cannot move an object, it may be too close to an existing object or wall.
Menghapus Furnitur
Cara menghapus dalam tampilan mana saja:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on a furniture object to select it.
c. Click on the Delete Tool , select Cut command from the Edit menu or press the DELETE key.
Merotasi Furnitur
Cara merutasi salah satu object:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on an object to select it. A triangle will appear on one of the edges.
c. Place the cursor over the triangle and it will change into a rotation cursor (circular arrow).
d. Click and hold the left mouse button down while moving in a circular motion.
e. Release the mouse button.
a. NOTE: Rotation of an object can only occur in a plan view.
Memperkirakan Biaya /Daftar Material
Perkiraan biaya dapat dimonitor selama pembuatan plan. Pembuatan daftar material dapat dilakukan berdasar keseluruhan plan, ruangan teritentu, atau anda tenukan sendiri. Penentun harga dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perseorangan.
Membuat Daftar Material (Material List)
Cara membuat materials list untuk keseluruhan floorplan:
a. Select the Materials menu command from the Options menu . A sub-menu will appear.
b. Select the Build All Floors menu command. A Materials List window will appear.
Cara membuat materials list bagi ruang tertentu:
a. Select the Materials command from the Options menu . A sub-menu will appear.
b. Select the Build from Area menu command.
c. Move the cursor to the area of the plan that you wish to specify. Click and drag to define the region. A Materials List window will appear.
Cara membuat materials list bagi sebuah ruangan:
a. Select the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click once in a room to select the room. If the room you have selected is not specifying the area you want, you should create invisible walls or modify existing walls.
c. Select the Materials command from the Options menu . A sub-menu will appear.
d. Select the Build from Room menu command. A Materials List window will appear.
If the remodel is a building addition, and floor, ceiling, and roof information is needed, do the following:
a. In the File menu, click Save As. Save a copy of the plan with a different name.
b. Delete the existing structure, leaving only the building addition. (Be sure to Build Floors/Ceiling afterwards.)
c. Generate the materials list for the entire plan by using the Build All Floors
Memasukan Harga
Cra memasukan harga sebuah item material dalam material list:
a. Find the Price column for the item. The Price column is the ninth column from the left.
b. Click on the cell to select it.
c. Enter a number.
d. Press the RETURN or ENTER key.
e. NOTE: While decimals are allowed, no dollar signs or commas can be entered. Dollar signs will be added automatically.
Merubah Harga
Cara merubah harga sebuah item material dalam material list:
a. Find the Price column for the item you wish to change. The Price column is the ninth column from the left.
b. Double-click on a cell to select it, then drag the cursor across the price(while holding mouse-button down) to highlight it.
c. Enter a number.
d. Press the RETURN or ENTER key.
e. NOTE: While decimals are allowed, no dollar signs or commas can be entered. Dollar signs will be added automatically.
Menyusun Daftar Material
Build All Floors
Select this menu command to create a list of materials needed to create an entire plan.
i. Use this menu command to make a materials list for an entire plan.
ii. Selecting this menu command will display the materials list window.
Build from Area
Select this menu command to create a list of materials for a specified region of a plan.
i. Use this menu command to specify an area from which to create a list of materials.
ii. After selecting this menu command, click the left mouse button and drag to define the area. When you release the mouse button, the materials list for the specified region will appear.
Build from Room
Select this menu command to create a list of materials for a specific room.
i. Use this menu command for creating a list of materials for a previously specified room. Select a room with the Selection Mode Button before selecting the Build from Room command.
ii. Selecting this menu command will display the materials list window for the specified room.
Menggeser Objects dan Areas
Menggeser Object
Menggeser Pintu
To move an existing door in any view:
i. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
ii. Click on a door to select it. A centerpoint will appear.
iii. Click and drag the center point to move the door. Existing doors can only be moved along a wall. NOTE: If you cannot move an door, it may be too close to an existing object or wall.
Menggeser Jendela
To move a window in any view:
i. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
ii. Click on a window to select it. A centerpoint on the window will appear.
iii. Click and drag the center point to move the window. NOTE: If you cannot move an object, it may be too close to an existing object or wall.
Menggeser Cabinet
To move a cabinet in plan view:
i. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
ii. Click on a cabinet to select it. Three outer points, one centerpoint, and a triangular rotation point will appear.
iii. Click and drag the centerpoint. NOTE: To move a cabinet without constraint, hold down the CONTROL key while moving.
To move a cabinet in 3D view:
i. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
ii. Click on a cabinet side to select a surface. Four outer points and one centerpoint will appear. If you are unable to select the side you wish to move, you will need to change your camera position to view and select the side.
iii. Click and drag the centerpoint. NOTE: If you cannot move a cabinet, it may be too close to an existing object or wall.
Menggeser Camera
To move a camera to a new location in a plan:
i. Click on the Selection Mode Button to select it.
ii. Click on the camera symbol. A centerpoint and a triangular point will appear.
iii. Move the cursor over the centerpoint.
iv. Click the centerpoint and drag the camera to a new location. Select the 3D window to view your changes by selecting the window name at the bottom of the Window menu or pressing the CONTROL-TAB keys to cycle through the available windows.
To rotate a camera in a plan:
i. Click on the Selection Mode Button to select it. A centerpoint and a triangle will appear.
ii. Move the cursor over the triangle and it will change into a rotation cursor.
iii. Click and drag to rotate the camera view. Select the 3D window to view your changes by selecting the window name at the bottom of the Window menu or by pressing the CONTROL-TAB keys to cycle through the available windows.
To move or rotate a camera in a 3D view:
i. Click on the Left , Right , Forward , Backward , Turn Left or Turn Right tool from the toolbar to move the camera in the corresponding direction.
To make multiple 3D camera moves without waiting for a screen redraw:
i. Hold down the SHIFT key while clicking any number of times on the direction tools.
ii. Release the SHIFT key.
Menggeser Fixture
To move a fixture in plan view:
i. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
ii. Click on a fixture to select it. A triangle and a centerpoint will appear.
iii. Position the cursor over the centerpoint and the cursor will change into a cross.
iv. Click and drag the centerpoint. NOTE: To move a fixture without constraint, hold down the CONTROL key while moving.
To move a fixture in 3D view:
i. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
ii. Click on a fixture side to select a surface. A centerpoint will appear. If you are unable to select the side you wish to move, you may need to change your camera position to view and select the side.
iii. Position the cursor over the centerpoint and the cursor will change into a cross.
iv. Click and hold down the left mouse button while dragging the centerpoint. NOTE: If you cannot move an object, it may be too close to an existing object or wall.
Menggeser Furniture
To move furniture in plan view:
i. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
ii. Click on a furniture object to select it. A triangle and a centerpoint will appear.
iii. Position the cursor over the centerpoint and the cursor will change into a cross.
iv. Click and drag the centerpoint. NOTE: To move a cabinet without constraint, hold down the CONTROL key while moving.
To move furniture in 3D view:
i. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
ii. Click on a furniture side to select a surface. A centerpoint will appear. If you are unable to select the side you wish to move, you will need to change your camera position to view and select the side.
iii. Position the cursor over the centerpoint and the cursor will change into a cross.
iv. Click and drag the centerpoint. NOTE: If you cannot move an object, it may be too close to an existing object or wall.
Menggeser Tangga
To move stairs:
i. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
ii. Click on a staircase or landing to select it. Four outer points and one centerpoint will appear.
iii. Click and drag the centerpoint. If you move a staircase that is connected to a landing, all the connected stairs will be moved along with the object being moved. NOTE: If you cannot move an object, it may be too close to an existing object or wall.
Menggeser Perapian
To move a fireplace in plan view:
i. Select the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
ii. Click on a fireplace. Outer points, a triangular rotation point, and a centerpoint will appear.
iii. Position the cursor over the centerpoint and the cursor will change to a cross.
iv. Click and drag the centerpoint.
To move a fireplace in 3D view:
i. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
ii. Click on a fireplace side to select a surface. Four outer points and one centerpoint will appear. A metal fireplace created using the Fixture Button, will only have a centerpoint. Four outer points will appear on a metal fireplace if the Fixture/Furniture resize option is enabled. If you are unable to select the side you wish to resize, you may need to change your camera position to view and select the side.
iii. Click and drag the centerpoint. NOTE: Masonry fireplaces can only be moved further back into a wall in plan view.
Menggeser Perangkat Kelistrikan
To move an electrical item in plan view:
i. Select the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
ii. Click on the electrical symbol. A triangle and a centerpoint will appear.
iii. Click and drag the centerpoint in the desired direction. NOTE: Electrical objects cannot be viewed in a 3D view.
Menggeser Text
To move a block of text:
i. Select the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
ii. Select a text block. Two endpoints and one centerpoint will appear.
iii. Move the cursor over the centerpoint and the cursor will change to four-headed arrow cursor.
iv. Click and drag in the desired direction.
Menggeser Garis Dimensi (Dimension Line)
To move a dimension line:
i. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
ii. Click on a dimension line to select it. A centerpoint on the dimension line will appear.
iii. Click and drag the centerpoint to move the dimension line. NOTE: Horizontal dimension lines can only be moved vertically and vertical dimension lines can only be moved horizontally.
1. Displaying Exterior Dimensions
To display exterior dimension lines:
a. Click on the Dimension Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on the Exterior Dimensions Tool on the right of the toolbar. NOTE: There should be no gaps between exterior walls that surround the house for exterior dimensions to work correctly.
i. Creating a Dimension Line
To draw a dimension line:
1. Click on the Dimension Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click the Interior Dimension tool .
3. Click and hold on a wall. While you are holding the mouse button down, drag to another parallel wall.
4. When you reach the parallel wall, release the mouse button. NOTE: The dimension line is only created between two parallel walls.
ii. Measuring a Distance
To measure a distance:
1. Click on the Dimension Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click at the location you wish to begin measuring from. While you are holding the mouse button down, drag to the desired location to determine the distance.
3. While you hold the mouse button down, the status box in the toolbar will display the distance. Continue to hold the mouse button down to keep displaying the measurement. NOTE: The numeric display will disappear from the status box in the toolbar when you release the mouse button. If the measurement is made between two parallel walls, a manual dimension line will remain.
iii. Deleting a Dimension Line
To delete a dimension line:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a dimension line to select it.
3. Click on the Delete Tool, select Cut from the Edit menu or press the DELETE key.
Menggeser Dinding
To move a wall:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on a wall to select it. When a wall is selected, two endpoints and a centerpoint will appear.
c. Position the cursor over the centerpoint. The cursor will change into a double-headed arrow. The double-headed arrow indicates the moveable direction.
d. Click and hold the left mouse button and drag the wall.
e. NOTE: Walls can be moved only in plan view. Wall movement can only occur in a perpendicular direction (i.e. a wall appearing on the screen which goes from left to right would be considered a horizontal wall and could only be moved in a vertical direction). Walls cannot be rotated; instead, delete the existing wall and draw a new one.
Menggeser Floorplan Section
To move a section of a floorplan:
a. Select the Move Area command from the Edit menu.
b. Click and drag to select the area you wish to move. As you drag, the area that you have defined will be surrounded by a box. Release the mouse button.
c. Move the cursor over the selection box. The cursor will change to a four-headed arrow.
d. Click and drag to move the area to a new location. Release the mouse button at the new location.
i. Walls encompassed by the selection box will be broken. An object will be included in the area move when greater than half of it is encompassed by the selection box.
ii. The Move Area command does not move your roof. After you move an entire one story plan that includes a roof, you need to delete the roof and create another roof.
3D Home Architect Deluxe includes the Automatic Roof Designer, which will help you create customized roofs for all your plan files.
For specific information on using the Automatic Roof Designer in 3D Home Architect Deluxe, please select one of the following topics.
1. Automatic Roof Designer
Roofs in 3D Home Architect Deluxe are generated using the Automatic Roof Designer. You never actually see the Automatic Roof Designer, instead you see the Build Roof Dialog. When you make changes in the Build Roof Dialog, and in the Roof Section At Wall dialog, you are instructing the Automatic Roof Designer how to construct the roof for your plan.
2. Roof Section At Wall Dialog
This dialog is used to help you to set the basic roof section parameters over walls on a wall-by-wall basis to assist the Automatic Roof Designer.
The upper section of the Roof Section at Wall dialog allows you to declare the type of roof section that the wall will support. The lower section allows you to determine the roof section’s pitch as well as where a second pitch begins (for a gambrel roof, for example):
i. Full Gable wall checkbox
Check this for a gable above the wall. The wall section will be extruded up into the gable. If left unchecked, a hip is placed above the wall. This should be used where you wish a full gable to be placed. If you wish a half gable, for example at the side of a sloping roof section whose top hits a higher wall, use the High Shed/Gable wall checkbox below.
If two full gable walls meet at a corner, a valley is produced. This is necessary in order to obtain full gables on either side.
ii. High Shed/Gable wall checkbox
Check this if a sloping roof section is not to rise from this wall. For example, for a shed roof, the wall under the high side of the roof as well as the half gable walls to either side of it would have this box checked. When you need a gable, and are in doubt as to which type (full or this normal type) to use, you will usually want to use this type.
iii. Knee Wall checkbox
A Knee wall is a wall shortened by being cut off by the underside of the roof. Normally the automatic roof designer produces roof sections sufficiently high that all walls underneath can end at the rooms ceiling height, or higher if Ceiling over is not checked in the Room Specification dialog. Checking Knee Wall tells the roof designer that it need not allow for the height of the knee wall, but can determine the roof structure from the other walls, then cut off the knee wall as needed to fit under the roof.
Knee walls will usually be on the top floor for one and one half story houses. They can, and often are, exterior walls, but they must be inset from walls below, since the outer wall below will determine the sloping roof section that rises to cover the knee wall.
iv. Extend slope downward checkbox
This checkbox allows the automatic roof designer to ignore the height of this wall in determining the roof section over it. The roof section is instead determined by other walls and just extends down over this wall.
This is like the knee wall except that the roof section that covers a knee wall is usually determined by a parallel wall from the story below that is further out from the center of the building, whereas the roof section covering an extend downward wall is usually determined by a parallel wall on the same floor that is nearer to the center of the building.
The two connecting walls to the extend slope downwards wall must be gables. This function is ideal if you wish to bring a roof section out over a small jog or alcove in an outer wall so that the roof line remains the same down the run of a wall.
v. Pitch
The default value for pitch is set in the Build Roof dialog. Pitch is entered in the standard X in 12 measure. You may enter a fractional pitch in the form of 3 1/2. You may not enter 3.5. The smallest pitch that may be entered is 1/2 in 12, and the largest 48 in 12. If there are two pitches in the roof section above this wall, such as in a gambrel roof, this type-in box controls the first, or lower pitch.
vi. 2nd Pitch
Check this box if you wish a second pitch on the roof section above this wall. The second pitch is the upper pitch on the roof section, as in the higher portion of a gambrel roof.
The Starts at box indicates the height at which the 2nd Pitch begins.
Atap Lintas Pintu (Roof over Door)
Roof over Door/Window Tool
This dialog is used to help you to set the basic roof section parameters over doors or windows on an object-by-object basis to assist the Automatic Roof Designer.
When you click the Roof Section at… tool over a Door or Window, a multi-step process occurs. First, the program places a break in the wall on each side of the object. Then you will be presented with the Roof over Door/Window dialog. In this box, you have the choice of making this new wall section (which is strictly the object) a Full Gable. If you check this box, the Automatic Roof Designer will build a gable over this door/window when the Automatic Roof Designer builds the roof. To remove this gable in the future, just click the Roof Section at… tool again on the object, uncheck the Full Gable, and then have the Automatic Roof Designer rebuild the roof for your plan.
Atap Lintas Jendela (Roof Over Bay)
Roof Over Bay/Bow Window Dialog
Two checkboxes control how the Automatic Roof Designer builds a roof over these window assemblies. Place under roof slope causes the roof section defined above the wall containing the bay or bow to slope downwards over the window. If this is not checked, a multiple section roof, one section for each wall portion making up the bay or bow, is produced.
The roof over a bay or bow follows the outline of the window unless checking Rectangular roof over forces a rectangular roof. This is not necessary for a box window, which always has a rectangular roof. If Place under roof slope is not checked, a three section roof is produced to cover the bay or bow.
For a bay built under a gable end, checking the Place under roof slope box will have no effect other than to produce a warning message.
Build Roof Dialog
Use this dialog to Build Roof. You can also set various default values that control how the roofs are built.
You can set the default Roof Overhang for Normal (horizontal) eaves and for Gable (sloping) roof section edges. Values are in inches. The default is 18 inches for each.
Leave the Trusses (no birds mouth) box unchecked if you want rafters to have a birds mouth cut as they fall over the wall top plate. Check this box to have the rafters sit up on the top plate.
The Pitch box should be set to the pitch used form most sections of your roof. The pitch set here can be overridden for individual roof sections at each wall Roof Section at Wall dialog. Enter the pitch as the number of inches (sixteenths OK) of rise for 12 inches of run. The default value is 6 for a 6 in 12 pitch.
Set the width of the floor joists in the Floor Thickness edit box. The default value is 11 inches. This width includes the subfloor thickness.
Set the width of the ceiling joists in the Ceiling Thickness edit box. The default value is 5 1/2 inches.
Set the width of the rafters, including roof sheathing, with the Rafter Thickness edit box. The Default value is 5 1/2 inches.
The Fascia Width box sets the width of the fascia boards for the entire roof. The default is 7 1/2 inches.
The Min. Alcove box controls the minimum width over which the Automatic Roof Designer will build a roof over a small alcove. The roof edge will follow around alcoves measuring wider than this.
The Color and Material button assigns a color and/or material to the roof (see Assign Colors).
Atap Dalam Tampilan Kamera Penuh (Full Camera)
Places a 3D camera that shows all floors and the roof of your plan. For interior views, Plan Camera may be adequate. If you have two story rooms, open ceilings to the underside of a roof, or wish to see up or down in a stairwell, you may need to use this camera.
NOTE: A limit of four cameras can be placed per plan. This type of camera cannot be saved.
Potongan Melintang (Cross Section)
Creates a cross section or exterior elevation of all floors of your plan.
To get an exterior elevation, click outside of the plan, and drag a line directly toward it. The line determines the view direction. To get a cross section, click in the plan where you wish the cutting plane to be. Drag a line in the direction of view. All items in front of the cutting plane are displayed.
Atap dalam Tampilan Penuh (Full Overview)
Creates a 3D overview of all floors of your plan. This is a non-perspective 3D view which you can rotate to view from any angle.
Creating an overview will create a new window.
Stairs and landings can be used to create a wide variety of staircase configurations. Stair direction, number of risers, tread width, and more can be specified.
Membuat Tangga
Cara membuat a staircase:
a. Click on the Stairs Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click the location for the center of the steps to begin and drag in the direction to define an upward staircase. To create a downward staircase, press and hold the SHIFT key while dragging the mouse.
c. Release the mouse button.
d. NOTE: For circular stairs, select the Fixture Button and select the Utility fixture group. Select the Circular Stairs fixture group to place circular stairs. The Stair Tool will not create circular stairs.
Membuat Landing
A stair landing is the platform area between two staircases. A landing maintains the look of the existing staircase with rails. To create a stair landing, you must have two existing staircases. In order to place a landing, a staircase top and a staircase bottom must be oriented so that their respective direction arrows continue the path.
To create a landing:
a. Click on the Stairs Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click the area between two existing staircases. A landing will be created.
c. NOTE: You may need to redraw, move, or rotate stairs accordingly.
Merubah Ukuran Tangga
To resize stairs:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on a staircase to select it. Four outer points and one centerpoint will appear.
c. Position the cursor over any of the four outer points and the cursor will change to a double-headed arrow.
d. Click and drag any of the four outer points to resize.
e. NOTE: If you cannot resize an object, it may be too close to an existing object, wall or floor. Drag the center point of the object away from the existing object, wall or floor and then resize.
Menggeser Tangga
To move stairs:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on a staircase or landing to select it. Four outer points and one centerpoint will appear.
c. Click and drag the centerpoint. If you move a staircase that is connected to a landing, all the connected stairs will be moved along with the object being moved.
d. NOTE: If you cannot move an object, it may be too close to an existing object or wall.
Menghapus Tangga / Landing
To delete stairs or landings:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on a staircase or landing to select it.
c. Click on the Delete Tool .
d. NOTE: Deleting a staircase connected to a landing will delete the landing.
Menggunakan Spesifikasi “Open Below”
The “Open Below” room specification is used to instruct the program to build no floor in the designated area. This is very useful when creating stairways going from one floor to another. If you designate a room as “Open Below”, you will be able to look down through the resulting hole, and see the stairs coming up from the bottom.
Open below is also commonly used in living spaces that span two floors, but where no floor is built between the rooms, such as in a living room, with two story windows, and a loft above. In this case, you would designate floor two as “Open Below”, and therefore floor one would appear to reach to the roof on floor two.
For more information on this Room Specification option, please look in the users manual, under “Open Below Specification”
Text can be placed anywhere in a plan. Arrows can be attached to text blocks to point out specific elements in a plan.
Membuat Text
You can place text anywhere on your plan. To create text:
a. Click on the Text Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on the location where you wish to place your text.
c. The Edit Text dialog will appear.
d. Enter text in the typing area. Words will “wrap” automatically to the next line.
e. Click the OK button. NOTE: Word wrap occurring within the Edit Text dialog has no relationship to the appearance on the floorplan.
Memodifikasi Text
Modifications will apply to all of the text or to a specific section of text that you highlight. To highlight text, click and hold the left mouse button down and drag the cursor over the text. To highlight text using the keyboard, use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the left or right of the text section you want. Hold down the SHIFT key and use the left or right arrow key to highlight the text.
Additional shortcuts for highlighting text are pressing the SHIFT and HOME or the SHIFT and END keys to highlight from the current cursor position to the beginning or end of the current line. Pressing CTRL-SHIFT-HOME or CTRL-SHIFT-END keys to highlight all text from the current cursor position to the beginning or end of the text entry field.
To modify existing text:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Double-click the text block. The Edit Text dialog will appear.
a. To highlight text, click and drag the mouse over the text section you want to change.
b. Begin typing to replace the selected text.
c. Click the OK button.
Menghapus Text
To delete text:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
a. Click on a text block to select it.
b. Click on the Delete Tool , select the Cut command from the Edit menu or press the DELETE key.
Merubah Ukuran Text
To resize a block of text:
a. Select the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Select a text block. Two endpoints and one centerpoint will appear.
c. Move the cursor over either of the two endpoints and the cursor icon will change into a two-headed arrow.
d. Click an endpoint and drag in the desired direction. NOTE: Text automatically wraps to fit the size of a text block. A text block cannot be resized smaller than the area necessary to display the entered text at the given character height.
Menggeser Text
To move a block of text:
a. Select the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Select a text block. Two endpoints and one centerpoint will appear.
c. Move the cursor over the centerpoint and the cursor will change to four-headed arrow cursor.
d. Click and drag in the desired direction.
Tinggi Ukuran Huruf
To change text height:
a. Select the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Double-click a text block. The Edit Text dialog will appear.
c. Enter a number from 2 to 120 in the Character Height field entry area.
d. Click the OK button. NOTE: Character Height is expressed in scaled inches.
Menamai Ruangan
To name a room:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Double-click the room you wish to name. When you click, the boundary of the room is highlighted. The Room Specification dialog will appear.
c. Click on the down arrow that appears to the right of the Room Name field.
d. Select the name you wish.
e. Click the OK button. NOTE: Once created, a room name can be modified in the same manner as a text block. If you want a typical name such as “Kitchen,” change the name in the Room Specification dialog box.
Tampilan 3D
Views can be created by placing cameras at specific viewpoints. Wall elevations can be created for a specific wall. Overviews can be used to provide a global view of an entire plan.
Membuat Tampilan 3D
Cara membuat a 3D view:
a. Click on the View Mode Button from the toolbar. A set of tools will appear on the right side of the toolbar.
b. Click on the Plan Camera Tool on the right side of the toolbar.
c. Click the location in your plan where you wish to place the camera. While holding the mouse button down, drag in the direction you wish to view.
d. Release the mouse button and a 3D view window will appear.
e. NOTE: A limit of four cameras can be placed in a plan.
Menggeser Camera
To move a camera to a new location in a plan:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button to select it.
b. Click on the camera symbol. A centerpoint and a triangular point will appear.
c. Move the cursor over the centerpoint.
d. Click the centerpoint and drag the camera to a new location. Select the 3D window to view your changes by selecting the window name at the bottom of the Window menu or pressing the CONTROL-TAB keys to cycle through the available windows.
To rotate a camera in a plan:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button to select it. A centerpoint and a triangle will appear.
b. Move the cursor over the triangle and it will change into a rotation cursor.
c. Click and drag to rotate the camera view. Select the 3D window to view your changes by selecting the window name at the bottom of the Window menu or by pressing the CONTROL-TAB keys to cycle through the available windows.
To move or rotate a camera in a 3D view:
a. Click on the Left , Right , Forward , Backward , Turn Left or Turn Right tool from the toolbar to move the camera in the corresponding direction.
To make multiple 3D camera moves without waiting for a screen redraw:
a. Hold down the SHIFT key while clicking any number of times on the direction tools.
b. Release the SHIFT key.
Membuat Plan Overview (Overview Rancangan)
To see the entire floorplan from a distance:
a. Select the Plan Overview command or the Full Overview command from the 3D menu. An Overview window will appear.
a. Click on the View Mode Button. A set of View Tools will appear on the right of the toolbar.
b. Click on the Overview Tool or the Full Overview Tool.
Merubah Perspektiv (Sudut Pandang) Plan Overview
To change the view of a plan overview:
b. Click on the View Angle Tool in the toolbar or select the View Angle command from the 3D menu. The View Angle dialog will appear.
c. Adjust the Top/Bottom scroll bar to modify the view perspective. Adjust the In/Out scroll bar to modify the magnification of the view. Adjust the Back/Front scroll bar to modify the horizontal view perspective. Changes will be reflected in the preview at the bottom of the dialog.
d. Click the OK button.
Use walls to define interior spaces. Walls of a specified thickness’ can be drawn horizontally, vertically, and diagonally (in 15 degree increments from horizontal or vertical). Standard, railing, invisible (room definition), and beam wall types are supported. When drawn close enough to an existing wall, wall lines will automatically join.
Menggambar Dinding
To draw a wall:
a. Click on the Wall Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Select a specific Wall Tool on the right of the toolbar. Select a wall thickness by clicking on the numbered button on the far right of the toolbar. As you click, the wall thickness number will cycle through 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12-inch thickness’. A four-inch wall is the default thickness. 3. Click and drag the mouse in the direction you wish to draw the wall.
c. NOTE: Wall lines will automatically join when wall ends are in close proximity of each other. This distance can be adjusted in the Dimensions Setup dialog, which is accessed through the Options menu. If a wall end is drawn too far from an existing wall end, simply draw additional wall length between the two walls to make them meet or move one of the walls.
Merubah Tinggi Dinding
To change the length of a wall:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on a wall to select it.
c. Place the cursor over a wall end and the cursor will change to a double-headed arrow.
d. Click and drag the wall endpoint to lengthen or shorten the wall.
e. NOTE: Walls can be resized only in plan view.
Merubah Ketebalan Dinding
To change the thickness of an existing wall:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Double-click on a wall. The Wall Specification dialog will appear.
c. Select a wall thickness.
d. Click the OK button.
e. NOTE: Wall thickness can be resized only in plan view.
Menggeser Dinding
To move a wall:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on a wall to select it. When a wall is selected, two endpoints and a centerpoint will appear.
c. Position the cursor over the centerpoint. The cursor will change into a double-headed arrow. The double-headed arrow indicates the moveable direction.
d. Click and hold the left mouse button and drag the wall.
e. NOTE: Walls can be moved only in plan view. Wall movement can only occur in a perpendicular direction (i.e. a wall appearing on the screen which goes from left to right would be considered a horizontal wall and could only be moved in a vertical direction). Walls cannot be rotated; instead, delete the existing wall and draw a new one.
Menghapus Dinding
To delete a wall:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on a wall to select it.
c. Click on the Delete Tool or press the DELETE key.
Memecah/membelah/memotong Dinding
To break a wall into two separate walls:
a. Click on the Wall Mode Button from the toolbar. A set of Wall Tools will appear on the right side of the toolbar. Select the Break Wall Tool .
b. Place the cursor where you want the wall to break and click the mouse.
c. Note: Press the ESC key to return to the previous mode or choose a different tool to exit Break Wall mode.
Jenis-jenis Dinding
a. Standard Wall
b. Railing
c. Hatch Wall
d. Break Wall
e. Thickness
f. Additional Wall Types:
i. Invisible
ii. Beams
Merubah Jenis Dinding
To change the wall type of an existing wall:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Double-click on a wall. The Wall Specification dialog will appear.
c. Select a wall type .
d. Click the OK button.
e. NOTE: Wall types can only be changed in plan view.
Warna Dinding /Material
To choose a color for an exterior wall, see Applying a Color to an Exterior Wall.
To choose a color for an interior wall, click the Selection Mode Button. Double click the room. In the Room Specification dialog box, click the Color and Material button to assign colors and materials to the room in the Assign Colors dialog box.
Meninggikan Dinding
Cara membuat an elevation view for a specific wall:
a. Click on the View Mode Button from the toolbar and select the Elevate Wall Tool or the Cross Section Tool on the right of the toolbar. The cursor will change to an elevate wall icon.
b. Click and drag near a wall in a plan.
c. NOTE: Railing and invisible walls cannot be elevated.
Windows are placed into existing walls. Standard, bay, box, and bow windows, and specialty “Library” windows are supported. Double hung, casement, awning, or other common features are supported within the standard window type. Shutters are available for all standard window types as well.
Membuat Jendela
Cara membuat a window:
a. Click on the Window Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Select a specific Window Tool on the right of the toolbar.
c. In a plan, click a wall to place a window. NOTE: Windows can only be created in plan view.
Jenis Jendela
a. Standard Window
b. Bay Window
c. Box Window
d. Bow, 5 Section Window
e. Additional Window Types:
1. Bow, 7 Section Window
2. Bow, 9 Section Window
3. Bow, 11 Section Window
Merubah Ukuran Jendela
To resize a window in plan view:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on a window to select it. Two outer points and one centerpoint will appear.
c. Place the cursor on either endpoint. The cursor will change into a double-headed arrow.
d. Click and drag the endpoint to resize.
To resize a window in 3D view:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on a window to select it. Four outer points and one centerpoint will appear.
c. Place the cursor on an any one of the four outer points and the cursor will change into a double-headed arrow.
d. Click and drag the outer point to resize. NOTE: Windows resize symmetrically in width. If you cannot resize a window, it may be too close to an existing object, wall or floor. Drag the center point of the object away from the existing object, wall or floor and then resize. Windows can also be resized numerically in the Window Specification dialog box.
Menggeser Jendela
To move a window in any view:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on a window to select it. A centerpoint on the window will appear.
c. Click and drag the center point to move the window. NOTE: If you cannot move an object, it may be too close to an existing object or wall.
Menghapus Jendela
To delete a window in any view:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Click on a window to select it.
c. Click on the Delete Tool, select the Cut command from the Edit menu or press the DELETE key.
Mengkostumisasi Jendela Standar
To customize an existing standard window in a plan or 3D view:
a. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
b. Double-click on a window. The Window Specification dialog will appear.
c. Click the down arrow to the right of the entry field labeled Window Type. Select a window type from the menu. Adjust any of the window settings.
e. Click the OK button.
Mengkostumisasi Jendela model Bay, model Box atau model Bow
To customize an existing bay, box or bow window in the Floor Plan view:
d. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
e. Click on a bay, box or bow window to select the window you wish to modify.
f. Click the Next Tool on the right of the toolbar. A window will become highlighted.
g. Click the Open Tool on the right of the toolbar. The Window Specification dialog will appear.
h. Click the down arrow to the right of the entry field labeled Window Type. Select a window type from the menu. Adjust any of the window settings.
i. Click the OK button.
i. If you are editing a bay or box window, editing one side window will not affect the other side window. When you are working with trim width settings on an individual bay window, however, you may need to check to see that changes you make to one window are made to the other bay windows.
ii. Changes made to bay windows may not be reflected in the currently open 3D View.
iii. If you are editing a bow window, changes made to one window will be universal.
Langkah-langkah Membuat sebuah Floorplan
a. Dimulai dengan menggambar dinding, jika anda menggambar keseluruhan floorplan, buatlah dinding exteriornya terlebih dahulu. Buatlah framework dinding exterior dasarnya terlebih dahulu untuk membuat lahannya secara keseluruhan. Begitu anda telah membuat framework dinding exterior, anda dapat menyesuaikan tinggi dinding dengan mengubah ukuran atau menggesernya. Jika anda menggambar sebuah remodel plan (plan yang bisa dibentuk ulang), anda mungkin akan ingin menggambar beberapa ruang saja. Dimulai dengan menggambar dinding yang menutupi ruangan pertama kali dan kemudian gambarlah dinding yang memisahkannya.
b. Begitu anda telah memposisikan dinding hasil desain anda, anda pasti ingin menempatkan pintu dan jendela dalam plan anda.
c. Buatlah kabinet di dapur dan kamar mandi sehingga bak mandi dapat ditempatkan di sana.
d. Tempatkan object object fixture dalam plan anda untuk mewakili perabotan, bak mandi dan berbagai perkakas anda.
e. Letakan object-object furnitur anda untuk mendemonstrasikan bagaimana plan anda berfungsi bagi anda.
f. Jika dibutuhkan, tempatkan simbol-simbol kelistrikan seperti outlet, saklar, dan lampu. Anda juga dapat menambahkan ilustrasi pengkabelan dengan cara menghubungkan simbol-simbol kelistrikan.
Petunjuk menggunakan Shorcut Keyboard
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+Z Undo
F1 Help
F3 Save
F4 Close
F5 Hide or Show Toolbar
F6 Fill Window
F9 PlanCheck
Alt+F4 Exit
Shift+F6 Tile
Shift+F5 Cascade
Del Delete
Ctrl-Tab Cycles through the list
of windows appearing at
the bottom of the Window
Dialog Keys
Page Up Scroll up one screen.
Page Down Scroll down one screen.
An arrow key Moves the cursor left, right, up or
down within a list or text box.
Home Moves cursor to the beginning of
the current line in a text box or
to the beginning of the list in a
list box.
End Moves cursor to the end of the
current line in a text box or to
the end of the list in a list box.
Tab Moves the insertion point from
option to option.
Shift+Tab Moves the insertion point from
option to option in reverse order.
Alt+Down Arrow Displays a pop-up list.
Esc Exits a dialog without
applying any modifications. This
is the equivalent of clicking the
Cancel button.
Dukungan Teknis
If you have worked through the troubleshooting suggestions in the accompanying manual and in the README file, and still need assistance, you can contact us by using one of the technical support options listed below. Please be prepared to communicate your computer make and model, the brand of video adapter and sound system, the version number of 3D Home Architect Deluxe, and a brief description of the problem you are experiencing.
You can contact us in any one of the following ways:
Phone: Call us at (415)382-4700. Our hours are 6AM to 4:30PM Monday through Thursday, and Friday 6AM to 3:45PM; Pacific Standard Time.
Internet: Broderbund’s World Wide Web Page offers you our user accessible database for troubleshooting your problem over the Internet. An Electronic Mail link to our Technical Support Representatives is also available from our home page. You can reach Broderbund’s Home Page at You can reach the 3D Home Architect Home Page directly at
Broderlink: Broderbund’s Bulletin Board service. There is also an Electronic Mail link to our Technical Support Representatives. You can reach Broderlink at (415)883-5889.
Compuserve: Type GO BB at any prompt to access Broderbund’s area in Compuserve, or send questions to 70007,1636.
America Online: Use the Keyword: Broderbund to find our Product Support Board, or address questions to BBund Tec1 or Bbund Tec2 using AOL’s electronic mail.
Mail: Send us your questions via U.S. Mail. Address them to Broderbund Technical Correspondence, P.O. Box 6125. Novato, CA 94948-6125.
Penggunaan 3D Home Architect Deluxe
Langkah Awal Merancang Floorplan
a. Dimulai dengan menggambar dinding, jika anda menggambar keseluruhan floorplan, buatlah dinding exteriornya terlebih dahulu. Buatlah framework dinding exterior dasarnya terlebih dahulu untuk membuat lahannya secara keseluruhan. Begitu anda telah membuat framework dinding exterior, anda dapat menyesuaikan tinggi dinding dengan mengubah ukuran atau menggesernya. Jika anda menggambar sebuah remodel plan (plan yang bisa dibentuk ulang), anda mungkin akan ingin menggambar beberapa ruang saja. Dimulai dengan menggambar dinding yang menutupi ruangan pertama kali dan kemudian gambarlah dinding yang memisahkannya.
b. Begitu anda telah memposisikan dinding hasil desain anda, anda pasti ingin menempatkan pintu dan jendela dalam plan anda.
c. Buatlah kabinet di dapur dan kamar mandi sehingga bak mandi dapat ditempatkan di sana.
d. Tempatkan object object fixture dalam plan anda untuk mewakili perabotan, bak mandi dan berbagai perkakas anda.
e. Letakan object-object furnitur anda untuk mendemonstrasikan bagaimana plan anda berfungsi bagi anda.
f. Jika dibutuhkan, tempatkan simbol-simbol kelistrikan seperti outlet, saklar, dan lampu. Anda juga dapat menambahkan ilustrasi pengkabelan dengan cara menghubungkan simbol-simbol kelistrikan.
Lebih jelasnya, ikuti perintah di bawah ini
Membuat Basements
There are two ways to create basement. The first method uses the foundation as your basement and requires less steps. The second method, which uses the first floor as your basement, requires more steps but allows you to retain use of your foundation.
Method #1
1. Create the first floor of your plan.
2. Save your plan.
3. On the Window menu, click Show Floors.
4. Click the Build button that is under the Found. column to add a the foundation.
5. Click OK twice to reach the Foundation Setup dialog box.
6. Change the number in the Wall Height box to 96, and then click Done.
Method #2
1. Build a single-room first floor that is the size of your desired basement.
2. Click the Selection Mode button, and then double-click the room.
3. Change the Floor Height to –96 and the Ceiling Height to 0, and then click OK.
4. Save your plan.
5. On the Window menu, click Show Floors.
6. Click the Build button that is under the 2nd column.
7. Click OK twice to exit the dialog boxes, and then double click the room.
8. Change the Floor Height to 12 and the Ceiling Height to 108, and then click OK.
Cabinets are used to create base, wall, soffits, shelves and full height cabinets. Standard, radius end, peninsula radius, and end cabinets are supported. Customization of cabinets provides a virtually unlimited number of cabinet types and configurations. Full height cabinets can be used to create bookcases, or special shelf and cabinet combinations.
Membuat Cabinet
Cara membuat an end cabinet:
1. Click on the Cabinet Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Select the Base Cabinet Tool , Wall Cabinet Tool , or Full Height Cabinet Tool on the right of the toolbar to place the respective cabinet type.
3. Move the cursor to a location next to an existing cabinet and click to place the cabinet. Creating an end cabinet or radius end cabinet requires the back and one side of the cabinet be attached to a wall or another cabinet. Creating a peninsula radius cabinet requires the back to be attached to a wall or another cabinet without anything attached to the sides. If you are creating a peninsula radius cabinet, you may need to rotate the cabinet so that the back is connected to the other cabinet.
4. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
5. Double-click on a cabinet. The Cabinet Specification dialog will appear.
6. Click on the down arrow to the right of the field labeled Special. Select an end cabinet type from the menu that appears.
7. Click the OK button.
NOTE: Cabinet depth must be equal or greater than the width to be changed into an end or radius end cabinet.
Mengkustomisasi Cabinet
To customize a cabinet:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Double-click on a cabinet. The Cabinet Specification dialog will appear.
3. Click on the cabinet preview to select an area to modify. Selecting an area or surface specifies the area that you want to change. The area to change will be surrounded by a box. To insert an item type between two existing item types, click between the two existing item types. The insertion point will be designated by two arrows.
4. Click on the down arrow to the right of the field labeled Item Type. Select a cabinet item type from the menu that appears. If you are making changes to an existing item type, the changes will be displayed in the cabinet preview. If you are inserting a new item type, you will need to click on the Add New button. If you are unhappy with your changes, you can select the item and press the Delete button to completely remove it or select another Item Type to replace it.
5. Click the OK button.
Membuat custom Cabinet
Cara membuat a custom cabinet:
1. Click on the Cabinet Mode Button from the toolbar. A set of cabinet tools will appear on the right side of the toolbar.
2. Select a cabinet type from the available tools.
3. Click the mouse in a plan to place the cabinet.
4. Select the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
5. Double-click on the cabinet. The Cabinet Specification dialog will appear.
6. In the Cabinet Specification dialog, a preview of the cabinet appears on the right. Click on the door or drawer of the cabinet preview to select the item you wish to customize.
7. Click on the down arrow to the right of the entry field labeled Item Type. Select a cabinet item type from the menu. Adjust any of the other cabinet settings if desired.
8. Click the OK button.
NOTE: If an item cannot be changed because of the cabinet size required to place the item, you may need to delete other items by selecting them in the preview and clicking the Delete button. If you wish to add or insert an item, click above, below, or between existing items in the preview to select an insertion point. To add the item, click on the Add New button.
Menggeser Cabinet
To move a cabinet in plan view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a cabinet to select it. Three outer points, one centerpoint, and a triangular rotation point will appear.
3. Click and drag the centerpoint.
NOTE: To move a cabinet without constraint, hold down the CONTROL key while moving.
To move a cabinet in 3D view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a cabinet side to select a surface. Four outer points and one centerpoint will appear. If you are unable to select the side you wish to move, you will need to change your camera position to view and select the side.
3. Click and drag the centerpoint.
NOTE: If you cannot move a cabinet, it may be too close to an existing object or wall.
Merubah Ukuran Cabinet
To resize a cabinet in plan view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a cabinet to select it. Three outer points, one centerpoint, and one triangular rotation point will appear.
3. Click and drag any of the three outer points to resize.
To resize a cabinet in 3D view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a cabinet to select it. Four outer points and one centerpoint will appear.
3. Click and drag any of the four outer points to resize.
NOTE: If you cannot resize a cabinet, it may be too close to an existing object, wall or floor. Drag the centerpoint of the object away from the existing object, wall or floor and then resize. Cabinets can also be resized numerically in the Cabinet Specification dialog box.
Menghapus Cabinet
Deleting a Cabinet
To delete a cabinet in any view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a cabinet to select it.
3. Click on the Delete Tool , select the Cut command from the Edit menu or press the DELETE key.
Jenis Cabinet
Base Cabinet
Wall Cabinet
Full Height Cabinet
Changing Object Color
Modifying a Color
Removing Color
Understanding 3D Color
Pengertian Warna 3D Color
When applying color in 3D, object elements are linked together to provide uniform color modifications. When you change the color of a table, you change the color of all objects which have furniture wood to that color. To know what element of an object you are changing, the name is displayed above the color preview at the bottom right of the Adjust Color dialog.
Walls, floors, mouldings, and casing have secondary colors which allow you to specify an alternate color. To use a second color, you must select a wall, floor, moulding, or casing in a 3D view using the Select Color Tool . The Adjust Color dialog will appear. Select the Use Second Color option to select or modify a color as the secondary color. Use of the second color option specifies the application of the second color to the objects within the respective room.
Memodifikasi Color
1. Click the Adjust Color Tool in the toolbar.
2. Click the object you want tochange. The Adjust Color dialog will appear.
4. Click on an up or down arrow for any of the R (Red), G (Green), or B (Blue) scroll bars. Clicking on the up arrow increases the amount of red, green, or blue added to the color.
5. Click on the left or right arrow of the Brightness and Contrast scroll bars. Clicking on the right arrow increases the contrast or brightness value of the selected color.
You can revert back to the starting color by clicking the Revert.
6. Click OK.
Merubah Warna Objek
To change the color of an object type in a plan view:
1. Select the Plan View Colors command from the Options menu . The Plan View Colors dialog will appear.
2. Click on the down arrow to the right of an object name. A color menu will appear.
3. To view more colors, click and hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor up or down the color menu. The colors will scroll to display additional colors. Select a color.
4. Click the OK button.
To change the color of an object type in a 3D view:
1. Click the Adjust Color Tool in the toolbar.
2. Click the object to you want to change. The Adjust Color dialog will appear.
3. Adjust one or more of the sliders until you arrive at the color you want.
You can revert back to the starting color by clicking Revert.
4. When you are finished, click the OK.
Membuang Warna
To view in black and white:
Select the Color Off/Color On command from the Window menu .
NOTE: Once the Color Off command is chosen, the menu command is renamed to Color On. Select the Color On command from the Window menu to view in color.
Dimension lines can be drawn to determine distance between two parallel walls. Exterior dimensions can be instantly created for an entire floorplan.
Menampilkan Dimensi Exterior
To display exterior dimension lines:
1. Click on the Dimension Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on the Exterior Dimensions Tool on the right of the toolbar.
NOTE: There should be no gaps between exterior walls that surround the house for exterior dimensions to work correctly.
Membuat Garis Dimension
To draw a dimension line:
1. Click on the Dimension Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click the Interior Dimension tool .
3. Click and hold on a wall. While you are holding the mouse button down, drag to another parallel wall.
4. When you reach the parallel wall, release the mouse button.
NOTE: The dimension line is only created between two parallel walls.
Menggeser Garis Dimensi
To move a dimension line:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a dimension line to select it. A centerpoint on the dimension line will appear.
3. Click and drag the centerpoint to move the dimension line.
NOTE: Horizontal dimension lines can only be moved vertically and vertical dimension lines can only be moved horizontally.
Menghapus Garis Dimensi
To delete a dimension line:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a dimension line to select it.
3. Click on the Delete Tool , select Cut from the Edit menu or press the DELETE key.
Doors or doorways are placed into existing walls. Standard, sliding, pocket, bifold, garage doors and specialty “Library” doors and doorways are supported. Door opening direction and size can be adjusted. When a standard door is created, it is considered a doorway (no door) unless a door opening direction is specified.
Membuat Gambar Arah Pintu
Cara membuat a doorway or place a door:
1. Click on the Door Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a specific Door Tool on the right of the toolbar.
3. Place the cursor on a wall. Click to place the door or doorway.
NOTE: Doors can only be created in plan view. Creating a standard door in a wall automatically creates a doorway. Defining the door opening direction will display a door.
Merubah Jenis Pintu
To change the door type of an existing door:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Double-click on a door. The Door Specification dialog will appear.
3. Click the down arrow to the right of the Door Type entry field. Select a door type from the menu.
4. Click the OK button.
Menghapus Pintu
To delete a door in any view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a door to select it.
3. Click on the Delete Tool , select Cut from the Edit menu or press the DELETE key.
Menggeser Pintu
To move an existing door in any view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a door to select it. A centerpoint will appear.
3. Click and drag the center point to move the door. Existing doors can only be moved along a wall.
NOTE: If you cannot move an door, it may be too close to an existing object or wall.
Merubah Ukuran Pintu
To resize a door in plan view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a door to select it. Two end points and one centerpoint will appear.
3. Place the cursor on an endpoint. Click the left mouse button and drag to resize.
To resize a door in 3D view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a door to select it. Four outer points and one centerpoint will appear.
3. Click the left mouse button and drag any of the four outer points to resize.
NOTE: Doors resize symmetrically in width. If you cannot resize a door, it may be too close to an existing object, wall or floor. Drag the center point of the door away from the existing object, wall or floor and then resize. . Doors can also be resized numerically in the Door Specification dialog box.
Membuka Pintu
To open a standard door:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a door to select it. Two endpoints and one centerpoint will appear.
3. From either endpoint, click the left mouse button and drag away from the wall in the direction you wish the door to open.
To adjust the degree of opening for a standard door:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on an open door to select it. See above instructions on opening a door.
3. To adjust the degree of door opening, move the cursor to the triangular marker at the open end of the door. The cursor will change to a circular arrow.
4. Click the left mouse button and drag to the desired opening position.
Jenis Pintu
Standard Doorway
Sliding Door
Pocket Door
Bifold Door
Garage Door
Electrical lights, outlets, switches, and many other symbols can be placed into a plan. Connections between lights, outlets, and switches can be drawn to designate wiring.
Jenis Kelistrikan
1. 110V Outlet
2. Light
3. Switch
4. Connect
5. Place Outlets
6. Symbol Library
7. Additional Electrical Types:
a. 220V Outlet
Menempatkan Outlet
To place an individual outlet:
1. Click on the Electrical Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a wall.
To place outlets for an entire room:
1. Click on the Electrical Mode Button and click on the Place Outlets Tool from the toolbar.
2. Click anywhere within a room.
NOTE: Outlets can only be placed in plan view. Outlets are not displayed in elevation or 3D views.
Menempatkan Lampu
To place a light fixture:
1. Click on the Electrical Mode Button from the toolbar. A set of electrical tools will appear on the right side of the toolbar.
2. Click on the Light Tool on the right of the toolbar.
3. Click anywhere to place a light fixture.
NOTE: Lights can only be placed in plan view. Lights are not displayed in elevation or 3D views.
Menguhungkan Perangkat Kelistrikan
To connect existing electrical items:
1. Click on the Electrical Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on the Connect Tool on the right of the toolbar.
3. Click the first electrical object to be connected.
4. While holding the left mouse button down, drag towards the second electrical object.
5. When the cursor is over the second electrical object, release the mouse button.
NOTE: Connections can only be performed in plan view.
Menempatkan Saklar
To place an electrical switch:
1. Click on the Electrical Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on the Switch Tool on the right of the toolbar.
3. Click a wall in the desired location
NOTE: Switches can only be placed in plan view. Switches are not displayed in elevation or 3D views.
Menempatkan Simbol Kelistrikan
To place an electrical symbol:
1. Click on the Electrical Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Select the Symbol Library tool on the right of the toolbar. The Symbol Library dialog will appear.
3. Select a specific electrical symbol category.
4. Select a specific electrical symbol.
5. Click the OK button.
6. Click to place the electrical symbol into your plan.
NOTE: Electrical symbols can only be placed in plan view. Electrical symbols are not displayed in elevation or 3D views.
Menghapus Simbiol Kelistrikan
To delete an electrical symbol:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on an electrical symbol to select it.
4. Click on the Delete Tool , select the Cut command from the Edit menu or press the DELETE key.
Menggeser Perangkat Kelistrikan
To move an electrical item in plan view:
1. Select the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on the electrical symbol. A triangle and a centerpoint will appear.
3. Click and drag the centerpoint in the desired direction.
NOTE: Electrical objects cannot be viewed in a 3D view.
Masonry fireplaces can be created in or away from an existing wall. Firebox and hearth dimensions can be adjusted.
Membuat Perapian
Masonry and metal pre-fabricated fireplaces are supported. Fireplaces can be created in or away from a wall.
Cara membuat a masonry fireplace in a plan view:
1. Select the Fireplace command from the Build menu . The cursor will change to a cross-hair.
2. Click the mouse to create a fireplace. To create a fireplace in a wall, click the cross-hair cursor on a wall. If you want to move the fireplace further back into the wall, see Moving a Fireplace .
To place a metal pre-fabricated fireplace in a plan view:
1. Using walls, create a small enclosure outside the wall. This will create the housing for the metal fireplace.
2. Click on the Fixture Button from the toolbar. The Fixture Library dialog will appear.
3. Click on the Utility fixture group. A display of additional categories will appear.
4. Click on the Metal Fireplaces category. A display of metal fireplace categories will appear. Select a category. If you want to move back to the previous screen, click on the Back button.
5. Select a specific fireplace. A selection box will appear around the object. To obtain a preview of the object, select the View button. To return to selection mode click on the Back button.
6. Once you have selected a fireplace, click the OK button.
7. Click the back wall to place the fireplace into the created enclosure.
8. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
9. Click on the back wall to select it.
10. Click on the centerpoint and drag the back wall towards the front of the fireplace to push the fireplace through the wall.
Menggeser Perapian
To move a fireplace in plan view:
1. Select the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a fireplace. Outer points, a triangular rotation point, and a centerpoint will appear.
3. Position the cursor over the centerpoint and the cursor will change to a cross.
4. Click and drag the centerpoint.
To move a fireplace in 3D view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a fireplace side to select a surface. Four outer points and one centerpoint will appear. A metal fireplace created using the Fixture Button, will only have a centerpoint. Four outer points will appear on a metal fireplace if the Fixture/Furniture resize option is enabled. If you are unable to select the side you wish to resize, you may need to change your camera position to view and select the side.
3. Click and drag the centerpoint.
NOTE: Masonry fireplaces can only be moved further back into a wall in plan view.
Fixture (Perabot Rumah Tangga)
Fixtures are used to represent bathroom fixtures, sinks, appliances, utility items, pools and spas, and more.
Menempatkan Fixture
To place a fixture:
1. Click on the Fixture Button from the toolbar. The Fixture Library dialog will appear.
2. Select Fixture Library from the Active Library list.
3. Select a specific fixture group. Clicking on a fixture group displays fixture items within that group. To move back to the previous screen, click on the Back button.
4. Select a specific fixture item. A selection box will appear around the object. To obtain a preview of the object, select the View button. To return to selection mode click on the Back button.
5. Once you have selected a fixture item, click the OK button.
6. Click to place the fixture into a plan.
NOTE: Fixtures can only be placed in plan view.
Menghapus Fixture
To delete a fixture in any view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a fixture to select it.
3. Click on the Delete Tool , select Cut command from the Edit menu or press the DELETE key.
Merubah Ukuran Fixture
Resizing a fixture in a plan or 3D view requires the Enable Fixture/Furniture resize checkbox to be selected in the Plan Setup dialog .
To resize a fixture in plan view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a fixture to select it. Three outer points, a triangle, and one centerpoint will appear.
3. Click and drag any of the three outer points.
To resize a fixture in 3D view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a fixture side to select a surface. Four outer points and one centerpoint will appear. If you are unable to select the side you wish to resize, you may need to change your camera position to view and select the side.
3. Click and drag any of the four outer points to resize.
NOTE: Fixtures can also be resized numerically and reset to their original size in the Fixture Specification dialog box.
Menggeser Fixture
To move a fixture in plan view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a fixture to select it. A triangle and a centerpoint will appear.
3. Position the cursor over the centerpoint and the cursor will change into a cross.
4. Click and drag the centerpoint.
NOTE: To move a fixture without constraint, hold down the CONTROL key while moving.
To move a fixture in 3D view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a fixture side to select a surface. A centerpoint will appear. If you are unable to select the side you wish to move, you may need to change your camera position to view and select the side.
3. Position the cursor over the centerpoint and the cursor will change into a cross.
4. Click and hold down the left mouse button while dragging the centerpoint.
NOTE: If you cannot move an object, it may be too close to an existing object or wall.
Additional floors, including foundations, can be created based on an existing floor or from scratch.
Membuat Sebuah Lantai Baru
NOTE: Your plan must be saved before you can create a new floor.
Cara membuat a new floor or foundation:
1. Select the Show Floors command from the Window menu .
2. Click on a specific Build button to create the floor. The New Working Plan dialog will appear.
3. From the New Working Plan dialog, select the type of floor you wish to create.
4. In the New Working Plan dialog box, click OK.
5. In the Show Floors dialog box, click OK.
6. If a foundation is being created, select the desired settings in the Foundation Setup dialog box, and then click Done.
NOTE: The newly created floor plan becomes the active floor plan.
Menhubungkan Lantai
To display a different floor:
1. Select the Show Floors command from the Window menu . The Show Floors dialog will appear.
2. Click on the Working Plan checkbox under the desired floor.
3. Click the OK button.
Furniture is used to represent tables, desks, sofas, chairs, pianos, cars, bedroom furniture, outdoor furniture and more.
Menempatkan Furniture
To place a furniture object:
1. Click on the Furniture Button from the toolbar. The Furniture Library dialog will appear.
2. Select a Furniture Library from the Active Library list.
3. Select a specific furniture group. Clicking on a furniture group displays furniture items within that group. To move back to the previous screen, click on the Back button.
4. Select a specific furniture item. A selection box will appear around the object. To obtain a preview of the object, select the View button. To return to selection mode click on the Back button.
5. Once you have selected a furniture item, click the OK button.
6. Click the left mouse button to place the furniture into a plan.
NOTE: Furniture can only be placed in plan view.
Menghapus Furnitur
To delete furniture in any view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a furniture object to select it.
3. Click on the Delete Tool , select Cut command from the Edit menu or press the DELETE key.
Menggeser Furnitur
To move furniture in plan view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a furniture object to select it. A triangle and a centerpoint will appear.
3. Position the cursor over the centerpoint and the cursor will change into a cross.
4. Click and drag the centerpoint.
NOTE: To move a cabinet without constraint, hold down the CONTROL key while moving.
To move furniture in 3D view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a furniture side to select a surface. A centerpoint will appear. If you are unable to select the side you wish to move, you will need to change your camera position to view and select the side.
3. Position the cursor over the centerpoint and the cursor will change into a cross.
4. Click and drag the centerpoint.
NOTE: If you cannot move an object, it may be too close to an existing object or wall.
Merubah Ukuran Furnitur
Resizing furniture in a plan or 3D view requires the Enable Fixture/Furniture resize checkbox to be selected in the Plan Setup dialog .
To resize furniture in plan view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a furniture object to select it. Three outer points, a triangle, and one centerpoint will appear.
3. Click and drag any of the three outer points.
To resize furniture in 3D view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a furniture side to select a surface. Four outer points and one centerpoint will appear. If you are unable to select the side you wish to resize, you may need to change your camera position to view and select the side.
3. Click and drag any of the four outer points to resize.
Ground Covering (Penutupan Pengurugan Tanah)
Membuat Ground Covering
To add a ground covering:
1. Go to the Plan window if you’re not already there.
2. On the Build menu, click Ground covering.
3. In your plan, click the desired location on your lot for the ground covering.
See also Resizing a Ground Covering, Adding Material to a Ground Covering, or Viewing Ground Covering Material .
Merubah Ukuran Ground Covering
To resize a ground covering:
1. Click the Selection Mode button, and then click the ground covering.
2. Move, resize or rotate the ground cover.
See also Creating a Ground Covering, Adding Material to a Ground Covering, or Viewing Ground Covering Material .
Menambahkan Material pada Ground Covering
To add a material to the ground covering:
1. With the Selection Mode button selected, double-click the ground covering.
2. The Ground Cover Size dialog appears. Change the size here if you want to;
otherwise, click the Color & Material button.
3. In the Assign Colors dialog box, click the Material button.
4. In the Assign Material dialog box, click the Choose Material button.
5. Click grnd_cver, click a subcategory (e.g., gravel), and then click the material you want (e.g., gravel01).
6. Click OK three times to apply the material and exit the dialog boxes.
See also Creating a Ground Covering, Resizing a Ground Covering, or Viewing Ground Covering Material .
Menampilkan Ground Covering
To view the ground covering material:
1. Click the View mode button.
2. Click and drag to create a Camera view that includes the ground covering.
(Adjust the view after creating, if necessary.)
3. On the 3D menu, click Applied Materials View, or on the toolbar, click the Applied Materials View button (it looks like a camera)
See also Creating a Ground Covering, Resizing a Ground Covering, or Adding Material to a Ground Covering.
Menambahkan Kapling
To add a lot while in the Plan window, on the Build menu, click Build/Move Lot.
To view the boundary lines of the lot, click the Zoom Mode button, and then click the Zoom Out tool until the lines become visible.
Merubah Ukuran Kapling
To change the size of the lot:
1. In the Plan window, zoom out until the lot is visible.
2. On the Build menu, click Build/Move Yard.
3. Click the lot to select it.
3. Click and drag one of the red handles on a boundary line to resize the lot, or click and drag the centered red handle to move the lot.
You can also double-click the lot, and then change one or more of the numbers in the Yard Size and Height dialog box.
Daftar Material dan Harga
Daftar Material
Cost estimation can be monitored during plan creation. Creation of the materials list can be made based on an entire plan, a specific room, or a user-defined area. Pricing can be adjusted for the individual materials.
Membuat Daftar Material
Cara membuat a materials list for an entire floorplan:
1. Select the Materials menu command from the Options menu . A sub-menu will appear.
2. Select the Build All Floors menu command. A Materials List window will appear.
Cara membuat a materials list for a specific region:
1. Select the Materials command from the Options menu . A sub-menu will appear.
2. Select the Build from Area menu command.
3. Move the cursor to the area of the plan that you wish to specify. Click and drag to define the region. A Materials List window will appear.
Cara membuat a materials list for a room:
1. Select the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click once in a room to select the room. If the room you have selected is not specifying the area you want, you should create invisible walls or modify existing walls.
3. Select the Materials command from the Options menu . A sub-menu will appear.
4. Select the Build from Room menu command. A Materials List window will appear.
If the remodel is a building addition, and floor, ceiling, and roof information is needed, do the following:
1. In the File menu, click Save As. Save a copy of the plan with a different name.
2. Delete the existing structure, leaving only the building addition. (Be sure to Build Floors/Ceiling afterwards.)
3. Generate the materials list for the entire plan by using the Build All Floors
menu command (see above).
Memasukan Harga
To enter a price for a material item in a material list:
1. Find the Price column for the item. The Price column is the ninth column from the left.
2. Click on the cell to select it.
3. Enter a number.
4. Press the RETURN or ENTER key.
NOTE: While decimals are allowed, no dollar signs or commas can be entered. Dollar signs will be added automatically.
Merubah Harga
To change a price for a material item in a materials list:
1. Find the Price column for the item you wish to change. The Price column is the ninth column from the left.
2. Double-click on a cell to select it, then drag the cursor across the price(while holding mouse-button down) to highlight it.
3. Enter a number.
4. Press the RETURN or ENTER key.
NOTE: While decimals are allowed, no dollar signs or commas can be entered. Dollar signs will be added automatically.
Pengertian Object
Furnitures, fixtures, doors, stairs, fireplaces, windows, and cabinets are objects which can be placed into a plan. When you place an object, 3D Home Architect Deluxe checks to make sure that an object will fit properly into a given area. Once an object is placed into a plan, it can be resized, moved, copied, deleted, or rotated.
Menempatkan Sebuah Object
Placing an object is the first thing that you will want to do once you have created your walls.
Menempatkan Objek Outdoor
You can place outdoor objects such as fencing, arbors, and playsets. To do this:
1. Click the Outdoor Objects tool. The Outdoor Library dialog box appears.
2. Click a type of object (e.g. Fencing). Click a subtype of image (e.g. Iron Fences), and then click the object you want. Click Back if you want to return to the previous choice. Click View to preview the selected object.
3. Click OK. Click where you want to place the object in your plan. The application places the outdoor object
After you place the outdoor object, you can change the specifications of it by double clicking it.
Outdoor Objects are special cases of furniture. As such, they are often affected by the same actions that affect Furniture. If you turn on (or off) furniture in the following dialog boxes, you will also be turning on (or off) Outdoor Objects.
• Delete Items
• Show Items
• Plan View Colors
• Plan Setup (enabling Fixture/Furniture resize enables 3D Object resize)
• Plan Default Colors (Hardware, Furniture and Furniture Fabric affect Outdoor Objects)
Note that when you double click an outdoor object, the Fixture/Furniture Specification dialog box appears. You can set the specifications for the outdoor object in this dialog box.
Menghapus Object
To delete an object see these chapters:
• Deleting a Door(way)
• Deleting a Window
• Deleting a Cabinet
• Deleting a Fixture
• Deleting Furniture
• Deleting an Outdoor Object
• Deleting an Outdoor Image
• Deleting a Fireplace
• Deleting Stairs or Landings
• Deleting an Electrical Symbol
• Deleting Text
Menggeser Object
To move an object see these chapters:
Moving a Door
Moving a Window
Moving a Cabinet
Moving a Camera
Moving a Fixture
Moving Furniture
Moving Stairs
Moving a Fireplace
Moving an Electrical Object
Moving Text
Moving a Dimension Line
Menggeser Object dan Area
To move an object see these chapters:
Moving Objects
Moving a Wall
Moving a Floorplan Section
Merubah Ukuran Object
Once you have placed an object, you can resize it.
To move an object see these chapters:
Door(way) Resizing
Window Resizing
Cabinet Resizing
Fixture Resizing
Furniture Resizing
Resizing Stairs
Text Resizing
Mengcopy sebuah Object
To copy an object in plan view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on the object you want to copy. Points will appear on the object.
3. Click on the Copy Tool on the right side of the toolbar or select the Copy command from the Edit menu . The cursor will change to a copy cursor.
4. Click at the desired location to place the object.
NOTE: Objects cannot be copied in overview, elevation or camera views.
Merotasi Object
To rotate an object:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on an object to select it. A triangle will appear on one of the edges.
3. Place the cursor over the triangle and it will change into a rotation cursor (circular arrow).
4. Click and hold the left mouse button down while moving in a circular motion.
5. Release the mouse button.
NOTE: Rotation of an object can only occur in a plan view.
Topik-topik tambahan
A Word About Attics:
3D Home Architect Deluxe automatically creates an attic plan for your house the first time you do any type of 3D View or build a roof. This attic plan is saved with your house just like any other plan file, with the extension *PLn. It is important to realize which plan is the attic, and to remember not to work with this plan file. For example:
If you build a 2-story house, and then save your plan with the name TEST, you will end up with three files for this plan. The first two (TEST.PL1 and TEST.PL2) are the actual floor plans for your house. The third (TEST.PL3) is the attic plan for your house.
If you build a 3-story house with a foundation, and then save your plan with the name TEST, you will end up with five files for this plan. The first four (TEST.PL0, TEST.PL1, TEST.PL2 and TEST.PL3) are the actual floor plans for your house. The fifth (TEST.PL4) is the attic plan for your house.
If you happen to switch to an attic plan in Show Floors or open an attic plan by accident and add anything to this plan, you will experience strange results when you do a Full Overview or Cross Section. Anything you add to the attic will stick through your roof in either of these 3d views.
Pemakaian Material untuk bagian luar sebuah rumah
You can apply a material to the outside of each floor of your plan. See Selecting a Material for External Walls .
Desainer Atap Otomatis
Roofs in 3D Home Architect Deluxe are generated using the Automatic Roof Designer. You never actually see the Automatic Roof Designer, instead you see the Build Roof Dialog. When you make changes in the Build Roof Dialog, and in the Roof Section At Wall dialog, you are instructing the Automatic Roof Designer how to construct the roof for your plan.
Merubah Sudut Pandang Plan Overview
To change the view of a plan overview:
1. Click on the View Angle Tool in the toolbar or select the View Angle command from the 3D menu . The View Angle dialog will appear.
2. Adjust the Top/Bottom scroll bar to modify the view perspective. Adjust the In/Out scroll bar to modify the magnification of the view. Adjust the Back/Front scroll bar to modify the horizontal view perspective. Changes will be reflected in the preview at the bottom of the dialog.
3. Click the OK button.
Membuat Pondasi Foundation
Note: In order to create a foundation, the first floor must be the current Working Plan.
Cara membuat a foundation:
1. Select the Show Floors command from the Window menu .
2. Click on the Build button under the Foundation column. The New Working Plan dialog will appear.
3. Specify the characteristics for the creation of the foundation.
4. Click the OK button in the New Working Plan dialog.
5. Click the OK button in the Show Floors dialog. The Foundation Setup dialog will appear.
6. Specify the wall thickness, wall height, pier or footing usage.
7. Click the Done button.
Membuat Sebuah Overview
To see the entire floorplan from a distance:
Select the Plan Overview command or the Full Overview command from the 3D menu . An Overview window will appear.
1. Click on the View Mode Button . A set of View Tools will appear on the right of the toolbar.
2. Click on the Overview Tool or the Full Overview Tool.
Mengkustomisasi Jendela Model Bay, Model Box or Model Bow
To customize an existing bay, box or bow window in the Floor Plan view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a bay, box or bow window to select the window you wish to modify.
3. Click the Next Tool on the right of the toolbar. A window will become highlighted.
4. Click the Open Tool on the right of the toolbar. The Window Specification dialog will appear.
5. Click the down arrow to the right of the entry field labeled Window Type. Select a window type from the menu. Adjust any of the window settings.
6. Click the OK button.
• If you are editing a bay or box window, editing one side window will not effect the other side window. When you are working with trim width settings on an individual bay window, however, you may need to check to see that changes you make to one window are made to the other bay windows.
• Changes made to bay windows may not be reflected in the currently open 3D View.
• If you are editing a bow window, changes made to one window will be universal.
Mencari /menemukan sebuah Plan
3D Home Architect Deluxe comes with a database of many plans that can help get you started. You can use any of these plans as a template as you begin to design your home. You can search this database for plans that match your search criteria. This saves you the time and hassle of having to create a desirable plan completely from scratch.
Note: If you choose Minimal Installation during installation, you can access this database through the product CD-ROM. Otherwise, the database is located on your hard disk in the same directory as the 3D Home Architect Deluxe program files.
To search for plans:
1. On the File menu. click Find Plan. If necessary, insert the 3D Home Architect Deluxe CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive.
2. The Plan Finder dialog box appears.
3. Enter criteria for your search (e.g., Style of home, Number of floors, etc.). Use these choices to limit your search to the homes that meet your needs. You may want to use larger numbers in the Number of floors, Square feet, Bathrooms, and Bedrooms categories to avoid overlooking flexible plans.
Square feet is commonly equivalent to living space. That is, in most cases, the listed square footage will not include the space created by non-daylight basements or garages.
Plan Finder does not search based on 1/2 baths. Please enter whole numbers into the # of baths search criteria, and Planfinder will find all plans that fit in that category, some of which may contain 1/2 baths.
Note that if you chose Remodel as Style of home, other criteria are unavailable.
4. Click Next. The Select Plan dialog box appears, listing plans that meet your criteria. If you do not find plans that match your needs, consider broadening the range of your search by increasing the number of square feet, or additional bedrooms, bathrooms, or floors. To change your search criteria, click Back.
5. To preview a plan, make sure the program CD is in the CD-ROM drive. Select a plan and click Next. The Preview dialog box appears, displaying an overhead view of the plan.
6. Click Open Plan to open the plan. Click Back to return to the previous dialog box.
“HP” refers to Home Planners ¾ a book of plans that you can order. “SP” refers to Sample Plans ¾ a book of plans included with 3D Home Architect Deluxe. For example, “HP p. 195″ refers to Home Planners, page 195.
Heated Area (Bagian yang dipanaskan)
This section of the materials list designates how many square feet of wall, glass, or door area needs to be heated. This is provided for determination of HVAC requirements.
Mengatur Windows Plan dan Windows View
Windows can be minimized and maximized by clicking on the Minimize and Maximize buttons at the upper right corner of every window. Clicking on the Maximize Button will enlarge the window to fill the entire size of the current application window. Clicking on the Minimize button will create an icon for the window and place it at the bottom of the application window.
Once a window has been minimized, it can be opened by double-clicking the icon. If you find that minimized window icons are overlapping each other or randomly placed and you would like to have them in orderly rows, select the Arrange Icons command from the Window menu .
If you desire to cycle through the available windows, hold down the CTRL key and press the TAB key. If the window you wish to cycle to is currently minimized, the minimized window icon will become selected.
Mengukur Jarak (pengukuran)
To measure a distance:
1. Click on the Dimension Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click at the location you wish to begin measuring from. While you are holding the mouse button down, drag to the desired location to determine the distance.
3. While you hold the mouse button down, the status box in the toolbar will display the distance. Continue to hold the mouse button down to keep displaying the measurement.
NOTE: The numeric display will disappear from the status box in the toolbar when you release the mouse button. If the measurement is made between two parallel walls, a manual dimension line will remain.
Menggeser Seksi Floorplan
To move a section of a floorplan:
1. Select the Move Area command from the Edit menu .
2. Click and drag to select the area you wish to move. As you drag, the area that you have defined will be surrounded by a box. Release the mouse button.
3. Move the cursor over the selection box. The cursor will change to a four-headed arrow.
4. Click and drag to move the area to a new location. Release the mouse button at the new location.
Walls encompassed by the selection box will be broken. An object will be included in the area move when greater than half of it is encompassed by the selection box.
The Move Area command does not move your roof. After you move an entire one story plan that includes a roof, you need to delete the roof and create another roof.
Menamai Ruangan Room
To name a room:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Double-click the room you wish to name. When you click, the boundary of the room is highlighted. The Room Specification dialog will appear.
3. Click on the down arrow that appears to the right of the Room Name field.
4. Select the name you wish.
5. Click the OK button.
NOTE: Once created, a room name can be modified in the same manner as a text block. If you want a typical name such as “Kitchen,” change the name in the Room Specification dialog box.
Bukaan Bawah (Open Below)
Using the “Open Below” specification
The “Open Below” room specification is used to instruct the program to build no floor in the designated area. This is very useful when creating stairways going from one floor to another. If you designate a room as “Open Below”, you will be able to look down through the resulting hole, and see the stairs coming up from the bottom.
Open below is also commonly used in living spaces that span two floors, but where no floor is built between the rooms, such as in a living room, with two story windows, and a loft above. In this case, you would designate floor two as “Open Below”, and therefore floor one would appear to reach to the roof on floor two.
For more information on this Room Specification option, please look in the users manual, under “Open Below Specification”
Menempatkan image-image outdoor
You can place bitmap images of flowers, rocks, trees, etc. Note that these images cannot be manipulated in the same way outdoor objects can. To place outdoor images:
1. Click the Outdoor Images tool. The Select Image dialog box appears.
2. Click a type of image (e.g. rockery). Click a subtype of image (e.g. rocks1). Click Back if you want to return to the previous choice.
3. Click the image you want to use and click OK. Click where you want to place the image in your plan. The application places the outdoor image.
Setup dan Seleksi Printer
The Print dialog specifies the printer for printing your projects.
Select a printer from the list of installed printers. If no printers appear in the list, you will need to install printer drivers in Windows. For help on installing printer drivers, consult your Windows User’s Guide.
You may configure printer settings by selecting the printer from the list and clicking on the Properties button.
3D Home Architect Deluxe includes the Automatic Roof Designer, which will help you create customized roofs for all your plan files.
For specific information on using the Automatic Roof Designer in 3D Home Architect Deluxe, please select one of the following topics.
Automatic Roof Designer
Roof Section At Wall Dialog
Roof Over Door/Window Tool
Roof Over Bay/Bow Window Dialog
Build Roof Dialog
Full Camera
Cross Section
Full Overview
Menampilkan Reference Plan
A reference plan is a floor which can be superimposed onto an existing floor to line up walls or use as a guide for creating other floors.
To designate floor as a Reference Plan:
1. Select the Show Floors command from the Window menu . The Show Floors dialog will appear.
2. Click on the Reference Plan checkbox under the desired floor. The Reference Plan must be a different floor from the Working Plan.
3. Click the OK button.
To show a Reference Plan:
1. Select the Zoom Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Select the Reference Tool on the right side of the toolbar. The designated Reference Plan will appear. Click the Reference Floor Tool again to hide the Reference Plan.
1. Select the Reference Toggle command from the Window menu . The Reference Plan will appear. To hide the Reference Plan, select the Reference Toggle menu command again.
Langkah-langkah membuat Floor plan
1. Begin by drawing walls . If you are drawing an entire floorplan, create all the exterior walls first. Create the basic exterior wall framework first to create an entire enclosure. Once you have created your exterior wall framework, you can adjust the wall lengths by resizing or moving walls. If you are drawing a remodel plan, you will probably want to draw only a few rooms. Begin by drawing the walls which enclose the rooms first and then draw the walls which divide them.
2. Once you have your walls positioned, you will want to place doors and windows in your plan.
3. Create cabinets in the kitchens and bathrooms so that sinks can be placed into them.
4. Place fixture objects into your plan to represent your appliances, sinks, and utility items.
5. Place furniture objects to demonstrate how the plan works for you.
6. If desired, place electrical outlet , switch , and light symbols. You can also depict electrical wiring by connecting electrical symbols .
Menukar sebuah Reference Plan (Rancangan Referensi) dan Working Plan (Rancangan Pengerjaan)
A reference plan is a floor which can be superimposed onto an existing floor to line up walls or use as a guide for creating other floors.
To designate floor as a Reference Plan:
1. Select the Show Floors command from the Window menu . The Show Floors dialog will appear.
2. Click on the Reference Plan checkbox under the desired floor. The Reference Plan must be a different floor from the Working Plan.
3. Click the OK button.
To swap Reference Plan and Working Plan:
1. Select the Zoom Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Select the Swap Work-Ref Tool on the right side of the toolbar. The designated Reference Plan will become the current Working Plan.
1. Select the Swap Work-Ref command from the Window menu . The Reference Plan will become the current Working Plan.
Peta Daerah Zona Ketahanan versi USDA
USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map
USDA Zone Temperature Range Example Cities
1 Below –50 F(below –45.6C) Fairbanks, AlaskaResolute, Northwest Territories(Canada)
2a -50 to –45 F(-42.8 to –45.5 C) Prudhoe Bay, AlaskaFlin Flon, Manitoba (Canada)
2b -45 to –40 F(-40.0 to –42.7 C) Unalakleet, AlaskaPinecreek, Minnesota
3a -40 to –35 F(-37.3 to –39.9 C) International Falls, MinnesotaSt. Michael, Alaska
3b -35 to –30 F(-34.5 to –37.2 C) Tomahawk, WisconsinSidney, Montana
4a -30 to –25 F(-31.7 to –34.4 C) Minneapolis/St. Paul, MinnesotaLewistown, Montana
4b -25 to –20 F(-28.9 to –31.6 C) Northwood, IowaNebraska
5a -20 to –15 F(-26.2 to -28.8 C) Des Moines, IowaIllinois
5b -15 to –10 F(-23.4 to –26.1 C) Columbia, MissouriMansfield, Pennsylvania
6a -10 to –5 F(-20.6 to –23.3 C) St. Louis, MissouriLebanon, Pennsylvania
6b -5 to 0 F(-17.8 to –20.5 C) McMinnville, TennesseeBranson, Missouri
7a 0 to 5 F(-15.0 to -17.7 C) Oklahoma City, OklahomaSouth Boston, Virginia
7b 5 to 10 F(-12.3 to -14.9 C) Little Rock, ArkansasGriffin, Georgia
8a 10 to 15 F(-9.5 to -12.2. C) Tifton, GeorgiaDallas, Texas
8b 15 to 20 F(-6.7 to –9.4 C) Austin, TexasGainesville, Florida
9a 20 to 25 F(-3.9 to –6.6 C) Houston, TexasSt. Augustine, Florida
9b 25 to 30 F(-1.2 to –3.8 C) Brownsville, TexasFort Pierce, Florida
10a 30 to 35 F(1.6 to –1.1 C) Naples, FloridaBarstow, California
10b 35 to 40 F(4.4 to 1.7 C) Miami, FloridaCoral Gables, Florida
11 above 40 F(above 4.5 C) Honolulu, HawaiiMazatlan, Mexico
Penggunaan Pillar/Tonggak dengan (Pilar and Post with Railing)
To have more pillars or posts at specific locations on the railing, simply use the Break Wall tool on the railing. Each location where you apply the break wall tool has a post or pillar.
Tangga & Landing
Stairs and landings can be used to create a wide variety of staircase configurations. Stair direction, number of risers, tread width, and more can be specified.
Membuat Tangga
Cara membuat a staircase:
1. Click on the Stairs Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click the location for the center of the steps to begin and drag in the direction to define an upward staircase. To create a downward staircase, press and hold the SHIFT key while dragging the mouse.
3. Release the mouse button.
NOTE: For circular stairs, select the Fixture Button and select the Utility fixture group. Select the Circular Stairs fixture group to place circular stairs. The Stair Tool will not create circular stairs.
Membuat Landing
A stair landing is the platform area between two staircases. A landing maintains the look of the existing staircase with rails. To create a stair landing, you must have two existing staircases. In order to place a landing, a staircase top and a staircase bottom must be oriented so that their respective direction arrows continue the path.
To create a landing:
1. Click on the Stairs Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click the area between two existing staircases. A landing will be created.
NOTE: You may need to redraw, move, or rotate stairs accordingly.
Menggeser Tangga
To move stairs:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a staircase or landing to select it. Four outer points and one centerpoint will appear.
3. Click and drag the centerpoint. If you move a staircase that is connected to a landing, all the connected stairs will be moved along with the object being moved.
NOTE: If you cannot move an object, it may be too close to an existing object or wall.
Merubah Ukuran Tangga
To resize stairs:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a staircase to select it. Four outer points and one centerpoint will appear.
3. Position the cursor over any of the four outer points and the cursor will change to a double-headed arrow.
4. Click and drag any of the four outer points to resize.
NOTE: If you cannot resize an object, it may be too close to an existing object, wall or floor. Drag the center point of the object away from the existing object, wall or floor and then resize.
Menghapus Tangga/ Landing
To delete stairs or landings:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a staircase or landing to select it.
3. Click on the Delete Tool .
NOTE: Deleting a staircase connected to a landing will delete the landing.
Text can be placed anywhere in a plan. Arrows can be attached to text blocks to point out specific elements in a plan.
Membuat Text
You can place text anywhere on your plan.
Cara membuat text:
1. Click on the Text Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on the location where you wish to place your text.
3. The Edit Text dialog will appear.
4. Enter text in the typing area. Words will “wrap” automatically to the next line.
5. Click the OK button.
NOTE: Word wrap occurring within the Edit Text dialog has no relationship to the appearance on the floorplan.
Memodifikasi Text
Modifications will apply to all of the text or to a specific section of text that you highlight. To highlight text, click and hold the left mouse button down and drag the cursor over the text. To highlight text using the keyboard, use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the left or right of the text section you want. Hold down the SHIFT key and use the left or right arrow key to highlight the text.
Additional shortcuts for highlighting text are pressing the SHIFT and HOME or the SHIFT and END keys to highlight from the current cursor position to the beginning or end of the current line. Pressing CTRL-SHIFT-HOME or CTRL-SHIFT-END keys to highlight all text from the current cursor position to the beginning or end of the text entry field.
To modify existing text:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Double-click the text block. The Edit Text dialog will appear.
3. To highlight text, click and drag the mouse over the text section you want to change.
4. Begin typing to replace the selected text.
5. Click the OK button.
Menghapus Text
To delete text:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a text block to select it.
3. Click on the Delete Tool , select the Cut command from the Edit menu or press the DELETE key.
Merubah Ukuran Text
To resize a block of text:
1. Select the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Select a text block. Two endpoints and one centerpoint will appear.
3. Move the cursor over either of the two endpoints and the cursor icon will change into a two-headed arrow.
4. Click an endpoint and drag in the desired direction.
NOTE: Text automatically wraps to fit the size of a text block. A text block cannot be resized smaller than the area necessary to display the entered text at the given character height.
Menggeser Text
To move a block of text:
1. Select the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Select a text block. Two endpoints and one centerpoint will appear.
3. Move the cursor over the centerpoint and the cursor will change to four-headed arrow cursor.
4. Click and drag in the desired direction.
Tinggi Huruf
To change text height:
1. Select the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Double-click a text block. The Edit Text dialog will appear.
3. Enter a number from 2 to 120 in the Character Height field entry area.
4. Click the OK button.
NOTE: Character Height is expressed in scaled inches.
Menamai Ruangan
Penggunaan Toolbar
The toolbar is the row of icons at the top of the screen just below the menu titles. The row of icons beginning from the left are called mode buttons. When you select a mode button, you are in a specific mode and a set of tools will appear on the right side of the toolbar. A set of tools will not appear for Fixtures, Furniture, Stairs, and Text Mode Buttons because these modes do not require them.
When you select a mode button or tool, the name of the mode or tool is displayed in the status box to the right of the mode buttons. To obtain help when in a specific mode, place the cursor over the tool or mode button and press the F1 key.
Placing the cursor over a mode button or tool without clicking on it will display a description of the mode button or tool in the status bar at the bottom of the screen.
Click on a name for more information:
Selection Mode Button
Wall Mode Button
Door Mode Button
Window Mode Button
Cabinet Mode Button
Fixture Button
Furniture Button
Outdoor Objects Button
Outdoor Images Button
Fireplace Button
Stairs Mode Button
Roof Mode Button
Electrical Mode Button
Text Mode Button
Dimension Mode Button
View Mode Button
Zoom Mode Button
NOTE: Fixture, Furniture, Stair, and Text mode buttons do not have tools that appear on the right of the toolbar.
Pengertian Toolbar
The toolbar is the strip of mode buttons and tools that appear near the top of the screen. The buttons beginning from the left are called Mode Buttons. When you select a mode button, a set of tools appear on the right side of the toolbar. For example, clicking on the Wall Mode Button on the left will make the Wall Tools appear on the right of the toolbar. Tools perform specific functions that are related to the current mode.
The text shown to the right of the mode buttons is the status box, which displays the name of the mode or tool that is currently selected. When you click on a mode button or tool, the name will appear in the status box.
Placing the cursor over a mode button or tool without clicking on it will display a description of the mode button or tool in the status bar at the bottom of the window.
Click on a name for more information:
Selection Mode Button
Wall Mode Button
Door Mode Button
Window Mode Button
Cabinet Mode Button
Fixture Button
Furniture Button
Stairs Mode Button
Roof Mode Button
Electrical Mode Button
Text Mode Button
Dimension Mode Button
View Mode Button
Zoom Mode Button
NOTE: Fixture, Furniture, Stair, and Text mode buttons do not have tools that appear on the right of the toolbar.
Use walls to define interior spaces. Walls of a specified thickness’ can be drawn horizontally, vertically, and diagonally (in 15 degree increments from horizontal or vertical). Standard, railing, invisible (room definition), and beam wall types are supported. When drawn close enough to an existing wall, wall lines will automatically join.
Jenis Dinding
1. Standard Wall
2. Railing
3. Hatch Wall
4. Break Wall
5. Thickness
6. Additional Wall Types:
a. Invisible
b. Beams
Membuat Dinding
Drawing walls is the first step to creating a floorplan. Different wall types and numerous wall thicknesses are available.
Once a wall is drawn, the wall can be moved, lengthened or shortened, and changed to be a different wall type or thickness.
Memilih Tekstur dan Material untuk Dinding Interior
You can specify a material for the all of the interior walls on a floor of your plan.
1. Click the Selection Mode button, and then double-click the room you want to change.
2. Click Color & Material.
3. Click Walls, and then click Interior.
4. Continue to select subcategories until you are viewing the actual materials. (When you click a material, it is surrounded by a box.) Click the material you want.
5. Click OK three times to apply the material and exit the dialog boxes.
When you apply a texture and material to an interior wall, it affects all the walls in that room.
To view the materials you applied, click the Applied Materials view button , which looks like a camera.
Memilih Warna Dinding interior (Bagian Dalam)
Selecting Colors for Interior Walls
You can specify a color for each room of your plan.
1. Click the Selection Mode button, and then double-click the room you want to change.
2. Click Color & Material.
3. In the Assign Colors dialog box , click the color you want, then click OK.
Menghapus Dinding
To delete a wall:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a wall to select it.
3. Click on the Delete Tool or press the DELETE key.
Merubah Jenis Dinding
To change the wall type of an existing wall:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Double-click on a wall. The Wall Specification dialog will appear.
3. Select a wall type .
4. Click the OK button.
NOTE: Wall types can only be changed in plan view.
Ketebalan Dinding
To specify a wall thickness for drawing walls:
1. Click on the Wall Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Select a wall thickness by clicking on the numbered button on the far right of the toolbar. As you click, the wall thickness number cycles through 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 inch thickness settings. A four inch wall is the standard default thickness. To select a specific wall thickness, use the Wall command from the Build Menu .
To change the thickness of an existing wall:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button.
2. Double-click on a wall. The Wall Specification dialog will appear.
3. Select a wall thickness.
4. Click the OK button.
NOTE: Wall thickness for an existing wall can only be changed in a plan view.
Memecah Memotong Dinding
To break a wall into two separate walls:
1. Click on the Wall Mode Button from the toolbar. A set of Wall Tools will appear on the right side of the toolbar. Select the Break Wall Tool .
2. Place the cursor where you want the wall to break and click the mouse.
Note: Press the ESC key to return to the previous mode or choose a different tool to exit Break Wall mode.
Merubah Ukuran Tinggi Dinding
To change the length of a wall:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a wall to select it.
3. Place the cursor over a wall end and the cursor will change to a double-headed arrow.
4. Click and drag the wall endpoint to lengthen or shorten the wall.
NOTE: Walls can be resized only in plan view.
Menggambar Dinding
To draw a wall:
1. Click on the Wall Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Select a specific Wall Tool on the right of the toolbar. Select a wall thickness
by clicking on the numbered button on the far right of the toolbar. As you click, the wall thickness number will cycle through 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 inch thickness’. A four inch wall is the default thickness. 3. Click and drag the mouse in the direction you wish to draw the wall.
NOTE: Wall lines will automatically join when wall ends are in close proximity of each other. This distance can be adjusted in the Dimensions Setup dialog, which is accessed through the Options menu. If a wall end is drawn too far from an existing wall end, simply draw additional wall length between the two walls to make them meet or move one of the walls.
Merubah Ketebalan Dinding
To change the thickness of an existing wall:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Double-click on a wall. The Wall Specification dialog will appear.
3. Select a wall thickness .
4. Click the OK button.
NOTE: Wall thickness can be resized only in plan view.
Menggeser Dinding
To move a wall:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a wall to select it. When a wall is selected, two endpoints and a centerpoint will appear.
3. Position the cursor over the centerpoint. The cursor will change into a double-headed arrow. The double-headed arrow indicates the moveable direction.
4. Click and hold the left mouse button and drag the wall.
NOTE: Walls can be moved only in plan view. Wall movement can only occur in a perpendicular direction (i.e. a wall appearing on the screen which goes from left to right would be considered a horizontal wall and could only be moved in a vertical direction). Walls cannot be rotated; instead, delete the existing wall and draw a new one.
Meninggikan Dinding
Cara membuat an elevation view for a specific wall:
1. Click on the View Mode Button from the toolbar and select the Elevate Wall Tool or the Cross Section Tool on the right of the toolbar. The cursor will change to an elevate wall icon.
2. Click and drag near a wall in a plan.
NOTE: Railing and invisible walls cannot be elevated.
Walkthrough (Penelusuran Virtual)
Merekam Walkthrough
To record a walkthrough:
1. Switch to a 3D view of your house using the Full Camera or Plan Camera options.
2. Start from the position where you would like your walkthrough to begin (for example, out on the patio).
3. Click the 3D menu, then click Record Walkthrough.
4. In the Write Movie File dialog box, enter a file name for your walkthrough (e.g., MYPLACE.WLK), and then click Save
5. Using the navigation icons on the toolbar, move the camera as if you were filming your house. Each time you move the Camera view, the application records the new view as a frame in your walkthrough. When you are done, click the 3D menu, then click Stop Recording. You can then play your walkthrough .
Menampilkan Walkthrough
Once you have recorded a walkthrough, you can play it. To do this:
1. Click the 3D menu, then click Show Walkthrough.
2. In the Open Movie File dialog box, select the file for the walkthrough you want to view. (All walkthrough files names end with .WLK). Click Open. The application begins to play the walkthrough.
3. To reverse the walkthrough, click it with the right mouse button. To pause the walkthrough, click it with the left mouse button. To resume playing the walkthrough, click it again with the left mouse button.
Windows are placed into existing walls. Standard, bay, box, and bow windows, and specialty “Library” windows are supported. Double hung, casement, awning, or other common features are supported within the standard window type. Shutters are available for all standard window types as well.
Jenis Jendela
Standard Window
Bay Window
Box Window
Bow, 5 Section Window
Additional Window Types:
Bow, 7 Section Window
Bow, 9 Section Window
Bow, 11 Section Window
Membuat Jendela
Cara membuat a window:
1. Click on the Window Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Select a specific Window Tool on the right of the toolbar.
3. In a plan, click a wall to place a window.
NOTE: Windows can only be created in plan view.
Menghapus Jendela
To delete a window in any view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a window to select it.
3. Click on the Delete Tool , select the Cut command from the Edit menu or press the DELETE key.
Menggeser Jendela
To move a window in any view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a window to select it. A centerpoint on the window will appear.
3. Click and drag the center point to move the window.
NOTE: If you cannot move an object, it may be too close to an existing object or wall.
Mengubah Ukuran
To resize a window in plan view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a window to select it. Two outer points and one centerpoint will appear.
3. Place the cursor on either endpoint. The cursor will change into a double-headed arrow.
4. Click and drag the endpoint to resize.
To resize a window in 3D view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Click on a window to select it. Four outer points and one centerpoint will appear.
3. Place the cursor on an any one of the four outer points and the cursor will change into a double-headed arrow.
4. Click and drag the outer point to resize.
NOTE: Windows resize symmetrically in width. If you cannot resize a window, it may be too close to an existing object, wall or floor. Drag the center point of the object away from the existing object, wall or floor and then resize. Windows can also be resized numerically in the Window Specification dialog box.
Mengkustomisasi Jendela Standard
To customize an existing standard window in a plan or 3D view:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button from the toolbar.
2. Double-click on a window. The Window Specification dialog will appear.
3. Click the down arrow to the right of the entry field labeled Window Type. Select a window type from the menu. Adjust any of the window settings.
4. Click the OK button.
Tampilan (View)
Jenis Tampilan
Plan Camera
Places a 3D viewing camera and generates a 3D view.
Creates a 3D view from any point in a plan.
Placing a camera. Dragging toward what you want to see will create a camera view window.
NOTE: A limit of four cameras can be placed per plan.
Tampilan 3D
Views can be created by placing cameras at specific viewpoints. Wall elevations can be created for a specific wall. Overviews can be used to provide a global view of an entire plan.
Membuat Tampilan 3D
Cara membuat a 3D view:
1. Click on the View Mode Button from the toolbar. A set of tools will appear on the right side of the toolbar.
2. Click on the Plan Camera Tool on the right side of the toolbar.
3. Click the location in your plan where you wish to place the camera. While holding the mouse button down, drag in the direction you wish to view.
4. Release the mouse button and a 3D view window will appear.
NOTE: A limit of four cameras can be placed in a plan.
Plan a View Windows
The plan window is where you draw walls and place objects. Once you have designed a plan, you can create 3D views. Both plan and 3D view windows can be visible at the same time. To view the plan and 3D windows at the same time, select the Tile command from the Window menu . If you would like overlapping windows, select the Cascade command.
NOTE: Changes made in plan view do not appear concurrently with existing camera views. Choose Remove 3D and then take another camera view to see your changes.
Perbesaran Tampilan
Plan and 3D view windows have a zooming feature which allows you to adjust the magnification.
Selecting the Zoom Mode Button from the toolbar will display a set of tools on the right of the toolbar. Select the Zoom Tool to magnify your view. Once you select the Zoom Tool, the cursor will change to a zoom cursor. Click and hold down the mouse button while dragging to define the area you wish to have fill the window. If the zoom is not what you desired or you wish to return to the previous level of magnification, select the Undo Zoom Tool .
If you are zoomed in too close, select the Move Out (x2) Tool and the current window view will be one half the magnification of the previous view.
If you wish to view an entire plan at a magnification level that fills the window, select the Fill Window Tool .
Menggeser Camera
To move a camera to a new location in a plan:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button to select it.
2. Click on the camera symbol. A centerpoint and a triangular point will appear.
3. Move the cursor over the centerpoint.
4. Click the centerpoint and drag the camera to a new location. Select the 3D window to view your changes by selecting the window name at the bottom of the Window menu or pressing the CONTROL-TAB keys to cycle through the available windows.
To rotate a camera in a plan:
1. Click on the Selection Mode Button to select it. A centerpoint and a triangle will appear.
2. Move the cursor over the triangle and it will change into a rotation cursor.
3. Click and drag to rotate the camera view. Select the 3D window to view your changes by selecting the window name at the bottom of the Window menu or by pressing the CONTROL-TAB keys to cycle through the available windows.
To move or rotate a camera in a 3D view:
Click on the Left , Right , Forward , Backward , Turn Left or Turn Right tool from the toolbar to move the camera in the corresponding direction.
To make multiple 3D camera moves without waiting for a screen redraw:
1. Hold down the SHIFT key while clicking any number of times on the direction tools.
2. Release the SHIFT key.
Full Camera
Places a 3D camera that shows all floors and the roof of your plan. For interior views, Plan Camera may be adequate. If you have two story rooms, open ceilings to the underside of a roof, or wish to see up or down in a stairwell, you may need to use this camera.
NOTE: A limit of four cameras can be placed per plan. This type of camera cannot be saved.
Zoom Types
Undo Zoom
Move Out (X2)
Fill Window
Kotak Dialog
Adjust Color
Specifies the color of objects for 3D views.
Modifies the color of any object in a 3D view.
Once the Select Color Tool is selected, the cursor will change into rainbow. Click on the object or item that you wish to modify. The Adjust Color dialog will appear.
NOTE: The Adjust Color dialog only modifies color of 3D objects and does not change the color of objects in the plan view.
Applied Materials View Setup
In this dialog box, you can choose the settings for the view that appears when you click Applied Materials View . These settings include color, type of shading, images shown, texture, color, and lighting.
Bay Windows Setup
Roofs over Bay, Bow, and Box Windows
Two checkboxes control how the Automatic Roof Designer builds a roof over these window assemblies. Place under roof slope causes the roof section defined above the wall containing the bay or bow to slope downwards over the window. If this is not checked, a multiple section roof, one section for each wall portion making up the bay or bow, is produced.
The roof over a bay or bow follows the outline of the window unless checking Rectangular roof over forces a rectangular roof. This is not necessary for a box window, which always has a rectangular roof. If Place under roof slope is not checked, a three section roof is produced to cover the bay or bow.
For a bay built under a gable end, checking the Place under roof slope box will have no effect other than to produce a warning message.
Build Roof
Use this dialog to Build Roof. You can also set various default values that control how the roofs are built.
You can set the default Roof Overhang for Normal (horizontal) eaves and for Gable (sloping) roof section edges. Values are in inches. The default is 18 inches for each.
Leave the Trusses (no birds mouth) box unchecked if you want rafters to have a birds mouth cut as they fall over the wall top plate. Check this box to have the rafters sit up on the top plate.
The Pitch box should be set to the pitch used form most sections of your roof. The pitch set here can be overridden for individual roof sections at each walls Roof Section at Wall dialog . Enter the pitch as the number of inches (sixteenths OK) of rise for 12 inches of run. The default value is 6 for a 6 in 12 pitch.
Set the width of the floor joists in the Floor Thickness edit box. The default value is 11 inches. This width includes the subfloor thickness.
Set the width of the ceiling joists in the Ceiling Thickness edit box. The default value is 5 1/2 inches.
Set the width of the rafters, including roof sheathing, with the Rafter Thickness edit box. The Default value is 5 1/2 inches.
The Fascia Width box sets the width of the fascia boards for all of the roof. The default is 7 1/2 inches.
The Min. Alcove box controls the minimum width over which the Automatic Roof Designer will build a roof over a small alcove. The roof edge will follow around alcoves measuring wider than this.
The Color and Material button assigns a color and/or material to the roof (see Assign Colors).
Cabinet Specification
The Cabinet Specification dialog allows you to specify the design features of a cabinet module.
a. Face Style
b. Special
c. Item Type
d. Item Height
e. Add New Button
f. Delete Button
g. Cabinet Height, Width, Depth
h. Floor to bottom
i. Doors on back
j. Glass doors
k. Roll out shelves
l. Flat sides
m. Lazy susan
n. Default Button
o. Colors & Material button
NOTE: Some options will appear grayed-out based upon the placement or orientation of the cabinet.
Camera Setup
The Camera Setup dialog allows the modification of camera settings for 3D views.
Inches Each Move
Degrees Each Rotate
Height Above Floor
Clip Surfaces Within
Remove Wall Within
Unless Opening
Change Units
Change Units is only available from the File pull-down menu when no windows are open. To get to this point, select File/Close All. Selecting File/Change Units displays the Change Units dialog box which sets the system units to imperial (feet and inches) or metric. If New is selected from the File menu, the new plan will be set to use the current system units, and this plan’s units cannot thereafter be changed.
Whenever an existing plan is accessed the system units are set to that plan’s units. They remain at that setting, even if you terminate and restart 3D Home Architect Deluxe, until a plan having different units is accessed. Thus if you open a imperial units plan, or just click in its already open window, the next new plan you create will have imperial units.
Delete Item
Delete items of a specific type.
Select the Delete Scope option to specify the area that the delete function will effect. Select the type of items that you wish to delete. With the dialog still open, move the cursor over to a room. Click the mouse to delete the specified items within that room. If you specified “All Rooms,” click anywhere on the plan to delete the specific items.
The Dimensions and Roof options are only available when the All Rooms option is selected.
Click the Done button once you have finished deleting items.
NOTE: If the view of objects to select for deletion is blocked by the Delete Items dialog, click on the dialog title bar and drag the dialog to a new location.
Default Tab
The Defaults tab that is located in the Window Specification dialog box allows you to specify the default settings for creating a window. Modifying the default configuration will affect all window types. Default configurations only affect the current plan. Initial values affect the creation of any new windows, but not previously placed windows. Dynamic values (marked with a (D) in the field), affect all windows, except ones previously modified by the user.
Window Type specifies the default setting for window design.
Min. Separation specifies the default minimum separation between two windows. Setting the number to 3 means that two windows cannot be closer together than 3 inches.
Width specifies the default setting for overall window width (not including trim) in inches.
Height specifies the default setting for overall window height (not including trim) in inches.
Floor to Top specifies the default distance from the floor to the top of the window in inches.
Frame Width specifies the default width of the window frame in inches.
Frame Depth specifies the default thickness of the window frame in inches.
Trim Width specifies the default width of the window trim in inches. Window Default trim width is applied to the default door trim width. Note that this is also the default setting for door trim width.
Dimensions Setup
Specifies dimension line specifications for all plans.
a. Place Numbers Above Line
b. Allow Dimensions in Eighth Inches
c. Locate Openings Along a Wall
d. Locate Interior Wall Dimensions At
e. Number Height
f. Wall and Opening Snap Unit
Door Specification
The Door Specification dialog allows you to specify the characteristics of a door.
Door Style
Door Type
Door Height, Width and Thickness
Frame Width
Frame Bottom
Trim Width
Color and Material
Doorway Library
You can choose a type of doorway. To do this:
1. Under the Build menu, click Door, then click Door Library. The Doorway Library dialog box appears.
2. Click a type of doorway (e.g. Transom).
3. Click a subtype of doorway (e.g. Ellipse Transom). Click Back if you want to return to the previous choice.
4. Click the doorway you want to use and click OK. Click where you want to place the doorway in your plan. The application places the doorway.
Fireplace Specification
The Fireplace Specification dialog allows you to specify the characteristics of a fireplace.
• Height specifies the overall fireplace height in inches.
• Width specifies the overall fireplace width in inches.
• Depth specifies the overall fireplace depth in inches.
• Hearth Depth specifies the floor measurement of the hearth occupying the front of the fireplace.
• Firebox Height specifies the height of the firebox in inches. The firebox is the compartment where the fire is located.
• Firebox Width specifies the width of the firebox in inches.
• Firebox Depth specifies the depth of the firebox in inches.
• Firebox Offset specifies the distance from center that the firebox can be offset.
• Left or Right button specifies the direction of the offset by the amount entered in the Firebox Offset.
• Color and Material button assigns a color to the fireplace (see Assign Colors ).
Fixture Library
The Fixture Library dialog allows you to view and select a fixture for your plan. Click on an item or group to select. Clicking on an item places a selection box around the object. Clicking on a group displays related categories or objects. Once you have selected an object, click the OK button.
Click the Back button to view the previous screen or to return to selection mode after viewing a fixture object using the View button.
Active Library specifies the current object library for selecting a fixture. Clicking the down arrow on the right of the field name presents a list of available fixture libraries.
Click the View button to view the currently selected fixture object. The View button will remain grayed out until a fixture object is selected.
Furniture/Fixture Specification
The Furniture/Fixture Specification dialog allows you to specify the size and the height above the floor of a fixture or furniture object. A preview of the object appears on the right side of the dialog.
• Item height specifies the overall object height in inches.
• Width specifies the overall object width in inches.
• Depth specifies the overall object depth in inches.
• Floor to bottom specifies the number of inches from the current floor to the bottom of the object.
• Reset button returns the object back to the original (default) size.
• Color & Material button assigns a color to the furniture/fixture (see Assign Colors ).
NOTE: To specify the size of a fixture or furniture object, the Fixture/Furniture resize option in the Plan Setup dialog must be enabled.
Furniture Library
The Furniture Library dialog allows you to view and select furniture for your plan. Click on an item or group to select. Clicking on an item places a selection box around the object. Clicking on a group displays related categories or objects. Once you have selected an object, click the OK button.
• Click the Back button to view the previous screen or to return to selection mode after viewing a furniture object using the View button.
• Active Library specifies the current object library for selecting furniture. Clicking the down arrow on the right of the field name presents a list of available furniture libraries.
• Click the View button to view the currently selected furniture object. The View button will remain grayed out until a furniture object is selected.
Foundation Setup
The Foundation Setup dialog allows you to specify the creation of foundation walls.
• Wall Thickness specifies the foundation wall thickness in inches.
• Wall Height specifies the foundation wall height in inches.
• Footings specifies the usage of foundation footings. The Width setting specifies the width of the footing in inches.
• Piers specifies the usage of foundation piers.
The Diameter setting specifies the diameter of the pier in inches.
The Depth setting specifies the depth (measured from ground level) of a pier in inches. Depth cannot be represented in the plan view, but the cost estimation will be listed in a Materials List.
Max. Separation specifies the maximum distance apart the piers are allowed to be placed. Since the pier placement is done automatically, the maximum separation setting is important when extra support is needed.
NOTE: Foundations cannot be displayed in 3D views, elevations, and overviews.
Edit Text
The Edit Text dialog allows you to enter or modify text. Enter or edit the text in the text entry area. Words will automatically “wrap” based on the size of the text block.
• Character Height specifies the height of characters for the entered text. Height is measured in scale inches.
• Make Default checkbox will retain the specified Character Height as the permanent height setting.
• Include Arrow checkbox places an arrow pointing away from the text. Once an arrow has been placed, the length and direction of the arrow can be adjusted.
NOTE: Word wrapping in the Edit Text dialog does not match the text block.
Lites Tab
Specifies the number of lites to be placed. Lites can be horizontal and vertical, with different settings for each style. The maximum number of lites is 8 vertical and 8 horizontal.
You can also set custom lites, such as Prairie, Diamond, and Craftsman. Divided Lites are also commonly known as Muntin Bars.
• Shutter (Window Specification only)- When this box is checked, a 30” shutter will be placed on each side of a window opening. By also checking the 15” box, it causes the shutter to only be 15” on each side.
Metafile Size
The Metafile Size dialog allows you to specify the file size of the windows metafile.
• Width specifies the horizontal width of the metafile in inches.
• Height specifies the vertical height of the metafile in inches.
• Wall Line Thickness is an entry field which specifies a number from 0 to 20 to represent the number of pixels for a plan wall line. Selecting a higher value prints thicker wall lines to make them stand out better. Entering a number from 3 to 5 works well on many laser printers.
NOTE: The Wall Line Thickness field only effects plan view wall lines.
New Working Plan
The New Working Plan dialog allows you to specify the features of a new plan.
• Derive new X floor plan from the Y floor plan specifies the creation of a new floor using the exterior walls of floor X. The new X floor will only recreate the exterior walls of floor Y. NOTE: X is the floor number to be created and Y is the current Working Plan floor number.
• Make new (blank) plan for the X floor specifies the creation of a new floor as if you were starting a new plan. NOTE: X is the floor number to be created.
• Switch current Y floor plan to represent the X floor specifies the Y floor to be the X floor. Selecting this option will remove the Y floor from memory. NOTE: Y is the current floor number and X is the floor number to be created.
Open Plan File
The Open Plan File dialog allows you to open a saved plan file.
• File Name is a data entry area where you can type a path name or file extension. Enter the name of the plan file you wish to open in File Name data entry area. If the directory name appearing at the top of the dialog is what you wish, simply enter the file name. If the directory is not what you wish, enter the drive and directory names along with the file name. For example, “c:\planarea\myplan” retrieves the plan MYPLAN.PL1 from directory PLANAREA on the C: drive. You can also select a file from the list box displayed below the Look In field. It displays all the current files available based on the “List Files of Type” selection. You can select any of the displayed files by double clicking on its entry or by clicking on the entry and then clicking on the Open button.
• Files of Type specifies file type that is displayed in the list of available files. File type is listed by file extension name. 3D Home Architect Deluxe saves your plans in file names appearing as “xxxxxxxx.PLn” where “xxxxxxxx” represents a name and “n” is a digit between 0 (for the foundation plan) and 4 (for the fourth floor). The first floor is usually the first plan of a house to be created, and is the most often accessed, so 1 is the default digit for “n.”
Plan Check
Inspects your plan for designs that do not meet standard building code requirements. Information regarding your plan will be displayed in the message display area.
• Click the Next button to navigate through the total number of PlanCheck information screens. The current message being read and the total number of messages available are listed at the bottom right of the dialog.
• Click the Hold button to retain your place in the current PlanCheck sequence of messages and close the dialog. Selecting the PlanCheck menu command again will return you to the next problem in PlanCheck.
Floor Defaults
The Floor Defaults dialog box allows you to specify default settings for the Room Specification dialog. Initial values affect the creation of any new rooms, but not previously defined rooms. Dynamic values (marked with a (D) in the field), affect all rooms, except ones previously modified by the user.
• Floor Height specifies the default floor height in inches. This setting is only accessible on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors.
• Ceiling Height specifies the default ceiling height in inches.
• Crown Mould. Width and Height specifies the default inch width and height of the crown moulding.
• Chair Rail Width and Height specifies the default inch width and height of the chair rail.
• Base Mould Width specifies the default inch width of the base moulding.
Plan Defaults
Plan Default Color
In this dialog box, you can set the default colors for elements of your plan (e.g. walls, floors, ceilings, etc.).
1. Beneath Default Colors for…, click the button until the floor you want to work with is selected (e.g. 1st floor).
2. Click the box next to the appropriate item (e.g. walls).
3. In the field of colors to the left, click the color you want to use.
4. To adjust the selected color, click Adjust Color.
5. Click OK.
Plan Setup
The Plan Setup dialog allows you to specify preferences for using 3D Home Architect Deluxe. Plan Setup changes only apply to the currently active plan.
• Undo Enable specifies the ability to undo previous edits.
• Fixture/Furniture resize enable specifies the ability to resize fixture and furniture objects.
• Ignore casing for opening resize allows doors and windows to be resized without regard for door or window casing width.
• If you check Restrict Camera to Room, Plan Camera will display only the room where you finished dragging your line. You will not be able to see anything out of the doors or windows. This view is usally faster than if this box is not checked. This box affects only Plan Camera. It does not affect Full Camera or any other 3D view.
• Unconnected wall minimum length specifies the shortest length allowable to draw an unconnected wall.
• Inches scrolled by arrow key specifies the distance in inches that a view can be scrolled using the UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys of the keyboard.
Plan View Color
The Set Plan Colors dialog box allows you to specify the plan view colors for specific object types.
• A list of object types is displayed on the left of the dialog. To change the color of a specific object type, click and hold the mouse button on the down arrow to the right of the currently displayed color. A list of available colors will appear. While holding the mouse button down, drag up and down on the color list to see the entire selection of available colors.
NOTE: Colors assigned in the Set Plan Colors dialog only apply to plan views and do not effect 3D view colors.
The currently selected printer name will appear at the top of the dialog. To select a different printer, click on the Properties button. Select a different printer and modify printer settings.
NOTE: Options not available based on the document and printer type will appear grayed-out.
Number of Copies
Type in the number of copies you want. You can print as many as 99. Multiple copies are not allowed on dot matrix printers.
Wall Lines
Specify a number from 0 to 20 to represent the number of pixels of a plan wall line. Selecting a higher value prints thicker wall lines to make them stand out better. A number from 3 to 5 works well on many laser printers.
Current Screen
Prints only the portion of the screen that is displayed in the active window at the chosen scale.
Entire Plan or View
Prints the entire plan at the chosen scale. Multiple pages may be necessary so that the entire plan is printed.
Scaling determines the printed output size.
• Select Full Page to have the currently active screen printed at the scale listed on the right utilizing the area of the entire page.
• To scale your printed output using a specific percentage, enter a value from 20 to 200.
• To scale your printed output using a unit of measure, enter the number of inches on the printed page that one foot equals in the real world. This number can be represented by fractional (1/4, 1/8, 2 1/2, etc.) or whole (2, 3, 4, etc.) numbers.
Specifies object shading for printing a 3D view or overview. Select this option to have a 3D view or overview printed with shading. Shading provides a more realistic appearance to objects.
NOTE: The Shaded option is only available for printing 3D views. Shaded will be available with most Black and White printers, whereas Color is available if you are using a color printer.
Specifies color printing.
NOTE: The Color option is only available for printing 3D views. Color will be available with most Color printers, whereas Shaded is available if you are using a Black and White printer.
NOTE: The Color option is only available for printing 3D views. Color will be available with most Color printers, whereas Shaded is available if you are using a Black and White printer.
Railing Specification
The Railing Specification dialog allows you to specify characteristics of a railing.
Railing Type
The Railing Type section specifies the railing design with the following options:
• Balusters are the support columns between the posts.
• Solid covers the distance between the two end posts with a board.
• Open supplies a handrail with no additional supports.
• Open with middle rail is the same as Open, but with an additional horizontal middle rail below the handrail spanning the distance between the two endposts.
Large Posts
The Large Posts checkbox specifies larger posts for improved support or exterior use.
Posts to Overhead Beam
The Posts to Overhead Beam checkbox places a beam on top of two posts which are extended to full height.
Pillar to Ceiling/Beam
The Pillar to Ceiling/Beam checkbox uses a round pillar instead of a standard square beam.
Exterior Colors
The Exterior Colors checkbox applies the railing color to the balusters. NOTE: This color is linked to the color for stair stringers and stair balusters.
Roof Over Door/Window
This dialog is used to help you to set the basic roof section parameters over doors or windows on an object by object basis to assist the Automatic Roof Designer.
When you click the Roof Section at… tool over a Door or Window, a multi-step process occurs. First, the program places a break in the wall on each side of the object. Then you will be presented with the Roof Over Door/Window dialog. In this box, you have the choice of making this new wall section (which is strictly the object) a Full Gable. If you check this box, the Automatic Roof Designer will build a gable over this door/window when the Automatic Roof Designer builds the roof. To remove this gable in the future, just click the Roof Section at… tool again on the object, uncheck the Full Gable, and then have the Automatic Roof Designer rebuild the roof for your plan.
Roof Section at Wall
This dialog is used to help you to set the basic roof section parameters over walls on a wall by wall basis to assist the Automatic Roof Designer.
The upper section of the Roof Section at Wall dialog allows you to declare the type of roof section that the wall will support. The lower section allows you to determine the roof section’s pitch as well as where a second pitch begins (for a gambrel roof, for example):
• Full Gable wall checkbox
Check this for a gable above the wall. The wall section will be extruded up into the gable. If left unchecked, a hip is placed above the wall. This should be used where you wish a full gable to be placed. If you wish a half gable, for example at the side of a sloping roof section whose top hits a higher wall, use the High Shed/Gable wall checkbox below.
If two full gable walls meet at a corner, a valley is produced. This is necessary in order to obtain full gables on either side.
• High Shed/Gable wall checkbox
Check this if a sloping roof section is not to rise from this wall. For example, for a shed roof, the wall under the high side of the roof as well as the half gable walls to either side of it would have this box checked. When you need a gable, and are in doubt as to which type (full or this normal type) to use, you will usually want to use this type.
• Knee Wall checkbox
A Knee wall is a wall shortened by being cut off by the underside of the roof. Normally the automatic roof designer produces roof sections sufficiently high that all walls underneath can end at the rooms ceiling height, or higher if Ceiling over is not checked in the Room Specification dialog. Checking Knee Wall tells the roof designer that it need not allow for the height of the knee wall, but can determine the roof structure from the other walls, then cut off the knee wall as needed to fit under the roof.
Knee walls will usually be on the top floor for one and one half story houses. They can, and often are, exterior walls, but they must be inset from walls below, since the outer wall below will determine the sloping roof section that rises to cover the knee wall.
• Extend slope downward checkbox
This checkbox allows the automatic roof designer to ignore the height of this wall in determining the roof section over it. The roof section is instead determined by other walls and just extends down over this wall.
This is like the knee wall except that the roof section that covers a knee wall is usually determined by a parallel wall from the story below that is further out from the center of the building, whereas the roof section covering an extend downward wall is usually determined by a parallel wall on the same floor that is nearer to the center of the building.
The two connecting walls to the extend slope downwards wall must be gables. This function is ideal if you wish to bring a roof section out over a small jog or alcove in an outer wall so that the roof line remains the same down the run of a wall.
• Pitch
The default value for pitch is set in the Build Roof dialog. Pitch is entered in the standard X in 12 measure. You may enter a fractional pitch in the form of 3 1/2. You may not enter 3.5. The smallest pitch that may be entered is 1/2 in 12, and the largest 48 in 12. If there are two pitches in the roof section above this wall, such as in a gambrel roof, this type-in box controls the first, or lower pitch.
• 2nd Pitch
Check this box if you wish a second pitch on the roof section above this wall. The second pitch is the upper pitch on the roof section, as in the higher portion of a gambrel roof.
The Starts at box indicates the height at which the 2nd Pitch begins.
Room Specification
The Room Specification dialog allows you to specify the characteristics of a room.
• Room Name specifies the name for a room. Click on the down arrow to the right of the entry field. A list of room names will appear. Select a name to apply in plan view to provide important information to the PlanCheck feature.
• Floor Height specifies the ground level of the floor. This is useful in designing split-level homes. Floor Height defaults to 0, but you can specify a negative number, and cause the floor to be lower in one room than another. When you set this value, the Ceiling Height value automatically updates to keep the ceiling level across the plan. If you want the ceiling to be 96’, but the floor to begin at -36”, you will also need to reset the ceiling height to 96”. You can use stairs to join the two different levels.
Ceiling Height specifies the distance from the floor to the ceiling in inches. Do not forget to adjust this if you set the Floor Height value to something other than 0. Otherwise, this field may display an inappropriate value.
The Color and Material button allows you to assign colors and materials to the room. For more information, see Assign Colors.
Click Floor Defaults to set the default values for your floors (e.g. Floor Height or Color).
• Ceiling Over instructs the program whether to build a flat ceiling or a cathedral ceiling. If the checkbox is checked, a flat ceiling is built and shown in 3D views. If the box is not checked, the program will not build a flat ceiling, but instead will create a cathedral (or vaulted) ceiling.
• Roof Over instructs the program whether to build a roof over the designated room or not. If the checkbox is checked, a roof will be built over this area. If the box is unchecked, no roof will be produced over this area. This is how you would specify a Deck, and have no roof built over this deck. If the Roof Over box is not checked, the ceiling over box cannot be checked, because you must have a roof in order to have a ceiling.
• Crown Mould Width and Height specifies the width of the wood moulding surrounding the room near the ceiling at the specified height from the floor. Setting the crown mould width to 0 removes a crown moulding.
• Chair Rail Width and Height specifies the width or height of the wood moulding surrounding the room at the specified height from the floor. Setting the chair rail width to 0 removes a chair rail.
• Base Mould Width specifies the width of the wood moulding surrounding the room at the floor.
Save Plan File
The Save Plan File dialog allows you to save a plan file.
• File Name is a data entry area where you can type a path name and file extension to save a plan file. Enter the name of the plan file into the File Name area. If the directory name appearing at the top of the dialog is what you wish, simply enter the file name and click SAVE to save the file. If the directory is not what you wish, enter the drive and directory names along with the file name. For example, “c:\planarea\myplan” saves a plan file named MYPLAN.PL1 in the PLANAREA directory on the C: drive. 3D Home Architect Deluxe will automatically attach the file extension to the end of the name you type–you do not have to enter it.
• Save as Type specifies the file type that is displayed in the list of available files. File type is listed by file extension name. 3D Home Architect Deluxe saves your plans in file names appearing as “xxxxxxxx.PLn” where “xxxxxxxx” represents a name and “n” is a digit between 0 (for the foundation plan) and 4 (for the fourth floor). The first floor is usually the first plan of a house to be created, and is the most often accessed, so 1 is the default digit for “n.”
NOTE: While camera views, elevations, overviews, and material lists cannot be saved, you can export them for use in another program by selecting the Export command from the File menu .
Select Image
Select Image (Material)
The Select Image dialog allows you to choose a material or outdoor object. Click a category (e.g. carpet). Click a specific item (e.g. carpet3).
Click Back to return to the previous step.
Click OK to save your selection.
Click Cancel to close the dialog without saving your selection.
Setup Backdrop Dialog Box
In this dialog box, you can specify images and colors for the background of your Applied Materials View.
• To select an image, check to see that the button in the top left corner is labeled Color. If it is not, click it. Click Select Image and choose an image in the Select Image dialog box.
• To select a color, check to see that the button in the top left corner is labeled Image. If it is not, click it. Click Select Color and choose a color in the Color dialog box.
Show Floor
The Show Floors dialog is a matrix of options to specify the creation and display of floors. The five columns specify the floor, while the three rows specify the status of the floor.
• The Working Plan row specifies the floor on which you are currently working. One and only one floor must always be checked to be the designated “working” floor.
• The Reference Plan row specifies a floor which can be superimposed on a Working Plan allowing you to move walls in the Working Plan to line up appropriately with the Reference Plan. One or no boxes can be checked. The checkbox must be a different floor than the one checked for the Working Plan.
• The In Memory box is automatically checked for a former Working or Reference Plan that is removed from being in either of those categories. If a plan is neither a Working nor a Reference Plan, but is still loaded in memory, then this will be checked. A plan cannot be displayed or used unless the “Working” or “Reference” box is checked.
• The Build buttons specify a floor to build. Clicking on a Build button will bring up the New Working Plan dialog.
Show Item
The Show Items dialog box allows you to specify object visibility without permanently deleting the object. An object type that exists in the plan will be displayed when an ‘X’ appears in the box to the left of the name. When no check appears in the box, all objects of that type will be hidden from view for the currently displayed plan. This dialog box can be set differently for different views.
To show or hide specific item types:
• Click on a checkbox to check or uncheck a particular object type’s visibility status. An item with a check will be displayed.
Staircase Specification
The Staircase Specification dialog allows you to specify the characteristics of a staircase. The message area at the top of the dialog informs you whether the staircase reaches the next floor. Modifications made within the Staircase Specification dialog effects all stair sections and landings attached to the selected staircase section.
Click on a topic for more help:
Make Reach Button
Number of Sections
Number of Landings
Number of Risers
Riser Height
Best Tread
Section Number Column
Length Column
Tread Width Column
Number of Treads Column
Section Width
Rise Angle
Revert Button
Style Button
Stair Style
The Stair Style dialog allows you to specify stair design characteristics.
• Open Underneath specifies a staircase with no wall on the sides and below it.
• Open Risers specifies no riser boards. Risers are the vertical boards which connect one step to the next.
• Large Stringer Base specifies the usage of a larger base for the stringer. A stair stringer is the zig-zag cut board which holds the steps and risers. A larger base is used for indoor or decorative stair purposes, while a standard base is used for outdoor or basement stairs.
• Railing specifies the usage of railings. The 2 inch and 4 inch options specify the thickness of the railing.
• Use Exterior Colors specifies the baluster color to be the same color as the railing.
Symbol Library
The Symbol Library dialog allows you to view and select an electrical symbol for your plan. Click on an item or group to select. Clicking on an item places a selection box around the symbol. Clicking on a group displays related categories or symbols. Once you have selected a symbol, click the OK button.
• Click the Back button to view the previous screen.
• Active Library specifies the current symbol library for selecting an electrical symbol. Clicking the down arrow on the right of the field name presents a list of available electrical symbol libraries.
View Angle
View Angle Dialog
The View Angle dialog allows you to adjust the viewing angle of a plan overview. Modifications made within the View Angle dialog will be displayed in the preview at the bottom of the dialog.
• The Top/Bottom scroll bar adjusts the height of the view. Selecting Top will view the plan from directly overhead. Selecting Elevation will view the plan from ground level. Selecting Bottom will view the plan from directly below. Click on the arrows of the scroll bar to select a view between any two checkbox views.
• The In/Out scroll bar adjusts the magnification of the view. Selecting In will magnify the view. Selecting Out will reduce the magnification. The checkbox between In and Out is the current view magnification. If you have made modifications to the magnification and you have not hit the OK button, you can select this checkbox to return to the previous magnification level. Click on the arrows of the scroll bar to select a view between any two checkbox views.
• The Back/Front scroll bar adjusts the location of the view. Selecting any of the checkboxes will view the plan from the specified location. Click on the arrows of the scroll bar to select a view between any two checkbox views.
NOTE: The preview display at the bottom of the dialog is based on the scroll bar settings of the overview. If you are having difficulty seeing the preview, exit the dialog by clicking on the Cancel button and center the overview in the middle of the window by using the scroll bars. Returning to the View Angle dialog will display a centered preview.
Wall Specification
The Wall Specification dialog allows you to specify the characteristics of a wall.
Specifies the wall thickness in inches. Click on a number to specify the thickness for the selected wall.
Creates a wall which is not viewed. To display an invisible wall, select the Show Items command from the Options menu and the Show Items dialog will appear. Select the Invisible Walls checkbox and click the OK button.
No Room Def
Specifies a wall not to be used for defining a room boundary. The No Room Def option is useful when selecting the area to be defined by a room name.
No Locate
Specifies a wall not to be used for calculating dimensions. The No Locate option is useful when you do not want the exterior dimensions to be calculated for the measurement of a specific wall.
Specifies a beam. Beams in plans appear as dotted lines. Beams appearing in foundations appear as solid lines. Beams are not displayed in 3D views.
Specifies a wall to be a railing. The default railing is a railing with balusters. To modify the railing, click on the Define button.
Roof at Wall
See “Roof Section at Wall Dialog”
Define Button
When the Define button is clicked, the Railing Specification dialog or the Roof Section at Wall dialog will appear.
Window Default
Window Library
The Window library has specialty windows (such as rounded and arched) that are not available when you choose a window type in the Window Specification dialog box. To choose a type of window in this dialog box:
1. Under the Build menu, click Window, then click Window Library. The Window Library dialog box appears.
2. Click a type of window (e.g. Series 1).
3. Click a subtype of window (e.g. Arch Top). Click Back if you want to return to the previous choice.
4. If necessary, repeat step 2.
5. Click the window you want to use and click OK. Click where you want to place the window in your plan. The application places the window.
Window Specification
The Window Specification dialog allows you to specify the characteristics of a window.
Window Type
Specifies the window design. Select a window design and the preview will be shown on the right.
Write Window Metafile
The Write Windows Metafile dialog allows you save a specified area as a windows metafile.
• File Name is a data entry area where you can type a path name and file name to save a windows metafile. Enter the name of the metafile into the top left data entry field. If the directory name appearing to the right of the entry field is the location where you wish to save the file, simply enter the file name. If the directory is not what you wish, enter the drive and directory names along with the file name. For example, “c:\graphics\kitchen” saves a metafile named KITCHEN.WMF in the GRAPHICS directory on the C: drive. 3D Home Architect Deluxe will automatically attach the file extension to the end of the name you type–you do not have to enter it.
• Save File as Type specifies file type that is displayed in the list of available files. File type is listed by file extension name. 3D Home Architect Deluxe saves your metafiles with names appearing as “xxxxxxxx.WMF” where “xxxxxxxx” represents a name having eight characters or less.
• Directories specifies the current directory. Double-click on a directory name to open. Click on the “[..]” symbol in the Directories list to move back one directory level.
• Drives specifies the current drive selection. Select a drive letter from the list of available drives.
Write DXF File
The Write DXF File dialog allows you to save an area of a plan or an entire plan as a DXF file for use in a CAD program.
• File Name is a data entry field where you can type a path name and file name to save a DXF file. Enter the name of the DXF file into the top left data entry area. If the directory name appearing to the right of the entry area is what you wish, simply enter the file name. If the directory is not what you wish, enter the drive and directory names along with the file name. For example, “c:\extras\bath” saves a plan file named BATH.DXF in the EXTRAS directory on the C: drive. 3D Home Architect Deluxe will automatically attach the file extension to the end of the name you type–you do not have to enter it.
• Save as Type specifies file type that is displayed in the list of available files. File type is listed by file extension name. 3D Home Architect Deluxe saves your DXF files with file names appearing as “xxxxxxxx.DXF” where “xxxxxxxx” represents a name having eight characters or less.
• Directories specifies the current directory. Double-click on a directory name to open. Click on the “[..]” symbol in the Directories list to move back one directory level.
• Drives specifies the current drive selection. Select a drive letter from the list of available drives.
Applied Material View Tool
This button allows you to view your home in three dimensions with applied materials, shading, backdrops, and images. This helps you obtain a visual sense of what your home will be like. Note that this button only appears when you are already in the Full Camera or Plan Camera views
Build Roof Tool
Builds a new roof from all sections of the floorplan.
Cabinet Tool
Base Cabinet
Wall Cabinet
Full Height Cabinet
Copy Tool
The Copy Tool is used to create a copy of the selected object.
Use this tool to duplicate the currently selected object.
Using this tool replaces the contents of the Clipboard with the currently selected object.
Delete Roof Tool
The Delete Roof Tool will automatically delete the roof on your current plan, but will not remove any of the Roof Section at… information previously entered into the corresponding dialog. This tool is useful if you have built a roof and then decide to do major changes to your plan. By deleting the roof, you have clearer access to your plan for editing. Remember, you must always rebuild the roof after editing the structure of your plan.
Delete Tool
The Delete Tool is used to remove the currently selected object.
Use this tool to remove an object from your floorplan.
NOTE: To delete more than one object of a specific type, use the Delete Items command from the Edit menu .
Dimension Tool
Select a dimension tool for more information:
Exterior Dimensions
Door Tools
Select a door tool for more information:
Standard Doorway
Sliding Door
Pocket Door
Bifold Door
Garage Door
Electrical Tools
Select an electrical tool for more information:
110V Outlet
Place Outlets
Symbol Library
Exterior Dimensions Tool
Displays exterior dimension lines for an entire plan.
Use this tool to automatically create or update exterior dimension lines for an entire plan.
You can also use the interior dimension tool to create interior dimension lines.
Fireplace Tool
Click this button to place a fireplace.
Interior Dimension Tool
Use this tool to draw an interior dimension line between two parallel walls of a room (see Displaying dimesion line. ).
You can also use the exterior dimension tool to create exterior dimension lines.
Manual Dimension Tool
Creates a dimension line between two walls or measures the distance between any two points.
Use this tool to measure a distance or to create a dimension line between two parallel walls.
Modes and Tools Guide
See on a name for more information:
Selection Mode Button
Wall Mode Button
Door Mode Button
Window Mode Button
Cabinet Mode Button
Fixture Button
Furniture Button
Outdoor Objects Button
Outdoor Images Button
Fireplace Button
Stairs Mode Button
Roof Mode Button
Electrical Mode Button
Text Mode Button
Dimension Mode Button
Zoom Mode Button
View Mode Button
Select Color Tool
View Angle Tool
Turn Left
Turn Right
Move Forward
Move Backward
Move Left
Move Right
Next Tool
The Next Tool is used to select a different object when two objects are overlapping.
Use the Next Tool to select a different object when you are having difficulty selecting an object which may be on top of or too close to the currently selected object.
The Next Tool is also used to select windows within a bay, box, or bow window.
Open Tool
The Open Tool is used to change the characteristics of a room or object.
Use this tool to alter the specifications of the currently selected room or object.
Selecting this tool will bring up the specifications dialog for the currently selected room or object.
Outdoor Images Tool
Click this button to open a dialog box from which you can select outdoor images. This allows you to place bitmap images of flowers, rocks, trees, etc. Note that these images cannot be manipulated in the same way outdoor objects can.
Outdoor Objects Tool
Click this button to open the Outdoor Library dialog box from which you can select an outdoor object. This allows you to place fencing, gazebos, playsets, etc.
Overview Tool
Creates a 3D view of an entire plan.
Use this tool to see an entire floorplan from adjustable perspectives.
Reference Tool
Shows or hides the Reference Plan.
• Use this tool to superimpose the Reference Plan on the Working Plan .
• If you have multiple floors and want to designate a specific floor to be the Reference or Working Plan, select the Show Floors command from the Window menu .
Record Walkthrough Tool
This button allows you to record 3D walkthroughs of your plan. You record your walkthrough much as you would film your house, moving from area to area to show different perspectives. You save the walkthroughs as files that you can show later. See also Recording a Walkthrough.
Roof Section at…Tool
The Roof Section at… Tool will allows you to select an object (either a wall, door or window) and change how the Automatic Roof Designer builds a roof over this object.
Select Color Tool
Adjusts the color of an object in a 3D view.
Use this tool in a 3D view to modify the color of an object.
Selection Mode Tools
Clicking the Selection Mode Button will cause Selection Mode Tools to appear on the right of the toolbar.
Select a tool for more information:
Next Tool
Open Tool
Copy Tool
Delete Tool
Stop Recording Tool
This button stops the recording of 3D walkthroughs of your plan. See also Recording a Walkthrough.
Swap Work-Ref Tool
Switches the Reference Plan for the Working Plan .
Use this tool to make the Reference Plan be the Working Plan.
If you have multiple floors and want to designate a specific floor to be the Reference or Working Plan, select the Show Floors command from the Window menu .
Wall Tools
Wall Tools
Select a wall tool for more information:
Standard Wall
Hatch Wall
Break Wall
Window Tool
Select a window tool for more information:
Standard Window
Bay Window
Box Window
Bow, 5 Section Window
View Angle Tool
View Angle Tool
Adjusts the viewing perspective of an overview.
Use this tool in an overview to adjust the viewing perspective.
View Tools
View Tools
Select a view tool for more information:
Plan Camera
Elevate Wall
Full Camera
Cross Section
Full Overview
Zoom Tools
Select a zoom tool for more information:
Undo Zoom
Move Out (X2)
Fill Window
Additional tools displayed only when more than one floor exists in memory:
Reference Toggle
Swap Work-Reference
Creates a new untitled floorplan.
Use this menu command to start a new floorplan project.
NOTE: New should not be used to create a new floor. Select the Show Floors command from the Window menu .
Opens a previously saved floorplan project.
Use this menu command to load a saved floorplan project.
Selecting this command will bring up the Open Plan File dialog .
NOTE: If more than one floor exists in the floorplan project, all floors previously saved will be available using the Open command. The Open command should not be used to view a different floor. Select the Show Floors command from the Window menu .
Closes the currently active window.
Use this menu command to close a camera view, overview, elevation, materials list, or plan window.
NOTE: If you select Close while working on a plan which has not yet been saved, you will be prompted to save.
Close All
Closes all open windows.
Use this menu command to close all camera view, overview, elevation, materials list, and plan windows.
NOTE: If you select Close All while working on a plan which has not yet been saved, you will be prompted to save.
Save As
Names and saves the currently active plan.
Use this menu command to name and save a project for the first time or to save a currently open project with a different name. Selecting this menu command will bring up the Save Plan File dialog .
If a floorplan is not saved, the title “Untitled: Plan” appears in the title bar of the plan window. Once you save a plan, the word “Untitled” will be replaced with your saved name. A .PLx extension will be added to the end of the name to designate that the file is a floorplan along with the floor number. NOTE: x represents the floor number. For example, the file extension for the first floor is .PL1, the second floor is .PL2, etc.).
NOTE: While camera views, elevations, overviews, and material lists cannot be saved, they can be exported using the appropriate export command.
Save All Floors
Saves all floors of a plan.
Use this menu command to save all floors of a floorplan project. Using Save All will save changes in all associated floors of the currently open plan, but it will not save other projects you may have open.
If a floorplan is not saved, the title “Untitled: Plan” appears in the title bar of the plan window. Once you save a plan, the word “Untitled” will be replaced with your saved name. A .PLx extension will be added to the end of the name to designate that the window is a floorplan along with the floor number. NOTE: x represents the floor number. For example, the file extension for the first floor is .PL1, the second floor is .PL2, etc.).
NOTE: While camera views, elevations, overviews, and material lists cannot be saved, they can be exported using the appropriate export command.
Find Plan
This command allows you to find a plan that matches your criteria (see Finding a Plan).
Saves to a different file format for use in other programs. Click on a menu command for more information:
NOTE: While camera views, overviews, elevations, and material lists cannot be saved, they can be exported using the above commands.
DXF Current
Saves the currently active floor for use in another CAD program. Consult your 3D Home Architect Deluxe manual for more information on the DXF file format.
Saves all floors of a floorplan project for use in another CAD program. All floors of a plan will be saved in a single DXF file. All objects of each floor are saved on different layers.
Metafile (WMF)
Saves a user-specified region for use in another program. Metafile is a vector format which allows for picture resize without loss of picture quality. After selecting the Metafile export command, the cursor will change to a cross-hair with a selection rectangle. Click and hold the left mouse button down while dragging to define the region to export.
Exports image as a bitmap file. This menu command is only available when a 3D view is active.
Materials (TXT)
Saves a materials list in a text file for use in a spreadsheet, text, or word processor program. Columns represented in the Materials List will be tab delimited.
Prints the currently active open window or the entire floorplan project.
Selecting this command will bring up the Print dialog .
Use this menu command to print the currently selected open window or an entire floorplan.
Exits 3D Home Architect Deluxe and returns to Windows.
Use this menu command to close your 3D Home Architect Deluxe window(s) and quit the program. If you have created a new floorplan that has not yet been saved or you have made changes to an existing floorplan, a dialog will appear asking you if you want to save the floorplan project.
Undoes your last action.
Use this menu command immediately after you make a mistake or change your mind about a previous edit.
This menu command may be enabled or disabled by selecting the Plan Setup
command from the Options menu . In the Plan Setup dialog, Undo is enabled by default.
Note: Not all operations are Undoable. In general any change made within a dialog box cannot be undone with the Undo command.
Removes the selected object and places it on the Clipboard.
Use this menu command to remove the selected object from your floorplan to the Clipboard.
NOTE: Whatever was previously on the clipboard is replaced when cut is chosen. Walls cannot be cut. To delete a wall, use the DELETE key.
Makes a copy of the selected object and puts it on the Clipboard.
Use this menu command to copy the selected object from your floorplan to the Clipboard for pasting.
NOTE: Whatever was previously on the Clipboard is replaced when copy is chosen. Walls cannot be copied.
Places the contents of the Clipboard into the currently open floorplan.
Use this menu command, after choosing Cut or Copy to place the contents of the Clipboard onto your project.
After selecting paste, the cursor will change to the paste cursor. Click the location you wish to paste the item.
Removes the selected object.
Use this menu command to remove the selected object from your floorplan.
NOTE: Delete does not copy the selected object to the clipboard.
Delete Items…
Removes objects of specified types from an entire room or an entire floorplan.
Use this menu command to remove text, dimensions, furniture, fixtures, electrical, and cabinet object(s) from a single room or from all rooms of a plan.
Selecting this command will bring up the Delete Items dialog .
Select Items
Select this menu command to switch to selection mode.
Use this menu command to be able to select objects with the Selection Mode Button. Selecting this command will place a check next to the command name in the menu list.
Open Item
Opens the currently selected room or object to alter specific characteristics.
Use this menu command to modify specifications of a room or object.
Selecting this command will bring up the selected object’s specification dialog.
Move Area
Moves a specified area.
Use this menu command to move all objects in a specified area to a new location.
For instructions on how to perform an area move:
Moving an Area
Standard Wall
Creates a standard wall.
Use this wall type to draw a standard wall.
Creates a railing. Railings are most commonly used to create decks, porches, and balconies. Railings can also be used to define an “open below” area for staircases and landings.
Use this wall type to draw a railing. To modify the railing type, double-click on a railing. The Wall Specification dialog will appear if you are in a plan view. Click on the Define button to display the Railing Specification dialog. The Railing Specification dialog will appear first if you double-click on a railing in a 3D view.
Creates a wall which is not viewed. To display an invisible wall, select the Show Items command from the Options menu and the Show Items dialog will appear. Select the Invisible Walls checkbox and click the OK button.
Creates a beam. Use this wall type to represent beams. To modify the beam thickness, double-click on a beam. The Wall Specification dialog will appear.
NOTE: Beams are not displayed in 3D views.
Hatch Wall
Marks a wall with cross hatching. Cross hatching a wall is useful for designating the importance of a wall. Use this wall type to mark a currently existing wall with cross hatchings.
NOTE: Cross hatching a wall does not create a wall, it marks an existing wall. Beams and invisible walls cannot be marked with cross hatching.
Break Wall
Breaks a wall into separate sections which can be worked on independently. Breaks a wall at the point the wall is clicked.
NOTE: Do not use the Break Wall command for placing a window or door.
2 Inch Wall
Sets the wall thickness to two inches for creating new walls. Specifies a wall thickness of two inches for the creation of new walls.
NOTE: Walls of varying thicknesses can be joined together. Selecting this menu command does not automatically switch you to build walls mode.
4 Inch Wall
Sets the wall thickness to four inches for creating new walls. Specifies a wall thickness of four inches for the creation of new walls. Four inch walls are a standard wall thickness.
NOTE: Walls of varying thicknesses can be joined together. Selecting this menu command does not automatically switch you to build walls mode.
6 Inch Wall
Sets the wall thickness to six inches for creating new walls.
Specifies a wall thickness of six inches for the creation of new walls.
NOTE: Walls of varying thicknesses can be joined together. Selecting this menu command does not automatically switch you to build walls mode.
8 Inch Wall
Sets the wall thickness to eight inches for creating new walls.
Specifies a wall thickness of eight inches for the creation of new walls.
NOTE: Walls of varying thicknesses can be joined together. Selecting this menu command does not automatically switch you to build walls mode.
12 Inch Wall
Sets the wall thickness to twelve inches for creating new walls.
Specifies a wall thickness of twelve inches for the creation of new walls.
NOTE: Walls of varying thicknesses can be joined together. Selecting this menu command does not automatically switch you to build walls mode.
Foundation Piers
Round Pier
Places a round foundation pier.
Creates a round pier for use in foundation plans. Round piers represent holes that are dug into the ground and filled with concrete and attached to the foundation.
NOTE: Foundations cannot be viewed in 3D.
Square Pad
Place a square foundation pad.
Creates a square pad for use in foundation plans. Square pads represent a basic footing foundation. Wide trenches are dug into the ground where the concrete is poured.
NOTE: Foundations cannot be viewed in 3D.
Standard Doorway
Places a standard door(way).
Creates a standard doorway or a standard hinged door in a wall.
NOTE: If you do not specify a door opening direction, you will create a standard doorway. If you specify a door opening direction , you will create a hinged door and the door will be displayed in 3D views.
Sliding Doors
Places a sliding door.
Creates a sliding door in an existing wall.
Pocket Doors
Places a pocket door. Pocket doors have doors that slide into a wall.
Creates a pocket door in an existing wall.
Bifold Doors
Places a bifold door. Bifold doors have doors that fold.
Creates a bifold door in an existing wall.
NOTE: After creating bifold doors, it is helpful to click and drag in the direction you wish to have the bifold doors facing. This will specify the desired door opening direction .
Garage Doors
Places a garage door.
Creates a garage door in an existing exterior wall.
Doorway Library
Standard Window
Places a standard window.
Creates a standard window in an existing wall.
Bay Window
Places a bay window. A bay window consists of three adjoining standard windows which form a unit. Two of the smaller windows are smaller than the third, and are angled at 45 degrees to it. This forms a bay which extends outward.
Creates a bay window in an existing wall.
Box Window
Places a box window. A box window consists of three adjoining standard windows which form a unit. Two of the smaller windows are smaller than the third, and are angled at 90 degrees to it. This forms a box which extends outward.
Creates a box window in an existing wall.
Bow, 5 Section
Places a five section bow window. A five section bow window consists of five adjoining standard windows arranged in an arc.
Creates a five section bow window in an existing wall.
Bow, 7 Section
Places a seven section bow window. A seven section bow window consists of seven adjoining standard windows arranged in an arc.
Creates a seven section bow window in an existing wall.
Bow, 9 Section
Places a nine section bow window. A nine section bow window consists of nine adjoining standard windows arranged in an arc.
Creates a nine section bow window in an existing wall.
Bow, 11 Section
Places an eleven section bow window. An eleven section bow window consists of eleven adjoining standard windows arranged in an arc.
Creates an eleven section bow window in an existing wall.
Window Library
Base Cabinet
Places a standard base cabinet. Base cabinets sit on the floor and are most commonly used to create standard kitchen and bathroom cabinets.
Creates a standard base cabinet in a plan.
NOTE: Some fixtures (sinks, built-in ovens, etc.) require that a base cabinet be placed in the plan so that the fixture can be placed into the cabinet.
Full Height Cabinet
Places a full height cabinet. Full height cabinets sit on the floor and are most commonly used to place built-in appliances, create pantries, bookcases and more.
Creates a full height cabinet in a plan.
NOTE: Some fixtures (built-in freezers, etc.) require a full height cabinet be created before the fixture can be placed into the cabinet.
Wall Cabinet
Places a standard wall cabinet. Wall cabinets are most commonly used to create cabinets above standard base cabinets in a kitchen.
Creates a wall cabinet in a plan.
Places a Soffit between a wall cabinet and the ceiling. This is used to close the gap between the top of a wall cabinet and the ceiling. A soffit can also be used as a standalone feature, creating a step ceiling around a room.
Places a shelf.
Creates a shelf in a plan. In a floorplan, shelves are often used to represent the shelf and rod combination within a closet.
Fire place
Places a standard masonry fireplace.
Creates a standard masonry fireplace in a plan.
Standard masonry fireplaces can be placed in a wall or placed in the middle of a room.
Fixtures Menu Command
Places a fixture object. Common fixtures include appliances, bathroom fixtures, sinks, utilities, etc.
• Allows you to select a fixture to be placed in a plan.
• Once selected, the Fixture Library dialog will appear allowing you to select a fixture object for placement.
NOTE: Some fixtures (sinks, built-in ovens, etc.) require a cabinet be placed in the plan before the fixture can be placed into the cabinet.
Furniture Menu Command
Places a furniture object. Common furniture items include tables, seating, bookcases, beds, etc.
• Allows you to select a furniture object to be placed in a plan.
• Once selected, the Furniture Library dialog will appear allowing you to select a furniture object for placement.
Outdoor Objects
Outdoor Objects Menu Command
Open a dialog box from which you can select outdoor objects. This allows you to place fencing, rocks, trees, etc.
Stairs Menu
Stairs Menu Command
Places a staircase or landing. Staircases can be joined by landings to create a multiple-section staircase.
• Creates a staircase or landing in a plan.
NOTE: Two staircase sections are required to create a landing.
110v Outlets
Places a standard 110 volt outlet symbol.
• Allows you to place 110 volt outlet symbols.
NOTE: Outlets cannot be placed or viewed in 3D.
220 Outlets
Places a standard 220 volt outlet symbol. This outlet option can only be reached through the Build menu, not as a button on the toolbar.
• Allows you to place 220 volt outlet symbols in a wall or floor, depending on which symbol you select.
NOTE: Outlets cannot be placed or viewed in 3D.
Places a standard light symbol.
• Allows you to place a light symbol in a wall or ceiling.
NOTE: Lights symbols cannot be placed or viewed in 3D.
Places a standard wall switch.
• Allows placement of a wall switch symbol on an existing wall.
NOTE: Wall switches cannot be placed or viewed in 3D.
Symbol Library
Provides a gallery of electrical symbols representing lights, outlets, switches, smoke alarms, fans, etc.
• Allows placement of an electrical symbol.
• Once selected, the Symbol Library dialog will appear allowing you to select an electrical symbol for placement.
NOTE: Electrical symbols cannot be placed or viewed in 3D.
Draws a connection between two electrical symbols to display wiring.
• Creates a connection between two existing electrical symbols.
NOTE: Electrical symbols and their connections cannot be created or viewed in 3D.
Place Outlets
Places 110 volt outlets for an entire room.
• Automatically places 110 volt outlet symbols in a room according to standard guidelines.
NOTE: Place outlets is only available in plan view.
Roof Section At…
Roof Section at Wall Dialog
This dialog is used to help you to set the basic roof section parameters over walls on a wall by wall basis to assist the Automatic Roof Designer.
The upper section of the Roof Section at Wall dialog allows you to declare the type of roof section that the wall will support. The lower section allows you to determine the roof section’s pitch as well as where a second pitch begins (for a gambrel roof, for example):
Full Gable wall checkbox
Check this for a gable above the wall. The wall section will be extruded up into the gable. If left unchecked, a hip is placed above the wall. This should be used where you wish a full gable to be placed. If you wish a half gable, for example at the side of a sloping roof section whose top hits a higher wall, use the High Shed/Gable wall checkbox below.
If two full gable walls meet at a corner, a valley is produced. This is necessary in order to obtain full gables on either side.
High Shed/Gable wall checkbox
Check this if a sloping roof section is not to rise from this wall. For example, for a shed roof, the wall under the high side of the roof as well as the half gable walls to either side of it would have this box checked. When you need a gable, and are in doubt as to which type (full or this normal type) to use, you will usually want to use this type.
Knee Wall checkbox
A Knee wall is a wall shortened by being cut off by the underside of the roof. Normally the automatic roof designer produces roof sections sufficiently high that all walls underneath can end at the rooms ceiling height, or higher if Ceiling over is not checked in the Room Specification dialog. Checking Knee Wall tells the roof designer that it need not allow for the height of the knee wall, but can determine the roof structure from the other walls, then cut off the knee wall as needed to fit under the roof.
Knee walls will usually be on the top floor for one and one half story houses. They can, and often are, exterior walls, but they must be inset from walls below, since the outer wall below will determine the sloping roof section that rises to cover the knee wall.
Extend slope downward checkbox
This checkbox allows the automatic roof designer to ignore the height of this wall in determining the roof section over it. The roof section is instead determined by other walls and just extends down over this wall.
This is like the knee wall except that the roof section that covers a knee wall is usually determined by a parallel wall from the story below that is further out from the center of the building, whereas the roof section covering an extend downward wall is usually determined by a parallel wall on the same floor that is nearer to the center of the building.
The two connecting walls to the extend slope downwards wall must be gables. This function is ideal if you wish to bring a roof section out over a small jog or alcove in an outer wall so that the roof line remains the same down the run of a wall.
The default value for pitch is set in the Build Roof dialog. Pitch is entered in the standard X in 12 measure. You may enter a fractional pitch in the form of 3 1/2. You may not enter 3.5. The smallest pitch that may be entered is 1/2 in 12, and the largest 48 in 12. If there are two pitches in the roof section above this wall, such as in a gambrel roof, this type-in box controls the first, or lower pitch.
2nd Pitch
Check this box if you wish a second pitch on the roof section above this wall. The second pitch is the upper pitch on the roof section, as in the higher portion of a gambrel roof.
The Starts at box indicates the height at which the 2nd Pitch begins.
Build Roof
Build Roof Dialog
Use this dialog to Build Roof. You can also set various default values that control how the roofs are built.
You can set the default Roof Overhang for Normal (horizontal) eaves and for Gable (sloping) roof section edges. Values are in inches. The default is 18 inches for each.
Leave the Trusses (no birds mouth) box unchecked if you want rafters to have a birds mouth cut as they fall over the wall top plate. Check this box to have the rafters sit up on the top plate.
The Pitch box should be set to the pitch used form most sections of your roof. The pitch set here can be overridden for individual roof sections at each walls Roof Section at Wall dialog . Enter the pitch as the number of inches (sixteenths OK) of rise for 12 inches of run. The default value is 6 for a 6 in 12 pitch.
Set the width of the floor joists in the Floor Thickness edit box. The default value is 11 inches. This width includes the subfloor thickness.
Set the width of the ceiling joists in the Ceiling Thickness edit box. The default value is 5 1/2 inches.
Set the width of the rafters, including roof sheathing, with the Rafter Thickness edit box. The Default value is 5 1/2 inches.
The Fascia Width box sets the width of the fascia boards for all of the roof. The default is 7 1/2 inches.
The Min. Alcove box controls the minimum width over which the Automatic Roof Designer will build a roof over a small alcove. The roof edge will follow around alcoves measuring wider than this.
The Color and Material button assigns a color and/or material to the roof (see Assign Colors).
Delete Roofs
The Delete Roof Tool will automatically delete the roof on your current plan, but will not remove any of the Roof Section at… information previously entered into the corresponding dialog. This tool is useful if you have built a roof and then decide to do major changes to your plan. By deleting the roof, you have clearer access to your plan for editing. Remember, you must always rebuild the roof after editing the structure of your plan.
Places text in a plan.
• Creates text anywhere in a plan.
• Clicking in the location to place the text will bring up the Edit Text dialog allowing you to enter your text.
NOTE: Text can only be created and viewed in a plan view.
Dimension Line
Measures the distance between two points in the plan, or places a dimension line between two walls.
• Use this menu command to measure a distance or create a dimension line between two parallel walls.
NOTE: Manual Dimension Lines can only be created and viewed and removed in a plan.
Exterior Dimension
Displays exterior dimension lines for an entire plan.
• Creates or updates exterior dimension lines for an entire plan.
NOTE: Exterior dimension lines can only be viewed in a plan.
Ground Covering
Creates a ground covering (see Creating a Ground Covering).
Build/Move Lot
Builds or moves a lot (see Adding a Lot ).
Show items…
Specifies object types to be hidden or displayed.
• Selecting this command will bring up the Show Items dialog .
NOTE: Selecting Show Items while in plan view only effects the visibility status of object types for the plan view. 3D views will still display the objects. Selecting Show Items while in a camera view, elevation, or overview only effects the visibility status of object types for the respective view.
Plan View Color
Select this menu command to color specific object types.
• Use this menu command to select or change the color of object types for plans. Colors specified in the Set Plan Colors dialog only modify the color of objects in plans.
• Selecting this command will bring up the Set Plan Colors dialog .
Plan Check
Checks existing plan designs against standard building code guidelines.
Use this menu command to check your plan against standard building code procedures.
Selecting this command will bring up the PlanCheck dialog .
build All Floors
Select this menu command to create a list of materials needed to create an entire plan.
Use this menu command to make a materials list for an entire plan.
Selecting this menu command will display the materials list window.
Build from Area
Select this menu command to create a list of materials for a specified region of a plan.
Use this menu command to specify an area from which to create a list of materials.
After selecting this menu command, click the left mouse button and drag to define the area. When you release the mouse button, the materials list for the specified region will appear.
Build from Room
Select this menu command to create a list of materials for a specific room.
Use this menu command for creating a list of materials for a previously specified room. Select a room with the Selection Mode Button before selecting the Build from Room command.
Selecting this menu command will display the materials list window for the specified room.
Dimension Setup
Select this menu command to specify dimension preferences for the active plan.
Designates specific measurement parameters to be used for manual and exterior dimension lines for working with the current plan.
Selecting this command will bring up the Dimensions Setup dialog .
NOTE: Specifications made in the Dimensions Setup dialog only effect the current floorplan project.
Export to TXT File
Exports your Materials list to a text file. This menu command is only available if your Materials list is active.
Reverse Plan
Select this menu command to reverse an entire plan.
Designates that what is currently on the left side of the plan to appear on the right side. This command creates a mirror image.
NOTE: Select Reverse Plan to undo.
Plan Camera
Places a 3D viewing camera and generates a 3D view.
Creates a 3D view from any point in a plan.
Placing a camera. Dragging toward what you want to see will create a camera view window.
NOTE: A limit of four cameras can be placed per plan.
Plan Overview
Creates a 3D overview of the current floor plan. Overviews allow you to see the entire plan at different angles.
Displays an overall view of the current floor plan in 3D.
Creating an overview will create an overview window.
Full Camera
The Full Camera command gives another three-dimensional camera view of your plan, showing you how it will look when finished, complete with ceilings, fixtures, and furniture. Besides providing a more realistic view of your home, Full Camera view also shows a perspective view of an entire multistory model.
Full Overview
Creates a 3D overview of all floors of your plan. This is a non-perspective 3D view which you can rotate to view from any angle.
Creating an overview will create a new window.
View Angle
Adjusts the viewing angle of an existing overview.
Allows you to modify the perspective of an existing overview.
Once selected, the View Angle dialog will appear allowing you to adjust the perspective.
Wall Elevation
Creates an elevation view of a wall.This is meant for interior walls, but can display the exterior of a single floor of the house with some restrictions. It will not show a roof.
To get an elevation, click in front of the wall you wish to view and drag a short line toward it.
Note: Parts of items that are close to a wall, such as cabinet, will always show in an elevation view. The amount of the item which is shown depends on how close you start to the wall.
Displays a wall and all objects attached to the wall in an elevation view.
Cross Section
Creates a cross section or exterior elevation of all floors of your plan.
To get an exterior elevation, click outside of the plan, and drag a line directly toward it. The line determines the view direction. To get a cross section, click in the plan where you wish the cutting plane to be. Drag a line in the direction of view. All items in front of the cutting plane are displayed.
Applied Material View
The Applied Materials View command allows you to view your home in three dimensions with applied materials, shading, backdrops, and images. This will help you obtain a visual sense of what your home will be like. See also Setup Applied Materials View .
Setup Applied Material View
Click the Setup Applied Materials View command to choose the settings for the view that appears when you click Applied Materials View . These settings include color, model, type of shading, images shown, back drop image or color, and lighting.
Adjust Color
Default Color
Set the default colors for elements of your plan (e.g. walls, floors, ceilings, etc.).
Remove 3D
Select this menu command to remove cameras.
Use this menu command to remove all cameras from the plan and close all camera views..
Show Walkthrough
The Show Walkthrough command allows you to show a 3D walkthrough of a plan. A walkthrough is a 3D representation of what your finished house would look like if you walked around or through it. Click this command, then open a walkthrough file (for example, MYPLACE.WLK). The application plays the walkthrough. See also
Recording a Walkthrough.
The Record Walkthrough command allows you to record 3D walkthroughs of your plan. You record your walkthrough much as you would film your house, moving from area to area to show different perspectives. You save the walkthroughs as files that you can show later. See also Recording a Walkthrough.
Stop Recording
This button stops the recording of 3D walkthroughs of your plan (see Recording a Walkthrough).
Magnifies the view of the currently active window.
Use this menu command to see your floorplan in greater detail by zooming in.
Selecting this menu command will change the cursor to a zoom icon. Specify the area to magnify by clicking and dragging the mouse.
NOTE: To return to the previous view, select the Undo Zoom menu command or click on the Undo Zoom Tool .
Undo Zoom
Undoes a previously performed zoom.
Use this menu command to return to the previous magnification after performing a zoom.
NOTE: Undo Zoom does not work for Move Out (x2) or Fill Window.
Move Out (x2)
Makes the view smaller by zooming out.
Use this menu command to reduce magnification. Objects at the current magnification will appear at half their current size.
Fill Window
Fills the currently active floorplan window with a complete view of the floorplan.
Use this menu command to see your entire floorplan at the maximum size of the currently active window’s display size.
Selecting this menu command will fit the floorplan to the window.
Color Off/ Color On
Turns the color viewing option on or off for a plan or 3D view.
Use this menu command to remove color from a plan or 3D view.
NOTE: Selecting the Color Off menu command will rename the menu command to Color On and vice versa.
Hide /Show Toolbar
Use this menu command to add or remove the toolbar from view. Allows you to work on certain parts of the plan without having to view the toolbar.
NOTE: Selecting the Hide Toolbar menu command will rename the menu command to Show Toolbar and vice versa.
Reference Toggle
Superimposes the designated Reference Plan onto the Working Plan .
Use this menu command to show the Reference Plan on top of the current Working Plan. A plan can be designated as a Reference Plan in the Show Floors dialog .
NOTE: Select this command again to hide the reference plan.
Swap Work-Ref
Switches the Reference Plan to be the Working Plan and the Working Plan to be the Reference Plan.
Use this menu command to make the currently designated Reference Plan the current Working Plan. A plan can be designated as a Reference Plan or Working Plan in the Show Floors dialog .
NOTE: Select this command again to undo.
Show Floors
Specifies the currently active floor, the reference floor, the floors residing in memory, and allows the building of new floors.
Use this menu command to build a new floor or foundation.
Use this menu command to designate a floor as a Working Plan or a Reference Plan .
Selecting this menu command will display the Show Floors dialog .
Tiles all open windows by placing them side by side.
Use this menu command to arrange windows so that they utilize the full size of the application window without overlapping one another.
Use this menu command to arrange plan and 3D windows so that both can be viewed simultaneously.
Places all open windows one on top of the other.
Use this menu command to arrange all windows to be the same size and to overlap one another.
Arrange Icons
Places the icons of minimized windows into rows at the bottom of the program screen.
Use this menu command to clean up an assortment of icons.
Icons represent any window type which has been minimized.
(Select Windows)
Click the name of the window you want to view (e.g. MyPlan.pl1).
Starts an Internet World Wide Web Browser and takes you directly to the 3D Home Architect Web page. This command will only work if you have a Web Browser installed and have Internet access from your computer. The first time this command is run it will ask you to configure your Web Browser for use with 3D Home Architect Deluxe. Follow the on-screen instructions to configure your Web Browser to work within 3D Home Architect Deluxe. If you do not have a Web Browser installed, this menu command will still appear, but it will not function properly because you will not be able to configure it correctly. If you add Internet access and a Web Browser to your system in the future, you will be able to use this link.
If you are not using a Netscape or Microsoft Explorer Web Browser, you may experience problems linking directly to the 3D Home Architect Web page. If you experience difficulties, try the following:
After launching your Web Browser from within 3D Home Architect Deluxe, use the following URL to link to the 3D Home Architect Web page:
Go Online
To access the Internet from within 3D Home Architect Deluxe, you must have a Web browser (such as NetscapeÒ CommunicatorÒ or MicrosoftÒ Internet ExplorerÒ) installed and have Internet access from your computer.
To go to the web site for the first time:
1. On the Internet menu, click Go Online.
2. Follow the instructions to find and select your browser.
3. When you reach the Web Browser dialog box, click Access the Web.
To go to the web site after the first “setup” time:
1. On the Internet menu, click Go Online.
2. Click Access the Web.
If you cannot find your Web browser, in Windows Explorer, click the Tools menu. Click Find. Click Files or Folders. Search your hard drive for NETSCAPE.EXE or IEXPLORE.EXE.
If you are using a browser other than Internet Explorer or Netscape you may experience problems connecting to the 3D Home Architect Deluxe page. If this happens, open your browser outside of 3D Home Architect Deluxe, and then in your browser, type in the address of the web site:
Upload File
Have you created a plan you are proud of? You can share your plans with other 3D Home Architect Deluxe users by uploading your plan to the 3D Home Architect Deluxe Web site. To upload your plans:
1. On the Internet menu, click Upload File.
2. Navigate to the folder than contains the file you want to upload.
3. Click the file name, and then click OK.
4. Go to the Total Home Network web site .
5. Follow the instructions on the web page to upload your plan.
6. After the plan has uploaded, click OK in the confirmation dialog box.
Download File
The 3D Home Architect Deluxe Web site offers many plans that you can use as you begin to design your home. With 3D Home Architect Deluxe, you can download these plans from the Web site.
1. On the Internet menu, click Download File.
2. In the Web Browser dialog box, click Access the Web. (This dialog box will appear if you have not already configured your browser. To learn about doing so, click here .
3. Follow the instructions on the web page to download a plan.
Once you have downloaded a plan, you can open the plan from the Downloaded Plans directory.
Displays an index of help topics. To view the help index, click here.
Use this menu command to view the help topic index of 3D Home Architect Deluxe.
Displays help for getting started using 3D Home Architect Deluxe.
Use this menu command to view help regarding basic usage of 3D Home Architect Deluxe.
Current Mode
Displays help for the current mode.
Use this menu command to view help regarding the currently active mode button on the menu bar.
Using Help
Displays help on using help.
Use this menu command to view help regarding usage of the help system.
Displays information about 3D Home Architect Deluxe.
Sumber:masbadar files